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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:17 pm

Eliko wrote:Qamersland, I do not think you have anything to apologise for, you have not published one offensive word throughout your posts ( you are to be commended for that).

There must be something in what you preach since you display such forbearance in the face of ignorance.

Good luck to you and God Bless you and your ilk. :)

Thank you Eliko, i applogized coz may be what i said truth that i know may hurt the feeling of folowers of any other faith. so i appoligized.

I am not just preacheing a religion but the way of life that will lead us to success. the way of all Prophets from Adam till Muhammad(Peace be upon them)

the diffrence between islam and other religion is that Islam is not just a religion but a complete way of life.

I pray God to guide us all on the right path because surely there is only one path that goes to our destination.
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Postby rawk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:54 am


You have found your path and your complete way of life.

Its all over now, nothing more, no new discoveries, all is explained, your whole life mapped out.
Man, his God, Allah! Everything!

Now what? Is this the end? If so, what is the point other than the glorification of God?

OK, how much glorification is necessary?

Is there an end to all this?

When can it end? Does Allah really want endless prayer and glorification?

What is the point of it all

You said in one of your postings that Islam is one of the fasting growing relegions...

Here are some more fast growing phenomens


Global Warming



Water Shortage

Muslim Fanatism

Population displacement

Cyberspace reality involvement

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Sort out the disorder in you own house first

Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:37 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:[I pray God to guide us all on the right path because surely there is only one path that goes to our destination.

I said before; first put your own house in order before preaching to others.
Today Muslims slaughtered men women and children in a village in Iraq, Muslim bombed innocent people in Pakistan, six Muslims were found guilty of inciting acts of violence etc all because of a stupid cartoon.
It seems that you should be preaching to your Muslim bretheren they need you more than we do, we are perfectly happy; obviously your Muslim bretheren are not
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Postby rawk » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:15 pm

There is something very sad about those who preach religion (any religion), hawking their wares from door to door or on a forum BB, like a salesman on commission.

The same patter, the same message, the same worn goods, the same sad individuals who couldn't make it any other way.

Trotting out the worn platitudes of the effectiveness of their product.

The lonely nights, the same days, the doubt.....

And for what? Allah? What is this Allah?

How can a supreme being wish for so much adoration from humans? Surely a supreme being would be beyond the adoration of mere mortals?

What possible purpose would a supreme being have of prayers and adoration from a species whose existence would be that of a May Fly (24 hours) in the scheme of their existence (eternity).

What purpose would be mankind's creation if not for some passing amusement?

Or does the illogic of it all cry, "No God, No Allah, No fairies, No ghosties, No Father Christmas, just lucky, lucky mankind in an evolutionary break which may soon be coming to an end".

There is something very sad here. Its the failure of imagination to conquer the suspension of disbelief.

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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:07 am

rawk wrote:How can a supreme being wish for so much adoration from humans? Surely a supreme being would be beyond the adoration of mere mortals?

“For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:5)

Or does the illogic of it all cry, "No God, No Allah, No fairies, No ghosties, No Father Christmas, just lucky, lucky mankind in an evolutionary break which may soon be coming to an end".

There is something very sad here. Its the failure of imagination to conquer the suspension of disbelief.

This page attempts to answer your question...
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:24 am

Get Real! wrote:“For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:5)

Was it all taken down in shorthand or did they have a dictaphone, did they use one for all the pages of begatting that took place?
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Postby Filitsa » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:43 am

“For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:5)

Why is this theme not repeated in the New Testament?
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:44 am

Filitsa wrote:“For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:5)

Why is this theme not repeated in the New Testament?

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