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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:31 am

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Postby humanist » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:06 am

VP said
Good idea, under what structure do you suggest we do this? do you feel we need any safeguards allowing for our dark past and current day mistrust?

VP firstly thank you for agreeing with me that is a good idea...... well at least two Cypriots with different views can share a common idea/ sugestion.

Secondly, I am not sure of the structure I am not a politican.

Thirdly, the past 33 years tell me that the current situation is not doing much to improve trust or relations between the two communities.

Lastly, I will may be say reverting back to the 1960's Constitution, will at least put us in the same domain we may be able to work it out and begin the process. I am no Einstein but something tells me that if we continue on this track we will be faced with the same stalemate for another 33 years. If you are happy and saitsfied with the current situation you may choose to continue to question any posts that I make in relation to UNIFICATION or you may wish to contribute to a solution proposal.

Further to that we have already established that partition is not on the cards, Turkey's involvement in Cyprus is not acceptable, economic embargo of the north is not acceptable by that community, confiscation of refugee property is not a done deal either.

On your coment above I would suggest that policy would be one way that personal safety can be protected along with judicial changes to make violence and crimes against individual based on the linguistic/ ethnic background are dealt with the strictest consequences, WILINGNESS to give it a go is another way, Identification as Greek/ Turkish/ Armenian/ Maronite does not help the process but a united peoples of Cyprus will ensure future generations do not experience what we have.

Injection of funds into re-building Turkish speaking villages properties will be the start, United social educational, poitical, economic domains of life will assist in one identity one peoples.

I have other ideas but at the risk of having to be told yet once more how arogant of me to think that I can solve I choose to stop there. If it is true that oil will be a major part of our econmy then I believe a lot of the cash from that can go in re-building our sociey.

Finally I would also say that the recomendation made in another posts by Kikapu of a United Cyprus consisting of two States under a federal government to ensure individual rights is certainly the way that I would be going if it were up to me.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:31 am

i JUST READ THE LAST 5 OR SO PAGES OF THIS THREAD,AND i MUST SAY i AM NOT SURPISED....VP ....TThis is the kind of attitude from you which makes me suspect your motives and ur identity....Every time the GCs and TCs show any sign of getting friendly with each other you seem to panic and try to spoil the party...The solution to Cypro will come from exactly these kinds of meetings which will promote understanding ,trust and respect between Cypriots....It won't happen overnight...but it will definitely happen now that internet has been invented...People like you will find it more and more diffcult to spread your poison amongst the population.You will be a laughing stock once people have the chance to get to know each other....So do the decent thing,and stay away by all means,but let others have a bloody lunch and a few drinks with each other....without getting your nickers in a knot....Don't worry we all know reunification is a long way off,so you can relax.... :roll:

Ps....guys ...a special request....take some photos and post them for all to see....Warm my heart on this very cold winters day in Oz....Have a sip of Jack Daniels for me....I will do the same later on....Cheers....light ,joy,and happiness to all of you and your loved ones...
I Bless You all.....Thus spoke Birkibrisli.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby humanist » Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:16 am

Birkibrisli may be he is a Turkish Military man of high powerful position ......... therefore is in his interests and that of his ego to maintain the Island separated. :shock: stranger things have happened
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:03 am

Birkibrisli wrote:i JUST READ THE LAST 5 OR SO PAGES OF THIS THREAD,AND i MUST SAY i AM NOT SURPISED....VP ....TThis is the kind of attitude from you which makes me suspect your motives and ur identity....Every time the GCs and TCs show any sign of getting friendly with each other you seem to panic and try to spoil the party...The solution to Cypro will come from exactly these kinds of meetings which will promote understanding ,trust and respect between Cypriots....It won't happen overnight...but it will definitely happen now that internet has been invented...People like you will find it more and more diffcult to spread your poison amongst the population.You will be a laughing stock once people have the chance to get to know each other....So do the decent thing,and stay away by all means,but let others have a bloody lunch and a few drinks with each other....without getting your nickers in a knot....Don't worry we all know reunification is a long way off,so you can relax.... :roll:

Ps....guys ...a special request....take some photos and post them for all to see....Warm my heart on this very cold winters day in Oz....Have a sip of Jack Daniels for me....I will do the same later on....Cheers....light ,joy,and happiness to all of you and your loved ones...
I Bless You all.....Thus spoke Birkibrisli.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bir once some blood rushes back to your head then you may start to see right, I dont have to do anything to prove my point you people do it for me, eat drink and be merry because thats what we do best but when it comes down to the nitty gritty nothing chances and the status quo will be around for a long time yet as viewpoints are becoming more and more entrenched and the chasm grows even wider. Since the interation and people coming together to eat and drink nothing has changed becuase thats all they do is eat and drink in fact no progress has been made since the borders opened, what does that tell you?
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Postby zan » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:50 am

