Get Real! wrote:Southerner wrote:michellelee wrote:let 's see you laugh at shit like this when it happens to one of your own family arsehole
The coalition are the worst in the world at aiming missiles/bombs etc, they always seem to hit civilians and to make it enven worserer (

they pick on women and children civilians at that, in the first gulf war how can we ever forget the bombing of a "baby milk factory"
But of course we'll never forget because good old
Get Real, the rebel without a clue will always be there to remind us, until , as you quite rightly say, someone close to him cops a packet from this cowardly scum who operate under the cloak of islam.
I'm glad you've reminded us WHY we should continue to wreak havoc in Arab/Muslim countries... it's because one day someone close to us MIGHT… "cop a packet from this cowardly scum who operate under the cloak of Islam"!
It now makes perfect sense to comb through each and every one of these countries and just kill them all, men, women, and children, before the cloaked Islamofascist guy comes and finds one of ours!
And the moral of this story is that preemptive strikes are our insurance policy which protects us from the hatred of these terrorists!
For every Muslim Muhammad PBUH should be the Role Model
Have a look what Non Muslims say about our Prophet Muhammad PBUH!
In defense of Prophet Muhammad
In her book, Muhammad, a Biography of the Prophet, Karen Armstrong wrote:
“But the very idea that Muhammad would have found any thing to be optimistic about in the carnage committed in his name on September 11th is an obscenity, because, as I try to show in these pages, Muhammad spent most of his life trying to stop that kind of indiscriminate slaughter. The very word islam, which denotes the existential “surrender” of the whole being to God, which Muslims are required to make, is related to salam, “peace.” And most importantly, Muhammad eventually abjured violence and pursued a daring, inspired policy on non-violence that was the culmination of his prophetic career. In imagining that the holy war was the culmination of his career, the fundamentalists (extremists) have distorted the whole meaning of his life. Far from being the father of Jihad, Muhammad was a peacemaker, who risked his life and nearly lost his closest companions, because he was so determined to effect a reconciliation with Mecca. Instead of fighting an intransigent war to the death, Muhammad was prepared to negotiate and to compromise. And this apparent humiliation and capitulation proved, in the words of the Qur’an, to be a great victory (fat-‘h)....If we could view Muhammad as we do any other important historical figure we would surely consider him to be one of the greatest geniuses the world has known."
- Karen Armstrong, Muhammad, A Biography of the Prophet. HarperSanFransisco, 1993.