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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:44 pm

Piratis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Piratis wrote: Pyrpolizer, TCs like Bir are no more than 5%.

I agree with you on the 5%. In fact one of my TC best friends is in that percentage.Here’s what he tells me:

-pyro gardash, how was your mother making bread?.
- I don’t know, with flour and water I think.
-And what else?
-Little salt and mayia (yeast)
-Right he says, and then the bread grew and became 10 times bigger.

So my dear friend Piratis, my TC gardash says:

We the 5% are the mayia/ the yeast who can make the flour 10 times bigger.

Do you see anything wise in those words dear Piratis?

I don't see how your(his) metaphor can be applied in reality. Maybe that 5% can because 7 or 8 or 10%, and even that is too optimistic.

If you tell me that it can became 50%+ is like telling me that VP and Zan will become Bir and Kikapu. I hope you understand the impossibility of such thing.

That 5% already became 80% at the marches against Denktash. Who you think organised all that? And don't tell me it was because of the Annan Plan, the Annan Plan has not yet existed. It was a pure and absolute expression of the TC will for unification.

And as usual the foreigners messed everything up with the Annan plan that actually forced us to say no. Have you ever thought of the Annan Plan that way? I mean as a pre-planned maneuver to kill the TC desire for unification through our forced oxi?
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You are joking GR , aren't you ? I hope you are !
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Postby DT. » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:51 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You are joking GR , aren't you ? I hope you are !

Re Gatourri....sit the ball down re.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:59 pm

No, I'm not kidding at all. I agree 100% with Piratis' views on the situation with regards to the game being played by Turkey and the TC's. As I said elsewhere...

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed.

We are very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove I think it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Most wars don't last longer than a month and the Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A), and last but not least the GS’s have every reason to fight to the end as they have nowhere else to go anyway.

On the other hand, Turkey’s fragile political nature coupled with the shock of fierce resistance and that of the fight spilling onto Turkish soil with civilian casualties could make the Turkish regime capitulate from embarrassment and scurry to the negotiating table as they will most likely be expecting a re-run of July 1974!

Here’s a breakdown of recent sizes of forces on the island…

National Guard 10,000
Greek Cypriot Reservists 88,000
Greek ELDIK ?

Turkish Cypriot Soldiers 4,000
Turkish Cypriot Reservists 26,000
Turkish Military 39,000

I haven’t bothered including any Greeks because I don’t ever see them coming to Cyprus’ aid given that they couldn’t even look after one of their Aegean rocks (Imia) not too long ago.

So is Turkey REALLY invincible against Cyprus? I don’t think so.

You seem to be under the impression that when wars are fought all the men line up in rows to see who’s got the most to declare the winner! There is not enough battlefield on a small island like Cyprus for that many soldiers to be all fighting at once so this is not how wars are fought but via strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table.

Nobody said anything about fighting for the next five years to see if there are any men left standing because this isn’t a world war we’re talking about and there is not a doubt in my mind that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

There you have it people... the military option.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:59 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What can I say dear Kikapu? My word doesn't count anymore...

That I will have a heart attack one day from this boat seems a very real possibility. You know why he bought the navigators don't you.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

So that he can find the fastest way back to the harbour, so to get you to the Hospital in time Pyro. :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Clever answer Kikapu. And a cool talk we had today. :wink:

I am today having a taste of the attacks you were having from your own people.... Amazing!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:39 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You are joking GR , aren't you ? I hope you are !

Hes dead serious...why do you sound so suprised? there are many GCs like GR.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:No, I'm not kidding at all. I agree 100% with Piratis' views on the situation with regards to the game being played by Turkey and the TC's. As I said elsewhere...

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed.

We are very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove I think it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Most wars don't last longer than a month and the Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A), and last but not least the GS’s have every reason to fight to the end as they have nowhere else to go anyway.

On the other hand, Turkey’s fragile political nature coupled with the shock of fierce resistance and that of the fight spilling onto Turkish soil with civilian casualties could make the Turkish regime capitulate from embarrassment and scurry to the negotiating table as they will most likely be expecting a re-run of July 1974!

