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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:02 pm

Piratis what is it that you want and cannot have TCs do not deny that the army and settlers will leave, that GCs will return to the north or accept compensation, everyone will be able to settle where they wish...what is your problem? sharing power? do you not want to allow us the right to say no to GC domination? we know what happened last time and the result have you not learned anything from the past mistakes?

You have no right for a separate part of Cyprus. What gave you this right? You can have all your individual and minority rights as a Cypriot citizen and part of an ethnic minority within Cyprus, but no right to ethnically cleanse people and declare part of Cyprus as being Turkish.

The dominant language, culture, religion etc in Cyprus are Greek. That was the case before you came and this is the case now as well. If you didn't like the fact that Cyprus is predominantly Greek then you shouldn't have come to our island in the first place (we didn't invite you), and if you don't like it now you can go where you came from.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:04 pm

And here Piratis, if you don't believe me then read Birkibrislis post, he is one of the most rational Cypriots I ever seen. And he is from "ther other side".
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:10 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh but those tricks were for Cypriot woman.

For American women the trick is to pretend you are French. It never fails. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kikapu I envy you man. You have most of the "quality" that I never managed to have. And you also have a boat, which was also my dream, and now that my son has one I get dizy after just one minute on it. :wink:

It a lot of fun as well as a lot of work to sail one.

Most people get a little nausea on a boat, specially below decks, and I'm no exception at times. Let me recommend for you to wear "sea sick bands" which can be gotten from any chandlers. It is simple to use and it is not a medicine. You just wear them like a watch on both wrists. They act as "acupuncture". They work for most people, as they have for me when I needed them.
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Postby StuartN » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:13 pm

Piratis wrote:

Read some history my dear uneducated friend. History doesn't start with the Ottomans butchering and stealing the lands of others as you have been probably taught at school.

And listen to some even deeper history 'my dear friend' Detective Piratis.

Northern Cyprus is and always was (geologically) part of the Taurus range of Southern Turkey. Even Greek geologists agree. It is utterly pointless basing your ridiculous circuitous reasonings on things past and soon to be forgotten - the past is not only endless but also ended.

When you have more constructive arguments I'm sure forum members will take you more seriously - in the meantime I'm sure people like myself who used to contribute regularly but became fed up with your repetitious ramblings will remain as amused onlookers.

You are an anachronous joke Piratis.

(BTW - You never answered my last question to you - I'll keep my promise to drop a couple of quid in when I next pass your house if you answer it!)

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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:14 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Hey VP I was actually expecting another fanatic from the TC side to cause me a headache. As if I haven't had enough headache from my own side. You pretty fast violated you vow of banning me haven't you?

Just tell me/ point me one post of mine out of my 3000+ in this forum that I ever said any different than what I already said. I challenge you or anyone else. Just point me one.

The fact that I fight the fanatics of your side doesn't mean I am a fanatic of the "other side". You should have been clever enough to know it, but what the heck you are a fanatic too who hates "hearing Greek voices around him/her"

Everyone has read your posts and knows what you stand for and your attitude and mentality. Your last posts just threw mw off as they seem to be coming from another Pyro who has dropped his guard and shown that he understand a lot of what we have been saying so that why ı thought it warranted a response.

Think of it this way if I wanted to hear Greek voices everyday I would go live in Greece, this is not an attempt at insulting anyone the same could be said of French or German etc.

No I see it the way it was said and understood by hundreds in here. Sorry but I don't consider you any less than a Greek hater and a fanatic.

If i understand some things and have my personal beliefs that cannot frequently say just because I have a million of fanatics and illusionists to answer this is upto the clever to filter out.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:27 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:And here Piratis, if you don't believe me then read Birkibrislis post, he is one of the most rational Cypriots I ever seen. And he is from "ther other side".

Pyrpolizer, TCs like Bir are no more than 5%.

The rest 95% (or so) of TCs want partition, and they will always find some excuse to want partition regardless of what we do or say. There is no bridge that can be build with those people that will lead to unification. We can socialize with them, do business with them, be "friends" and everything else, but I can guarantee you that they will always put their interests above our rights.

Bir, hoping that people like VP and Zan ( the majority of TCs) and Turkey will change, is utopian.

Hoping that Turkey will lose control of Cyprus is very possible in the long run. Just have a look at the history of Cyprus and you will see why.

Sure, I would prefer if we could come to an agreement so we can peacefully unify our country today rather than waiting for years and maybe decades. If Cypriots were united that would be the ideal for all in the long term. Unfortunately today there is no possibility for such thing to happen, since TCs choose to exploit the short term gains of "winning" the war against us, instead of looking for what will be best for them and everybody else in the long term.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:35 pm

StuartN wrote:
And listen to some even deeper history 'my dear friend' Detective Piratis.

Northern Cyprus is and always was (geologically) part of the Taurus range of Southern Turkey.

"Turkey" did not exist until 1920. When Cyprus was hellenized not only there was no "Turkey" there were no Turks either. So what "deeper history" are you talking about? (and I will not even go into your totally ridiculous confusion between history and geology)

You are an anachronous joke Piratis.

(BTW - You never answered my last question to you - I'll keep my promise to drop a couple of quid in when I next pass your house if you answer it!)

Ok, I will answer: No, i didn't fuck your mother, so I can not be your father. Probably you are the result of a broken condom accident from one of her other clients.
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Postby T_C » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:35 pm

Thanks Pyro at least someone has shown some understanding (and İ'm glad it came from you!).

TCs are infact 1000000% Cypriots, they're just a bit lost. Even this ''distinct TC identity'' they always talk about is infact 99.9% Cypriot identity but they've been seperated from other Cypriots for so long that they don't realise it.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:44 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh but those tricks were for Cypriot woman.

For American women the trick is to pretend you are French. It never fails. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kikapu I envy you man. You have most of the "quality" that I never managed to have. And you also have a boat, which was also my dream, and now that my son has one I get dizy after just one minute on it. :wink:

It a lot of fun as well as a lot of work to sail one.

Most people get a little nausea on a boat, specially below decks, and I'm no exception at times. Let me recommend for you to wear "sea sick bands" which can be gotten from any chandlers. It is simple to use and it is not a medicine. You just wear them like a watch on both wrists. They act as "acupuncture". They work for most people, as they have for me when I needed them.

Thank you Kikapu gardash. I just jump on the boat for a few minutes because my son insists so much (OK he likes to boast to his old man :wink: ) and I don't want to disapoint him. You know he likes showing me all those things he bought navigators and stuff although I understand nothing.

His boat is inflatable like this.

Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:46 pm

Get Real wrote

Aise! An exartountan bou ton Pyro itan na mas kavaligepsoun boubano tsie na mas gamisoun tsiolas!

DT. wrote

epoushtepse tjai to poushtlikin.

Bananiot wrote

Stop the crap ...

DT. wrote

Who the hell are you to jump in here and start calling our views crap?

Bananiot says

Sometimes I ask myself the same question. Who the hell am I to critise the educated and highly spiritual views (epoushtepse tjai to poushtlikin) of our learned friends, such as DT. May be I have found the answer. I should not attempt to debate anything with the arteriosclerotic. It is a total waste of time. Who am I, indeed?
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