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Southerner the racist prick should be banned!

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Should Southerner be banned?

Total votes : 5

Southerner the racist prick should be banned!

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:35 pm

Southerner the racist prick should be banned!

I recon Southerner is the biggest racist prick to ever come on the forum.

Not only does Cyprus have a distinct Muslim population but these days almost every country does.

In Iraq alone around 650,000 men, women, and children, have lost their lives ever since the US/UK saw fit to invade a sovereign nation with no UN mandate making it an illegal invasion/occupation.

People like Southerner couldn’t care less if the entire Muslim population was to disappear overnight simply because they look different, they sound different, and they pray different! :roll:

Let’s send a strong message to everyone out there that we don’t approve of the death and destruction of Arab/Muslim men, women and children.

Ban Southerner and let’s hope it reaches the ears of George Bush, his criminal hero.

Regards, GR.
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Postby lisa1986 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:46 pm

i agree with the whole muslim argument, i think that people in general shud have enuf to concern themselves with without worrying about what colour or religion someone is!! and i didnt know the 600000 figure - thas just dusgusting!! ban all racism i say!! :D xx
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Postby amazed » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:01 am

ban all racism? :lol: we'll never be able to do that....
but yes, appreciating individual differences is what we need to look into....
I come from India, the land that taught, the power of non violence... since ages...and recently about 60 years ago, through Gandhi...

According to me its all a power game... the same theory that darwin put forth... "survival of the fittest..." be it religion or monopoly (as its termed in economic terms) because of which bill gates was on the spot light few years ago... what ever the issue be... people always fight to be on top...

its a human tendency... not sure if its always true...

what makes it bad is when we try to fight amongst ourselves... why cant we live as one family.... competition is nice... but a competition that erodes the foundations of a family...? it only ends in chaos and total destruction...

we all (different religions and races) should function as one body.... and various parts of it, that will do its own functions... imagine hand doing a leg's job and other way around???? :lol:

lets refrain from the mud slinging and first try to correct ourselves....

my two cents.....
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:02 am

lol now whos not realistic!! i meant ban all racism on the site!!! x
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Postby amazed » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:09 am

agree 100% :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:35 am

Get Real, I agree with your sentiments entirely, the discussions we engage in on this forum should be seen as an opportunity to learn from each others views and expand our knowledge of world events in so doing.

Nothing can be gained if members are subjected to torrents of abuse from those who may be at variance with the opinions of others, the whole issue becomes counter-productive.

Similarly, the condemnation of any race or religion is not acceptable since they are entitled to conduct themselves in accordance with THEIR beliefs just as we are with OURS.

Any changes to a society should be effected by example, my own view is that WE of the WEST are a poor substitute for some of the EASTERN cultures.

I am in agreement with your views on the Iraq situation, I think it is grossly unfair that we should be 'Tagged' as haters of the WEST by some members for holding such views, I denounce Bush and Blair for their part in it.

In conclusion:- I personally would have preferred 'Southerner the racist should be banned'

Best Wishes and Good Luck to you. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:47 am

Each to their own i say............but dont use the FORUM as a tool trying to preach and convience members your religion is best and why!!! As knowone is the slightest bit interested!!!
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Postby Admin » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:20 am

If you have complaints about other members please contact me via a private message.
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