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Postby guy mason » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:49 am

Couldn't agree more. Totally biassed. And so many questions not addressed. Like, why did they leave UK in first place, why had the wife not looked for a job in Cyprus in 4 years if she was so unfulfilled etc etc. They obviously had enough money NOT to work but surely they could have found something to do? Why was it all about the positives of Manchester and none of the negatives, and negatives of Cyprus with no positives. I could go on, and on, but this programme is best forgotten as soon as possible. Does nobody on this site know these people? Maybe they are back in Cyprus and keeping a low profile since this program was made last winter.
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:58 am

we watched it too. when she was showing them everything they cud do in UK she should have showed them wat similar could be done in Cyprus so an unbiased opinion could be made!!
The presenter was a piece of piss. And the way she tried to tell the parents that wanted to include the son in their decision that they shouldnt let him decide i was like what?!!? silly cow!! and anyway the pictures of Cyprus were amazing!?!? :D cant wait!!!

p.s. we were so upset wen her mother spoke THATS so why she moved bak! that wud make anyone move back it was sooo sad :(
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Postby Jerry » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:09 pm

I missed the program, will it be shown again, when is the follow up please?
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:10 pm

there is no follow up. its called 'No Place Like Home?' try online u might get it!! :D
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Postby Avanapa » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:20 pm

I believe this programme is part of a series and its not only Cy that they are talking about. There is apparently 100,000 people per year return from all sorts of locations in the world. Its almost certainly a propoganda exercise.
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:26 pm

yeah i know its a series :) is there a follow up to that actual episode? i didnt think so... but i hope there is!!!
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Postby Blindman » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:36 pm

Hi Folks,
I watched the show from a rain sodden Stoke on Trent! My house is waiting for me in Cyrus. If anybody is coming back to this dump, i have a 4 bed house for sale. that woman could not be more biased and could only say bad things about Cyprus.

Tony The Blindman.

Buy my house and you to could be in manchester in less than a hour. :roll:
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Postby Smiler Brian » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:57 pm

Jerry wrote:I missed the program, will it be shown again, when is the follow up please?

Being shown again Thursday 8pm on ITV2 (Freeview 6 - Sky 118 - Virgin 114/113).

What a very biased programme though. Hardly a typical family and not at all representative of the daily life they will have.
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Postby Hazza » Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:24 pm

Being in Cyprus atm, I obviously didn't get to see it. If anyone knows of any links to it online, would be interested in seeing this program.

From a personal point of view, I've been in Cyprus for nearly 3 years now. Before I came over, I promised myself I'd be here for a minimum of 2 years, which is IMO, long enough to be able to decide if I like it here or not. The first few months were tough, very tough, missing friends back in the UK, missing my way of life over there, but as time went on, meeting new people, things started getting better and better.

Now, if you pay me to go back to the UK, I'd say no, I'm staying where I am thank you very much (unless it was an obsene amount of money:D)
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Postby Niki » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:13 pm

Transcript from the show -

not biased at all!!!! Insulting and outrageous.

Is Life Abroad All That ?
As it turns out, life abroad isn't all it's cracked up to be: red tape makes sustaining a business a nightmare, your family is thousands of miles away and you'll always be an outsider. What's more, it's too hot, there are no pubs and often the locals have no sense of humour!

So is there something about the British way of doing things - the lifestyle, economy, culture, history, fashion, the seasons - which means that, in fact, there is no place like it?

No Place Like Home charts the journeys of three very different ex-pat families all with one thing in common: they're all disillusioned with their new lives abroad and face the dilemma of whether to return to the UK or stay in the country they emigrated to all those years ago. It's a momentous decision and their choice will have enormous consequences.

Relocator Catherine Gee is on hand to guide them through a ten day fact finding mission in the UK as the families meet up with long-lost friends and family, re-visit key places from their past and test drive three locations: looking at houses to live in, schools to go to, jobs on offer and places to play.

Along the way they'll see a very different Britain from the one they left behind all those years ago. Where can they afford to live now and what job opportunities are available? Where would their children go to school? Could they ever forge a happier new life in the country they once turned their back on?

Ultimately they face the final decision on whether there really is No Place Like Home.
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