WHERE DO I START..............No laughing now...........Like Zan and Iceman the famous,eyes open in the morning,your looking around thinking oh ya bastard,this is not my bedroom,time is it,you have a look at whats lying next to you and decide do i leave a phone number.............9 times out of 10 the answer is NO!!!,then quietly slither out of bed grabing your creased and trampled on clothes and head for the nearest exit.
Here are the most embarising and uncomfortable sleeping experiences most when being out on the razzle in my younger days............
Down the back of seating in a night club and being woke up by the sound of the cleaner hoovering and when getting up realising my fuckin mates had taken my socks and shoes off and it was raining outside.
Under the middle pier at Blackpool on the cobles with a big Welsh lass who insisted she wanted to loose her virginity that night on her 21st birthday and that was the best place we could find at the time.
On the bottom of a kiddies bunk bed with a bird that looked nice,but had tits like a joiners nailbag.
In the middle of a wheat field after being chased and hunted by the police.
When doing basic training in the Paras, 60 of us had to sleep in the vehicle depot at Collington Barracks,Edinburgh on a concrete floor with only 2 blankets in January,then in the morning had to wash in cold water and eat our breakfast with our fingers.
In the father in laws, freezing Talbot Sunbeam with the wife and 2 kids for 8 hrs waiting on a shitty what looked like a WII airport in Humberside opening to catch our flight to Ibiza.
A wooden bus shelter in the Isle Of Man.
When on holiday with the wife and kids in Maguluf,Majorcia,the wives went in the huff cause me and my mate went out on the randan and left the wifes with the kids and locked us both out so we had to sleep on the pool sun loungers.
I dont want to bore you anymore,but you could add baths and on the chanty on more occasions than i care remember !!!!!! sad eh.