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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:52 pm

Think of it this way if I wanted to hear Greek voices everyday I would go live in Greece, this is not an attempt at insulting anyone the same could be said of French or German etc.

Or you could do what you did in Cyprus. Go to Greece and murder and ethnically cleanse every Greek. That way you wouldn't have to hear their voices either. Right VP?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:02 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Thanks Pyro at least someone has shown some understanding (and İ'm glad it came from you!).

TCs are infact 1000000% Cypriots, they're just a bit lost. Even this ''distinct TC identity'' they always talk about is infact 99.9% Cypriot identity but they've been seperated from other Cypriots for so long that they don't realise it.

Wise words coming from such a young person like you T_C. We are all waiting for your "memoirs" topic as soon as you can.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:17 pm

Piratis wrote: Pyrpolizer, TCs like Bir are no more than 5%.

I agree with you on the 5%. In fact one of my TC best friends is in that percentage.Here’s what he tells me:

-pyro gardash, how was your mother making bread?.
- I don’t know, with flour and water I think.
-And what else?
-Little salt and mayia (yeast)
-Right he says, and then the bread grew and became 10 times bigger.

So my dear friend Piratis, my TC gardash says:

We the 5% are the mayia/ the yeast who can make the flour 10 times bigger.

Do you see anything wise in those words dear Piratis?
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:23 pm

Dear Foruam fellows,

According to my understanding the solution of cyprus problem is posible if all sit togather and discuss openly and come to agrrement by giving equal rights to everyone.

i mean Cypriot , Greeks, Turkish Cypriot and Turkish should have dicussion toagther at international level. because if you leave one of these out, they are not gonna let any solution to be done. i have seen the discussion between cypriot and turkish cypriot but did not see all togather at the same place at the same time.

Cypriots and turkish cypriots were living togather for long time before turkish inavasion and they can be unite again.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:44 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh but those tricks were for Cypriot woman.

For American women the trick is to pretend you are French. It never fails. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kikapu I envy you man. You have most of the "quality" that I never managed to have. And you also have a boat, which was also my dream, and now that my son has one I get dizy after just one minute on it. :wink:

It a lot of fun as well as a lot of work to sail one.

Most people get a little nausea on a boat, specially below decks, and I'm no exception at times. Let me recommend for you to wear "sea sick bands" which can be gotten from any chandlers. It is simple to use and it is not a medicine. You just wear them like a watch on both wrists. They act as "acupuncture". They work for most people, as they have for me when I needed them.

Thank you Kikapu gardash. I just jump on the boat for a few minutes because my son insists so much (OK he likes to boast to his old man :wink: ) and I don't want to disapoint him. You know he likes showing me all those things he bought navigators and stuff although I understand nothing.

His boat is inflatable like this.


Nice boat Pyro, but I'm sorry your son is waisting his youth with power boats. He should be sailing instead. :idea:

I'll get a power boat when I'm too old to get it up !!.......I'm talking about the sails. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:11 pm

What can I say dear Kikapu? My word doesn't count anymore...

That I will have a heart attack one day from this boat seems a very real possibility. You know why he bought the navigators don't you.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:23 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Piratis wrote: Pyrpolizer, TCs like Bir are no more than 5%.

I agree with you on the 5%. In fact one of my TC best friends is in that percentage.Here’s what he tells me:

-pyro gardash, how was your mother making bread?.
- I don’t know, with flour and water I think.
-And what else?
-Little salt and mayia (yeast)
-Right he says, and then the bread grew and became 10 times bigger.

So my dear friend Piratis, my TC gardash says:

We the 5% are the mayia/ the yeast who can make the flour 10 times bigger.

Do you see anything wise in those words dear Piratis?

I don't see how your(his) metaphor can be applied in reality. Maybe that 5% can because 7 or 8 or 10%, and even that is too optimistic.

If you tell me that it can became 50%+ is like telling me that VP and Zan will become Bir and Kikapu. I hope you understand the impossibility of such thing.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:23 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.
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Postby DT. » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:29 pm

Bananiot wrote:Get Real wrote

Aise! An exartountan bou ton Pyro itan na mas kavaligepsoun boubano tsie na mas gamisoun tsiolas!

DT. wrote

epoushtepse tjai to poushtlikin.

Bananiot wrote

Stop the crap ...

DT. wrote

Who the hell are you to jump in here and start calling our views crap?

Bananiot says

Sometimes I ask myself the same question. Who the hell am I to critise the educated and highly spiritual views (epoushtepse tjai to poushtlikin) of our learned friends, such as DT. May be I have found the answer. I should not attempt to debate anything with the arteriosclerotic. It is a total waste of time. Who am I, indeed?

i'm sorry babaniot but i really can't be bothered to deal with you. You're just too big a can of worms. SOmeone who insists on force feeding something to the GC community which was one sided and would have led to a worrse off existence on this island than the one we have now....(i believe 99% of the TC's asked on this forum have all said the plan was one-sided probably because Tpap the Czar didn't want to negotiate it.)

SO now you come along stillspouting the same old lines. How the GC's should have committed suicide is beyond me. We have progressive TC's and GC's here on this forum who have reached agreement on solutions without having to resort to a closing down sale.

Back, back to politis with you.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:30 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:What can I say dear Kikapu? My word doesn't count anymore...

That I will have a heart attack one day from this boat seems a very real possibility. You know why he bought the navigators don't you.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

So that he can find the fastest way back to the harbour, so to get you to the Hospital in time Pyro. :wink:
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