Get Real! wrote:No, I hate all Islamic talks.
What’s the matter with you lot, got a “mild” case of Islamophobia? Worried that you might be talked into having your little pricks cut off?
On the one hand you complain about how bad Islam is and on the other you never spend a minute trying to learn/understand it. Islam experts without ever opening a book!
To the eight people that voted for option #4 I salute you with my middle finger because that’s the only language you understand or will ever be capable of understanding and that is a limit you have imposed on yourselves for if you don’t ever make an effort to learn about Moslems how can you ever understand, accept, and have peace with them?
In case you're wondering about your IQs you only get out what you put into it.
Southerner wrote:Get Real! wrote:No, I hate all Islamic talks.
What’s the matter with you lot, got a “mild” case of Islamophobia? Worried that you might be talked into having your little pricks cut off?
On the one hand you complain about how bad Islam is and on the other you never spend a minute trying to learn/understand it. Islam experts without ever opening a book!
To the eight people that voted for option #4 I salute you with my middle finger because that’s the only language you understand or will ever be capable of understanding and that is a limit you have imposed on yourselves for if you don’t ever make an effort to learn about Moslems how can you ever understand, accept, and have peace with them?
In case you're wondering about your IQs you only get out what you put into it.
And that is why we have that problems that we have at the moment in the UK, a minority trying to make the silent majority feel guilty, which then builds resentment with things getting extreme and out of hand.
How come the majority are always out of step?
Don't be silly, get back on the topic which is islam not asians, I don't read the sun I gave up comics years ago, trying to be clever and throw out decoys will get you nowhere, come up with something sensible and stay on topic or go and stand in a corner.zan wrote:Southerner wrote:Get Real! wrote:No, I hate all Islamic talks.
What’s the matter with you lot, got a “mild” case of Islamophobia? Worried that you might be talked into having your little pricks cut off?
On the one hand you complain about how bad Islam is and on the other you never spend a minute trying to learn/understand it. Islam experts without ever opening a book!
To the eight people that voted for option #4 I salute you with my middle finger because that’s the only language you understand or will ever be capable of understanding and that is a limit you have imposed on yourselves for if you don’t ever make an effort to learn about Moslems how can you ever understand, accept, and have peace with them?
In case you're wondering about your IQs you only get out what you put into it.
And that is why we have that problems that we have at the moment in the UK, a minority trying to make the silent majority feel guilty, which then builds resentment with things getting extreme and out of hand.
How come the majority are always out of step?
What is happening in the UK that I am living in is Sun readers like you that are taking evrything at face level and shouting about things that you know nothing about. All this shit happened in the 70s with the balcks and now with the Asians and prats like you still havent learned that it what you make of it. The blacks were not accepted then and they rebeled and you are doing the same to the Asians now and they too are rebeling.[/u]
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