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Postby Crivens » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:28 pm

Hmmm. Almost surprised that in PC-tastic-UK that the program was not banned for racism. ie. stuff Cyprus, UK is best (lifestyle, economy, culture...). Nice. Culture, thats a good one considering it's going down the drain quick time.

Heh, 3 locations from my past? Anglesey, which is massively racist to English people (I'm Welsh so pretty much ok...) and has *absolutely* nothing there. People come across as borderline retarded at times. Bracknell, which being near Ascot (trees and stuff!) and having a Burger King *and* a McDonalds (and a big (or any) cinema!) was for me as good as it got from living quite a while on Anglesey. Unfortuantly even with the 12 years I lived there it has become massively Chavtastic and nowhere near what it was like when I moved there. And Slough, where I worked for the last 6 years or so. Well, the less said about Slough the better. Suffice to say emails within the first week about looking out for people who may mug and stab you in the 24hr guarded and camera laiden car park really sums up the place.

Meh, I know the advantages of the UK compared to Cyprus. Basically it is jobs. I didn't come here expecting great opportunities in my career. Then again after seeing people where I used to work get strokes and miscarriages from the stress, then I knew what to do.

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Postby kalahari » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:57 pm

Here's the lowdown on our host: "relocation expert" Catherine Gee

Catherine Gee enjoyed a variety of jobs before starting her television career, including working as a cook and an estate agent.

In 1995 she joined Country Living magazine as the editor's assistant. She later moved into organising exhibitions and events as head of shows, running the magazine's portfolio of Country Living Fairs.

While working as head of shows, Catherine also set up the magazine's The Farmer Wants a Wife campaign - a dating service for lonely farmers, which she continues to run.

It was after her involvement in Thames TV's BAFTA-nominated documentary about the campaign that Catherine was 'spotted' and approached by Talkback Productions to present the BBC Two property show Escape to the Country.

I think she gave a very balanced view of the two countries. As for that little shit of a boy – well, they did exactly the right thing by ignoring his unpatriotic views and duping him into thinking he would be a cricketing star when he grows up – ha ha! Suckerrr!

The best bit of the show though was when the wife's mum pointed out, quite reasonably, that her heart was failing and she only had so long to live.

Anyway, Catherine Gee is lovely, and I won't have anybody say otherwise. Let's hear it for the good old U.S. of K! Keep your scummy dusty, rubbish ridden country all you horrid lousy driving Cypriots!


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Postby Jerry » Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:04 pm

Smiler Brian wrote:
Jerry wrote:I missed the program, will it be shown again, when is the follow up please?

Being shown again Thursday 8pm on ITV2 (Freeview 6 - Sky 118 - Virgin 114/113).

What a very biased programme though. Hardly a typical family and not at all representative of the daily life they will have.

Thank you Smiler Brian, I can hardly wait, seriously!
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Postby paul1978 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:38 pm

Like many, i watched the programme found it very disappoining.
I am moving to kapparis next year, luckily i have been to cyprus over a dozen times over the last 2 years otherwise my opion could of changed.
I know what cyprus is like and obviously i know what the uk is like.
i am sick of turning on the news to find someone has been killed or raped.
Yeah i am sure cyprus has a share of crime its not perfect but its a far better place to bring up my first child
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:03 pm

Thanks for the transcript Nikki. I live in the North and wouldnt move back to the uk. I go once a year to visit but after 10 days I am HOME sick - for CYPRUS.......

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Postby beverley10 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:41 pm

Watched the program with interest as i wanted to see Cyprus but unfortunately there was'nt much content on that! However,I think the husband was quite right in his description of all the rubbish and filth that pollutes the entire island!I bought an apartment in Peyia and due to the amount of building going on all round us it was like living in the middle of a rubbish dump!Not to mention the noise for up to 15 hours a day 7 days a week.Any bit of land is used to dump all the rubbish and take into account the habit of locals to hang on to every old car.tractor,washing machine etc which surrounds their home and garden,it is not a pretty sight! We lived there for 9 months and no amount of effort was spared to find jobs but we ended up with a bit of holiday home cleaning which netted us about £50 per week!That of course with the price of health care etc we could not live on.Very begrudgingly,I agreed with my husband to return to the UK.I am not happy,I miss Cyprus(despite the rubbish) but my husband is happy as he now has self respect of having a job,we both have free health care and at least we see our sons more regularly and friends and familiar shops etc.If we had money,we would be back in Cyprus,and that is the rub,you need money or it is miserable.
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:51 pm

dont say that!! i wanna go work there!!!
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Postby Jerry » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:27 pm

beverley10 wrote:Watched the program with interest as i wanted to see Cyprus but unfortunately there was'nt much content on that! However,I think the husband was quite right in his description of all the rubbish and filth that pollutes the entire island!I bought an apartment in Peyia and due to the amount of building going on all round us it was like living in the middle of a rubbish dump!Not to mention the noise for up to 15 hours a day 7 days a week.Any bit of land is used to dump all the rubbish and take into account the habit of locals to hang on to every old car.tractor,washing machine etc which surrounds their home and garden,it is not a pretty sight! We lived there for 9 months and no amount of effort was spared to find jobs but we ended up with a bit of holiday home cleaning which netted us about £50 per week!That of course with the price of health care etc we could not live on.Very begrudgingly,I agreed with my husband to return to the UK.I am not happy,I miss Cyprus(despite the rubbish) but my husband is happy as he now has self respect of having a job,we both have free health care and at least we see our sons more regularly and friends and familiar shops etc.If we had money,we would be back in Cyprus,and that is the rub,you need money or it is miserable.

I think you have hit the nail on the head Bev. To get a decent job you need to speak Greek and/or have a valuable trade. If you will take any job going then the wages are crap. With regard to the rubbish - make and enforce Community Service orders for offenders of minor crimes. Boy Geoge swept the Streets in New York, speeding motorists can clean up Peyia.
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Postby Niki » Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:18 pm

I've just read that it has been reported in a Manchester local paper that the family have moved back to Cyprus! What a shock! :wink:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:12 pm

Niki wrote:I've just read that it has been reported in a Manchester local paper that the family have moved back to Cyprus! What a shock! :wink:

Yay! :lol:
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