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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You do scare me sometimes,mate...And with talk like this you are playing right into the hands of those who want to keep the status quo...
Remember what Ghandi achieved without any violence? We need leaders like that,clever enough to use tactics never used before....But they don't come like ghandi any more...But wanting to annihilate 75 million people to rescue part of your country does not make sense... :(
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Postby T_C » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:57 pm

I can tell you from now that majority of TCs hold the same views as GCs regarding TRNC, they aren't in denial nor are they ''brainwashed''. They are FULLY AWARE of all the problems the GCs are telling us on the forum. HOWEVER they KNOW they suffered in the hands of GCs and EOKA at the time...

No matter how much you call this an excuse this IS the main reason these people don't want to live with GCs. Why dont you pop over to TRNC and see for yourself that TCs have barely recovered from what they went through. I'm not just talking about murder, but discrimination and total disrespect for humanity by absolute MADMEN!!!!!! There is just no point in trying to prove these people wrong, or arguing with them, they know what they went through and people will have to deal with them and take them seriously sooner or later....

I went to visit my 'Yenge' (Aunt of some sort) today and she was telling me how they lost their home in Limassol.

It was in 74 and her mum was in hospital, she said Makarios and EOKA ''birbirlerine girdiler'' (they basically clashed) and they was told to go pick her up from hospital because the GCs didnt want them there and were threatening to throw the TC patients out the windows. They went, got her and returned home.

A few days later as they were picking grapes in their village (Aleftora or something like that) they got a message from Lefkoşa telling them to 'RUN' because the GCs were getting ready to raid their village. They left absolutely everything and ran towards the enclaves where a van with British soldiers picked them up and took them to the enclave. She said that they didn't even have a tent at first and had to sleep under trees. They listened to the radio and heard how their village was taken over by the GCs. A few people had refused to leave and were beaten and left for dead by the GCs that attacked. Everything was looted, all their money and jewellery stolen...

Anyways they spent 7 months in the enclave untill they were sent to Adana in Turkey and back to Cyprus after 2 weeks.



Her husband (her fiance at the time) was one of the people who was fighting in Kyrenia before Turkey came. She still keeps all the letters she sent him through the red cross. Reading those letters really touched me cos she didnt know if she was ever going to see him again and she wrote each letter as if it were her last :(. They span the whole time she was in the enclave all the way to Dec 1974...



Almost every single one of his friends died and he ''survived'' by hiding in trees. He is now a broken man and has been since those events...

They lost their lovely home to the EOKA faggots and are now living in poverty. At the same time some Turkish cunts are abusing what should be HER country which should be catering for HER needs and living it large while she can barely afford to pay the rent for some crusty run down house... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Still..they went back to their house when the gates opened and a Greek Cypriot man is renting her house and she said hes been taking really good care of it. ''Helal olsun'' is what she said... :cry: I dont know what upset me more, her story or the ''helal olsun''.

This is them talking with the GC man.

Their old house.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:57 pm

Piratis wrote:
Think of it this way if I wanted to hear Greek voices everyday I would go live in Greece, this is not an attempt at insulting anyone the same could be said of French or German etc.

Or you could do what you did in Cyprus. Go to Greece and murder and ethnically cleanse every Greek. That way you wouldn't have to hear their voices either. Right VP?

I didnt do anything, you played with a bomb that exploded in your face, I warned you but as always you knew best and once the explosion occured you turn around and blame me for your injuries....moral of the story dont play with bombs.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:25 pm

Excellent post T_C.

wrote: No matter how much you call this an excuse this IS the main reason these people don't want to live with GCs. Why dont you pop over to TRNC and see for yourself that TCs have barely recovered from what they went through. I'm not just talking about murder, but discrimination and total disrespect for humanity by absolute MADMEN!!!!!! There is just no point in trying to prove these people wrong, or arguing with them, they know what they went through and people will have to deal with them and take them seriously sooner or later....

