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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:[.

Hey Barnacle brains, what Qamersland posts DOES NOT CONTRAVENE FORUM RULES so cut the crap or you'll be doing nothing else all day but get hounded by me. Cappiche?
If you don’t like his posts then don’t bloody read them and while you'll now have more time on your hands why don't you tell everyone what role the members of a military band take up during war time... come on private tell them all about that special training you've been given! :lol:[/quote]

So typical of you, I was refering to your stupid poll; I did not quote or mentiom Quamersland , this was followed by yet another classic example of your missquoting, when did I say that I had special training ? I said that for four years before I became an army musician I was a fully trained infantry man, where did I say special training? the answer nowhere! you are just pathetic mischief maker, the school playground snot. It's about time that the moderator took you to one side about your baltant lies and constant fabrications.
You are a lying pathetic mischief maker.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:01 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Hey Barnacle brains, what Qamersland posts DOES NOT CONTRAVENE FORUM RULES so cut the crap or you'll be doing nothing else all day but get hounded by me. Cappiche?
If you don’t like his posts then don’t bloody read them and while you'll now have more time on your hands why don't you tell everyone what role the members of a military band take up during war time... come on private tell them all about that special training you've been given! :lol:

So typical of you, I was refering to your stupid poll; I did not quote or mentiom Quamersland , this was followed by yet another classic example of your missquoting, when did I say that I had special training ? I said that for four years before I became an army musician I was a fully trained infantry man, where did I say special training? the answer nowhere! you are just pathetic mischief maker, the school playground snot. It's about time that the moderator took you to one side about your baltant lies and constant fabrications.
You are a lying pathetic mischief maker.

How many eggs can your face take private? Seriously, haven't you had enough yet? :lol:

For your information I was a fully trained infantryman four years before I became a full time musician, I trained in many aspects of infantry warfare, too many to list here. I came just three points from qualifying as a marksman the very first time that I had a rifle put in my hands and at 19 I was the youngest member of my Battalion to ever take part in the international shooting championships at Bisley in the UK.
We certainly didn't jump out in the street, empty a full magazine from an AK47 at all and sundry.

So, are you going to tell them what you'll be doing at war time or should I?
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:07 pm

Get Real! wrote:How many eggs can your face take private? Seriously, haven't you had enough yet? :lol:

For your information I was a fully trained infantryman four years before I became a full time musician, I trained in many aspects of infantry warfare, too many to list here. I came just three points from qualifying as a marksman the very first time that I had a rifle put in my hands and at 19 I was the youngest member of my Battalion to ever take part in the international shooting championships at Bisley in the UK.
We certainly didn't jump out in the street, empty a full magazine from an AK47 at all and sundry.

So, are you going to tell them what you'll be doing at war time or should I?

As ever more lies, where does it say anything about the special training? You can't answer, but I can, the answer is nowhere, you are a liar!

Get back on subject about what a blatant liar you are for acusing me of racism.

You can always tell a liar, they change their stories just like you try to change the point in question.

So come on stick to the point where did I say I received special traning, and where did I say one race was better than another?
Come on Nomad brain tell us.

PS. Go on tell them what I'll be doing at wartime
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:41 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:How many eggs can your face take private? Seriously, haven't you had enough yet? :lol:

For your information I was a fully trained infantryman four years before I became a full time musician, I trained in many aspects of infantry warfare, too many to list here. I came just three points from qualifying as a marksman the very first time that I had a rifle put in my hands and at 19 I was the youngest member of my Battalion to ever take part in the international shooting championships at Bisley in the UK.
We certainly didn't jump out in the street, empty a full magazine from an AK47 at all and sundry.

So, are you going to tell them what you'll be doing at war time or should I?

As ever more lies, where does it say anything about the special training? You can't answer, but I can, the answer is nowhere, you are a liar!

Get back on subject about what a blatant liar you are for acusing me of racism.

You can always tell a liar, they change their stories just like you try to change the point in question.

So come on stick to the point where did I say I received special traning, and where did I say one race was better than another?
Come on Nomad brain tell us.

PS. Go on tell them what I'll be doing at wartime

The special training is for what you’ll most likely be doing at war time and it involves a pick and a shovel!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Btw, "nomad brain" eh? Do I suspect yet another racist remark? Were you thinking of Arab/Muslim nomads like the Mamelukes to come up with that one?

Remember when I said that racism is oooooozing from you? You could've said "pickle brain" or "pea-brain" or something like that but why "nomad"??? Se how easily you get caught out?
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Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:02 am

Get Real! wrote:
As ever more lies, where does it say anything about the special training? You can't answer, but I can, the answer is nowhere, you are a liar!

Get back on subject about what a blatant liar you are for acusing me of racism.

You can always tell a liar, they change their stories just like you try to change the point in question.

So come on stick to the point where did I say I received special traning, and where did I say one race was better than another?
Come on Nomad brain tell us.
PS. Go on tell them what I'll be doing at wartime

[/quote]The special training is for what you’ll most likely be doing at war time and it involves a pick and a shovel! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw, "nomad brain" eh? Do I suspect yet another racist remark? Were you thinking of Arab/Muslim nomads like the Mamelukes to come up with that one?
Remember when I said that racism is oooooozing from you? You could've said "pickle brain" or "pea-brain" or something like that but why "nomad"??? Se how easily you get caught out? [/quote]

And yet still no answer, so I'll repeat; "So come on stick to the point where did I say I received special traning, and where did I say one race was better than another?
Come on Nomad brain tell us."
The nomad reference was about your brain wanderings, so come on tell us about my racist remarks and the special taining that you said I claimed to have received.
You'r such a liar, truth is incompatible with your limited mentality.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:57 am

Southerner wrote:And yet still no answer, so I'll repeat; "So come on stick to the point where did I say I received special traning,

and where did I say one race was better than another?
Come on Nomad brain tell us."

The nomad reference was about your brain wanderings, so come on tell us about my racist remarks and the special taining that you said I claimed to have received.
You'r such a liar, truth is incompatible with your limited mentality.

Look, I don't pay CY₤35 p/month for DSL access for you to be repetitive and boring. I expect you to entertain me with fresh witty answers if I'm to get my bloody money's worth!

So what's it gonna be? Are you gonna start getting interesting or do I have to toss you now that I've used you?
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Postby Svetlana » Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:52 am

Back on topic please, or further postsings are doomed!

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Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:34 am

Svetlana wrote:Back on topic please, or further postsings are doomed!


Lana this person has made public allegations on this thread about me, he started a poll which (was quickly stopped) based on lies, his allegations are based on lies.
All that I have asked is that he retracts those lies.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:10 pm

Southerner wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Back on topic please, or further postsings are doomed!


Lana this person has made public allegations on this thread about me, he started a poll which (was quickly stopped) based on lies, his allegations are based on lies.
All that I have asked is that he retracts those lies.

Shut up and take it like a man private! 8)
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Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Svetlana wrote:Back on topic please, or further postsings are doomed!


Lana this person has made public allegations on this thread about me, he started a poll which (was quickly stopped) based on lies, his allegations are based on lies.
All that I have asked is that he retracts those lies.

Shut up and take it like a man private! 8)

Take what like a man; your lies?

You act like moron then question others conduct.

You are a proven liar and mischief maker and still you have the audacity to be critical of others.

Comical Ali really does suit you.
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