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Do u interested in Islam?

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Do you interested in Islam?

Yes, sure.
Yes, but not by this way.Maybe from some experts.
No, I just don't want to comment on it.
No, I hate all Islamic talks.
Total votes : 20

Postby Smiler Brian » Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:33 am

miltiades wrote:Will all religious bullshitters do us all a favour and piss off , this forum is for debate and insults Not bloody religion
Go and pray 10 times a day and give us a break.

I could not agree more. Pass the Keo.
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Postby T_C » Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:39 am

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Postby iceman » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:49 am

Miltiades has my full support on this one...
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:52 am

cyprus forum - shudnt it be about the weather, the beaches , the nightlife, the areas etc etc?!?!? all this religion talk is DEPRESSING!!! AND its the same people all the time - maybe it should be in PM!!
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Postby Hazza » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:57 am

I don't think we are being unfair Damsi. Virtually every day, a new thread opens up on the same subject. the top few topics in off topic are about the same things. I'm all FOR learning about different cultures and different religions. I'm just moaning about the amount of threads on the same subject when it can be kept in just one thread.

Anyhow, I'm now interested to hear what problem I have that Tal wants to solve.
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Postby iceman » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:12 pm

lisa1986 wrote:cyprus forum - shudnt it be about the weather, the beaches , the nightlife, the areas etc etc?!?!? all this religion talk is DEPRESSING!!! AND its the same people all the time - maybe it should be in PM!!

As a non Cypriot visiting the island for a short time it is only natural that your interest is limited with the weather, the beaches , the nightlife etc etc...But for us Cypriots there is a much more important issue called Cyprob and i do not believe we should be wasting time with religious crap...
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:15 pm

hmm i dont understand if ur agreein or disgreein... anyway i do think some people have valid points but its the same arguments and its so repetitive! if people must talk about religion come up with somethin new!!! :D
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:33 pm

No, I hate all Islamic talks.

What’s the matter with you lot, got a “mild” case of Islamophobia? Worried that you might be talked into having your little pricks cut off?

On the one hand you complain about how bad Islam is and on the other you never spend a minute trying to learn/understand it. Islam experts without ever opening a book!

To the eight people that voted for option #4 I salute you with my middle finger because that’s the only language you understand or will ever be capable of understanding and that is a limit you have imposed on yourselves for if you don’t ever make an effort to learn about Moslems how can you ever understand, accept, and have peace with them?

In case you're wondering about your IQs you only get out what you put into it.
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Postby lisa1986 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:36 pm

Get Real, it has nothing to do with not wanting to learn about a religion but the religion and culture talk on here isnt a learning threads its arguments , and people trying to force sometimes biased opinions onto everyone else!!
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Postby humanist » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:42 pm

I am interested in learning about Islam just as much as I am interested in learning about other religions, I also know how to search the internet on these topics as well as where to go and get a book if I wish to do so. I do not belive that any religion is greater than the other and I do not believe that God really cares about what I belive so long as I treat every person with respect. So please leave individuals alone to discover God in their own way if that is what they want to do otherwise do not bother anyone with your beliefs.

Thank you
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