Tell them man, they really are totally unable to understand. I said the other day we the GCs complain we were killed more, we have 200,000 refugees, we lost our lands and poperties, but we cannot understand that the suffering of the TCs and the conditions of fear they were living were too long (11 years) and that our fanatics and thieves did the same to their homes and lands.

Yes I am absolutely convinced a Fedral structure or return to 1960 constitution where in both cases the Tcs will administer themselves under the same law, is the only way to wipe off the fears of the past, and move forward to a truly united Cypriot Nation. Needless to say this self administration must not be disguised partition.

T_C the other day halil was publishing some interviews he got, make a search with village Alektora, I beleive your aunts story is there. Is it the same family that the settlers accused for spying in favor of GCs?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:27 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:I can tell you from now that majority of TCs hold the same views as GCs regarding TRNC, they aren't in denial nor are they ''brainwashed''. They are FULLY AWARE of all the problems the GCs are telling us on the forum. HOWEVER they KNOW they suffered in the hands of GCs and EOKA at the time...

No matter how much you call this an excuse this IS the main reason these people don't want to live with GCs. Why dont you pop over to TRNC and see for yourself that TCs have barely recovered from what they went through. I'm not just talking about murder, but discrimination and total disrespect for humanity by absolute MADMEN!!!!!! There is just no point in trying to prove these people wrong, or arguing with them, they know what they went through and people will have to deal with them and take them seriously sooner or later....

I went to visit my 'Yenge' (Aunt of some sort) today and she was telling me how they lost their home in Limassol.

It was in 74 and her mum was in hospital, she said Makarios and EOKA ''birbirlerine girdiler'' (they basically clashed) and they was told to go pick her up from hospital because the GCs didnt want them there and were threatening to throw the TC patients out the windows. They went, got her and returned home.

A few days later as they were picking grapes in their village (Aleftora or something like that) they got a message from Lefkoşa telling them to 'RUN' because the GCs were getting ready to raid their village. They left absolutely everything and ran towards the enclaves where a van with British soldiers picked them up and took them to the enclave. She said that they didn't even have a tent at first and had to sleep under trees. They listened to the radio and heard how their village was taken over by the GCs. A few people had refused to leave and were beaten and left for dead by the GCs that attacked. Everything was looted, all their money and jewellery stolen...

Anyways they spent 7 months in the enclave untill they were sent to Adana in Turkey and back to Cyprus after 2 weeks.

Her husband (her fiance at the time) was one of the people who was fighting in Kyrenia before Turkey came. She still keeps all the letters she sent him through the red cross. Reading those letters really touched me cos she didnt know if she was ever going to see him again and she wrote each letter as if it were her last :(. They span the whole time she was in the enclave all the way to Dec 1974...

Almost every single one of his friends died and he ''survived'' by hiding in trees. He is now a broken man and has been since those events...

They lost their lovely home to the EOKA faggots and are now living in poverty. At the same time some Turkish cunts are abusing what should be HER country which should be catering for HER needs and living it large while she can barely afford to pay the rent for some crusty run down house... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Still..they went back to their house when the gates opened and a Greek Cypriot man is renting her house and she said hes been taking really good care of it. ''Helal olsun'' is what she said... :cry: I dont know what upset me more, her story or the ''helal olsun''.

This is them talking with the GC man.

Their old house.

Hi T_C,

Are you back or just reporting from a distance.? Your photo's did not show anything on my screen.??

Is your Aunt one of the 3000 TC's who were never given anything by the "TRNC" authorities to live in, despite having property in the RoC, and yet the Settlers all got places to live in.

1. How does your Aunt feel about the settlers getting better treatment than herself, as a TC.??

2. We all know about the "madman" at the time of 1974 problems, and a lot of TC's did have fear, but now that that "madman" is no longer living today, who are the TC's afraid of.??

3. Has your Aunt ever considered going and living in her own home in Limassol, rather than live in poor conditions in the "TRNC".??

4. Are the well off TC's not helping the needy too much, or not at all.? What are your views.??

5. Do the financially poor TC's wished there was peace, so that they can benefit from the EU Membership, or would they want to stay as they are, because they feel safer.??

