Get Real! wrote:[.
Hey Barnacle brains, what Qamersland posts DOES NOT CONTRAVENE FORUM RULES so cut the crap or you'll be doing nothing else all day but get hounded by me. Cappiche?
If you don’t like his posts then don’t bloody read them and while you'll now have more time on your hands why don't you tell everyone what role the members of a military band take up during war time... come on private tell them all about that special training you've been given!

So typical of you, I was refering to your stupid poll; I did not quote or mentiom Quamersland , this was followed by yet another classic example of your missquoting, when did I say that I had special training ? I said that for four years before I became an army musician I was a fully trained infantry man, where did I say special training? the answer nowhere! you are just pathetic mischief maker, the school playground snot. It's about time that the moderator took you to one side about your baltant lies and constant fabrications.
You are a lying pathetic mischief maker.