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Postby EVIMEROS IDC » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:36 pm

andreaz wrote:Crime in the Uk has reached epidemic proportions. I know as I work on a daily basis within the Criminal Justice System (not as a criminal). Most of the crime is drug related and occurs so that addicts can fuel their addictions primarily to heroine. Offences of violence are up particularly amongst young offenders from 13 to 22. I'm moving to cyprus to give my children a better life and to take them away from influences were drug culture is the norm. The grass is not greener in cyprus but there is certainy no comparison when it comes to crime statistics. The documentary you speak of was totally bias as it pulled at the nostalgic heartstrings of the family involved and did not give a balanced judgement based on the pros and cons of each location. I too look forward to the follow up.

Hi I am new to Cyprus Forum and found your comments interesting and factual. I am the head of an organisation called Evimeros Intensive Day Centre which is an organisation that focusses upon non violent drug offenders in Cyprus, we are based in Limassol. Cyprus problems in drug use and abuse is escalating and effects all age groups and most drug types are used. Most people that are arrested for drug crime end up on a long waiting list to appear in court and approximately 26% of prisoners in Nicosia Prison are sentenced over drug crimes and that does not include the percentages of inmates who are using drugs within the prison system. the majority of such prisoners receive a drug education from their prison experience from other inmates and when they are finally released from prison, most will re-offend, more worrying they become more aware of being apprehended thus more organised in their drug use or dealing and drug use. It becomes a vicious circle which the system finds difficulty in monitoring, policing and controlling. I have been a firm believer that rehabilitation is better than incarceration and this has been proven to be the case world wide. The biggest dangers we face in our society is our attitudes towards drug use, it is accepted as the social norm and it is this acceptance that makes it dangerous, society has stopped complaining about drug use on our streets and the only time anyone seems to voice an opinion or complaint is when it is on their doorstep by which it is to late and harder to deal with. We run a day centre where we give drug users a second chance so as to avoid court action against them and imprisonment which works very well, the majority do not re-offend and go on to live better and life styles that are assets to their community. We cannot stop people from taking drugs this has been going on for thousands of years but we can educate and rehabilitae those that do towards a healthier and better life.
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