6. Since your Aunt went through the life of a refugee, having to desert her home in Limassol, does she have any sympathy for the GC's refugees, who were also forced to leave their homes.??

7. Does your Aunt agree with the Settlers occupying those GC's refugee homes in the "TRNC"..??

8. What are your Aunts views on the Partitionist, who want to divide the island into two (officially).??

9. Does your Aunt feel, that if there were Direct Trade and Flights, that her financial situation will be better, or will it only benefit some but not all.??

10. Keep up the good work by sending us a unbiased reporting. :wink:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:29 pm

Could a moderator please inform the admin we have problems with
Our images don't load, how is that?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:47 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What can I say dear Kikapu? My word doesn't count anymore...

That I will have a heart attack one day from this boat seems a very real possibility. You know why he bought the navigators don't you.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

So that he can find the fastest way back to the harbour, so to get you to the Hospital in time Pyro. :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Clever answer Kikapu. And a cool talk we had today. :wink:

I am today having a taste of the attacks you were having from your own people.... Amazing!

My people and your people happens to be both our people. The only difference is, each one talks a little differently, so when you feel like you're being attacked by your own, all I can say is, they are my people also, so in effect, we are always attacked my our own people, CYPRIOTS.
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Postby ge0rg10 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:10 pm

there have been many many civil wars in the past and most countries have come through it, maybe one day we will stop saying you hurt me more and start saying i cant believe how much we hurt ourselfs. my anti in law lost her big bro in the war, he is missing in action and this makes me fell sick and TCs post gave me the same felling. I dont see it as greek and turks being killed, but smart funny & good looking cypriots (bad drivers though) loosing their lives for all the wrong reasons. everyone is hurt and that is why the only way to fix this "cyprus problem" is by rebuilding the friendships and the confidence between cypriot and cypriot. I know this is easier said than done though. ps. why arnt the pics working???
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:15 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Excellent post T_C.

wrote: No matter how much you call this an excuse this IS the main reason these people don't want to live with GCs. Why dont you pop over to TRNC and see for yourself that TCs have barely recovered from what they went through. I'm not just talking about murder, but discrimination and total disrespect for humanity by absolute MADMEN!!!!!! There is just no point in trying to prove these people wrong, or arguing with them, they know what they went through and people will have to deal with them and take them seriously sooner or later....

Tell them man, they really are totally unable to understand. I said the other day we the GCs complain we were killed more, we have 200,000 refugees, we lost our lands and poperties, but we cannot understand that the suffering of the TCs and the conditions of fear they were living were too long (11 years) and that our fanatics and thieves did the same to their homes and lands.

Yes I am absolutely convinced a Fedral structure or return to 1960 constitution where in both cases the Tcs will administer themselves under the same law, is the only way to wipe off the fears of the past, and move forward to a truly united Cypriot Nation. Needless to say this self administration must not be disguised partition.

T_C the other day halil was publishing some interviews he got, make a search with village Alektora, I beleive your aunts story is there. Is it the same family that the settlers accused for spying in favor of GCs?

You have my utmost respect Pyrpoliser .Your views are those of a wise and well balanced individual , I'm happy to note that the extreme heat hasn't clouded your judgement. The irresponsible and blatantly warmongering views of some are sending the wrong message.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What can I say dear Kikapu? My word doesn't count anymore...

That I will have a heart attack one day from this boat seems a very real possibility. You know why he bought the navigators don't you.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

So that he can find the fastest way back to the harbour, so to get you to the Hospital in time Pyro. :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Clever answer Kikapu. And a cool talk we had today. :wink:

I am today having a taste of the attacks you were having from your own people.... Amazing!

My people and your people happens to be both our people. The only difference is, each one talks a little differently, so when you feel like you're being attacked by your own, all I can say is, they are my people also, so in effect, we are always attacked my our own people, CYPRIOTS.

True Kikapu, but you should have seen what they called me in that little different language....
Look closely and you will see common Cypriot words in those curses. :cry:
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