Mr talipozdemir,
thanks for writing about me, i will just say that this topic was given by me and whoever like can join, i have given the freedom of speach to all memember of this forum so they can express and share their knowledge, i am here to tell them the true teachings of Islam, there are a lot of misconceptions in the mind of non muslims about islam, i welcome anyone to ask of criticize but respecting each other.
unfortunately, no one yet is able to speak about the topic. if you like to speak about the topic, you should speak logical with references
if you are not intrested, you are free to ignore the topic. no one has forced you to join it.
In Islam you dont have to go to Mosque to learn islam, you can learn anywhere any time.
you are welcome to join the topic if you wish
May God Almighty Guide us
Please before asking any question ot giving remarks
Explain your Religion and Profesion if you dont mind
so it will be easy for me to answer according to the level.
i am here to tell them the true teachings of Islam
Sen kimsin de millete dini ogreteceksin? hafiz misin? Imam misin? Sene devlet mi gorevlendirdi??It is not your business to teaching Islam to people. And Islam is not something ordinary to teach about in an ordinary forum site like this.If you want to teach, teach your school mates & neighbours at first.
I am muslim too.Also I am Turk too. But i think most of members in this site do not interested Islam.
There are lots of Useless people like this on the web who try to teach something about Islam to other people.I believe most of them do not fit most of the rules of Islam in real.
Islam is not a belief to be introduced by this kind of people by this way.
Please stop doing this.
or lets ask to people if they want to hear something from you or not
