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Registering a vehicle with an engine swap

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Postby marshie » Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:53 pm

Thanks Ozzie mate

its a 2002 Ford F150 lightning Pick up (5400 cc) + supercharged
ive owned it for 2 years and its worth 16000 uk £

so if i can afford all the will be the fastest pickup in cyprus :D
but if i cant :cry: will have to sell and buy a harley to ride about on 8)

thanks ozzie i owe you a keo
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Postby marshie » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:01 am

ozzie wrote:

just found this dude hope it helps

Anyone got the phone number for Harley Davidson in Cyprus :lol:
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Re: Registering a vehicle with an engine swap

Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:28 am

Spetz wrote:Just wondering what the law is on registering a car with a larger and more powerfull that standard engine is fitted to it?

The car has upgraded brakes and suspension as well and has an engineers certificate but not from cyprus (car isn't in cyprus either)

In nutshell Spetz.............mums the word as long as nothing looks untoward with vehicle ie looks suspisious,stands out like a sore thumb that there have been serious mods done,as the law changes weekly here,and duties have altered again,especialy for the over 3000cc plus big engined powerful cars in the 5/10 years plus band the duty has just trebled as the government does not want these vehicles on Cyprus roads,but the good news is 3000cc and less will drop slightly again, very soon now all serious mods that have been added to enhance a cars performance will fail an mot as that is also comming into affect very soon as are window tints as we already know and have a previous posting up for this subject.
P.S..... The only problem as usual with the new regulations is that it is at the discretion of each individual MOT testing station whether they pass you or not.
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Postby Spetz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:31 pm

Wow it's good to see there are people into cars here!
We should organise a meet/cruise ;)

The car is in AUstralia yes
and it's a 2 door Mitsubishi Lancer 2001
Has a MIVEC FTO 2 Litre in it, running Mirage RS gearset and FD, and motor has ported heads, raised compression, extractors, ECU, Evo brakes etc

I know it's not the best of cars but the engine is still in pieces in Oz, and the suspension is all new Tein and just a lot of money went on a lot of things for that car

Ozzie, is yours the TT supra?
Tuning parts would be great but hard to find for this engine
I plan/hope to use the 2.5L bottom end from a Galant and mate it with the MIVEC heads with cams, 6 pack throttle body setup and forged bottom end
Like he Honda K24/20 frankenstein
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Postby ozzie » Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:45 pm

no its not the TT i owned the TT in england but sold it to move to cyprus cause i didnt wanna pay for registration fees. were in aus u from im from brisbane we will have to have a drink im in nicosia tomoz my number is 96356689...

any way there is no problem getting mivec misti parts can also help u out with ECU tunning (greddy e-manage)

this is my supra, goin thru a different phase thanx muchly to the drunk cyclist with no lights at night, bloody idiots.


wat it looked liek before


front bumper got cracked to fook from cyclist and note the head shapped dent lol
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Postby Spetz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:56 pm

Very nice Ozzie! Too bad it's no TT :(
I have a friend in Oz with a white TT, factory recaro's, 6 spd etc, very nice car

I live in Canberra but I am Cypriot/Russian not Aussie

E-manage blue is what the car has at the moment but untuned.
I was worried what fuel is used here as the CR is 11.2:1
And this is the V6 2L MIVEC not th 1.6 that come standard in Lancer/Mirage

I would love to catch up for a drink but I won be able to tomorrow :(
Where do you live?
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Postby ozzie » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:03 pm

im in limmasol dude, i can sort u out some tunning for your e-manage, i will be speaking with some people on monday afternoon and find out if u can register ur car, im sure there will be away around the law but as far as im away the engine cant be 20% more than stanard one. wich is shit seen as jap spec NA supras have the same brakes and suspension as jap spec TT's

there is no problem tuning the standard engine to 50% ++ more powerfull than standard just the law is engine trasplant cant be 20 percent more in standard form than the standard engine but in cyprus there is a way around all laws.. after all this is cyprus my friend :D

dont worry there will be a t68 turbo kit goin on if i can sort it out hehehe
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Postby Spetz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:09 pm

Cyprus eh...
I have a friend with a VL commodore running a built RB25 wih a T70 sicking out the bonnet... sounds like a jet when it finally spools!

Well, he MIVEC I have standard is 150kw
The car came with 86kw 1.8 however here in Cyprus the same lancers come with 131kw MIVEC's so maybe it'll be seen as within 20% power increase?
Realistically I am expecting/hoping 190+kw at the flywheel from it

How come you didn't buy a TT to begin with? As the motor would have different internals etc
Is it 5 or 6 spd?
Can I ask how old you are Ozzie?

Limassol... is still close by ;)
This isn't Australia where you drive 1000's of kms!
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Postby ozzie » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:17 pm

im 25 mate, NA engine has same bottom end as TT got diff pistons tho. i no lol ive pulled enough of em apart, im entitled to tax free vehicles my supra was tax free for 5 grand was 19G tax paid the only TT supra in cyprus i could find for sale was 30grand, bloody cypriot govt being f'ing greedy... should have brought my turbo soop with me i didnt think they would be so expensive in cyprus :(

NA supra 5 spd 93 model custom front bumper VS side skirts induction kit and decat at the moment.
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Postby Spetz » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:36 pm

Nice, I'm 24 and love cars with a passion
The different pistons though is quite an issue, no only strength wise but the compresion ratio would be high for too much boost
Is is the VVTi motor?
You could build a 1.5JZ by using the soarer 2.5 VVTi heads on the 3 bottom end

Cyprus government is greedy as all hell, that's true
And with all the money they get people to pay, they don't even have decent roads to enjoy the cars on
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