zan wrote:the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:Greece invades and starts killing everyone in sight. The UN just stands and watches as TC after TC is butchered by murdering EOKA from Greece and GCs.
More Zan lies. Post some historic facts that prove Greece invaded and killed everyone in sight. Also prove who EOKA was butchering and scum piece of shit. Why do Turkish Cypriots constantly lie - or are the ones who dont lie going to stand up and have the bottle to condemn this scumbag cunt Zan.We get chased out of our homes and our country if not the earth through death and he comes up with some lame excuse that he has used many times before with no effect and he calls you a fool. Rolling Eyes
Even more lies. The majority of you left your homes willingly. Or maybe a few of your were chased by your own TMT.
OK! I give up. We should unite cause Birkibrisli and all the others were right. I mean look at what this nice man has to say about us TCs. We have nothing to fear lads.
Put this together with all the things that Bir has dais ansd you have the worst people on the planet. I think that Turkey should annex the North and then we will have better role models......
Can you please think of something else to say other than your usual.."You are lying". It does not make for good conversation I am afraid.![]()
ZAn I offer you the same advice you gave me about Kifeas! This dimwit "snake" character is even more stupid than Kifeas - so much so that he is asking for proof that EOKA or their supporting Greek mainland soldiers butchered TCs. Even funnier is his weird claim that TCs left their homes willingly or chased by TMT(?) and none were forced out of their homes!
As if that's not enough he calls you names on top!
How can you possibly take this guy seriously and argue against such flawed beliefs? Are we to spend our time updating the education of an illitrate fanatic, whose posts mean nothing more than farting noises coming from the arse of a mule? Ignore him man, he might go away quitely!