Here’s a breakdown of recent sizes of forces on the island…

National Guard 10,000
Greek Cypriot Reservists 88,000
Greek ELDIK ?

Turkish Cypriot Soldiers 4,000
Turkish Cypriot Reservists 26,000
Turkish Military 39,000

I haven’t bothered including any Greeks because I don’t ever see them coming to Cyprus’ aid given that they couldn’t even look after one of their Aegean rocks (Imia) not too long ago.

So is Turkey REALLY invincible against Cyprus? I don’t think so.

You seem to be under the impression that when wars are fought all the men line up in rows to see who’s got the most to declare the winner! There is not enough battlefield on a small island like Cyprus for that many soldiers to be all fighting at once so this is not how wars are fought but via strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table.

Nobody said anything about fighting for the next five years to see if there are any men left standing because this isn’t a world war we’re talking about and there is not a doubt in my mind that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

There you have it people... the military option.

Im flabbergasted to say the least that such irresponsible views are aired by some one who has at least expressed in the past a wish that he should be taken seriously. I think you are both totaly out of your minds , your talking absolute crap and utterly reprehensible in your views , and I quote " """"Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free ""

Have you gone out of your minds or are you high on something !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:49 pm

Piratis wrote:
Piratis what is it that you want and cannot have TCs do not deny that the army and settlers will leave, that GCs will return to the north or accept compensation, everyone will be able to settle where they wish...what is your problem? sharing power? do you not want to allow us the right to say no to GC domination? we know what happened last time and the result have you not learned anything from the past mistakes?

You have no right for a separate part of Cyprus. What gave you this right? You can have all your individual and minority rights as a Cypriot citizen and part of an ethnic minority within Cyprus, but no right to ethnically cleanse people and declare part of Cyprus as being Turkish.

The dominant language, culture, religion etc in Cyprus are Greek. That was the case before you came and this is the case now as well. If you didn't like the fact that Cyprus is predominantly Greek then you shouldn't have come to our island in the first place (we didn't invite you), and if you don't like it now you can go where you came from.

You have always been a conquered and ruled people and my ancestery goes back 500 years so its not as if we arrived last week. We have rights to this island as well, the fact that we have been unable to share it jointly is riddled in our history and now you think we can as long as we accept being a minority in a GC state ruled by GCs, well think again its not gonna happen so you better muster up the troops and wait for that swing in power you long for but dont expect us to sit about waiting we will hit back harder than ever before or you can come to your senses and accept that our community is an equal partner and you have to share equally with TCs.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:52 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Thanks Pyro at least someone has shown some understanding (and İ'm glad it came from you!).

TCs are infact 1000000% Cypriots, they're just a bit lost. Even this ''distinct TC identity'' they always talk about is infact 99.9% Cypriot identity but they've been seperated from other Cypriots for so long that they don't realise it.

And I second that .
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:53 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Hey VP I was actually expecting another fanatic from the TC side to cause me a headache. As if I haven't had enough headache from my own side. You pretty fast violated you vow of banning me haven't you?

Just tell me/ point me one post of mine out of my 3000+ in this forum that I ever said any different than what I already said. I challenge you or anyone else. Just point me one.

The fact that I fight the fanatics of your side doesn't mean I am a fanatic of the "other side". You should have been clever enough to know it, but what the heck you are a fanatic too who hates "hearing Greek voices around him/her"

Everyone has read your posts and knows what you stand for and your attitude and mentality. Your last posts just threw mw off as they seem to be coming from another Pyro who has dropped his guard and shown that he understand a lot of what we have been saying so that why ı thought it warranted a response.

Think of it this way if I wanted to hear Greek voices everyday I would go live in Greece, this is not an attempt at insulting anyone the same could be said of French or German etc.

No I see it the way it was said and understood by hundreds in here. Sorry but I don't consider you any less than a Greek hater and a fanatic.

If i understand some things and have my personal beliefs that cannot frequently say just because I have a million of fanatics and illusionists to answer this is upto the clever to filter out.

Some things never change, enough said.
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