Sotos wrote:Image

We make allowances for aALL sotos so we made a sign just for you. How much do you charge. :lol:
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Postby zan » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:36 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:i JUST READ THE LAST 5 OR SO PAGES OF THIS THREAD,AND i MUST SAY i AM NOT SURPISED....VP ....TThis is the kind of attitude from you which makes me suspect your motives and ur identity....Every time the GCs and TCs show any sign of getting friendly with each other you seem to panic and try to spoil the party...The solution to Cypro will come from exactly these kinds of meetings which will promote understanding ,trust and respect between Cypriots....It won't happen overnight...but it will definitely happen now that internet has been invented...People like you will find it more and more diffcult to spread your poison amongst the population.You will be a laughing stock once people have the chance to get to know each other....So do the decent thing,and stay away by all means,but let others have a bloody lunch and a few drinks with each other....without getting your nickers in a knot....Don't worry we all know reunification is a long way off,so you can relax.... :roll:

Ps....guys ...a special request....take some photos and post them for all to see....Warm my heart on this very cold winters day in Oz....Have a sip of Jack Daniels for me....I will do the same later on....Cheers....light ,joy,and happiness to all of you and your loved ones...
I Bless You all.....Thus spoke Birkibrisli.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bir once some blood rushes back to your head then you may start to see right, I dont have to do anything to prove my point you people do it for me, eat drink and be merry because thats what we do best but when it comes down to the nitty gritty nothing chances and the status quo will be around for a long time yet as viewpoints are becoming more and more entrenched and the chasm grows even wider. Since the interation and people coming together to eat and drink nothing has changed becuase thats all they do is eat and drink in fact no progress has been made since the borders opened, what does that tell you?

Well said VP. It is a shame when all those that ask us to show understanding have none of the qualities that they claim for themselves. They think that we are happy with the situation and wish fopr it to stay that way. They cannot see the frustration we face of the inaction and stupid games being played. Time and time agian they refuse to see that the idealogical solution that they are waiting for is just not going to happen. There willl not be a downing of weapons and a ripping down of the wall but a sensible and realistic approach can bring about some sort of agreement. :roll:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:12 am

[quote="Sotos"][quote]I will argue with you about my rights till the cows come home and I will petition every country in the world to lift the inhumane embargoes but not one drop of blood should be spilt on the island again.[/quote]

:lol: You are funny! Bloodshed was ok when you killed us to take our land but it will not be ok when we will kill you to take it back? :lol: We will take our land back first and then not one drop of blood should be spilt on the island again ;) Or you want to give us back our land without bloodshed? I don't think so!!![/quote]

So Sotos wants the last word or is it the last blood? While you object to Zans' premise that no more blood be shed, you reserve that right for yourself. Like a Vendetta. On and on and on ad infinitum.

I am sorry , but, Sodoff Sotos. [color=red][size=18]NO MORE BLOODSHED[/size][/color]> Period.
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:34 am

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
iceman wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:Hey Turkish Cypriot if you are referring to the jewlery shop on Ledra street in the non occupied nicosia that ha been our families jewelerer since I was ayoung kid evry time my mum visits Cyprus she pays hima visit and she usually buys something from him.

My God Cyprus is a small place ........ too small to be divided .......... Let us all work toegther to make it whole again shall we.

Good idea, under what structure do you suggest we do this? do you feel we need any safeguards allowing for our dark past and current day mistrust?

There is no mistrust amongst us VP , Turkish Cypriot , Deinizacsulu , Bir , DT , GR ( MINUS THE MERCENARIES !!) All trust each other , as for DT he even made a magnificent gesture to shave his beard of if I could attend ! I think you should go VP , it will do you a world of good mate , even Halil is going , maybe even Eliko !!!

I will be in Cyprus mid July for a long weekend so I may just catch up with these guys , they have a great deal to learn from a 61 year old , about wines that is.

And where do all these guys live??? and they have the nerve to tell us how to live and what risks to accept, thanks but no thanks its my neck on the chopping block not yours.

VP...Its only a Lunch for gods sake...We are not going to UN to sign an agreement & we are not going to war either..
Ligten up man,no one will chop your or my head off,we'll just have something to eat & drink meet each other.
We already know each others political views and couple of hours is not going to change them but at least its a positive step to show we are civilised enough to get together if & when necessary without stabbing eachother..

Bravo Iceman !! VP is and always was a UK born looser , he is not a Cypriot and yet he demands to know where all these Cypriots reside !!!Once a plonker always a plonker , once a looser always a looser and Mr Plonker is a bloody disgrace , go on be vulgar since you have no bloody sense of homour you may as well be your real self .

Ok you moron keep up the insults and as I warned you will get them back, its a valid point you live abroad and try to dictate to us that we are wrong, I was like you ut when I moved to the TRNC i saw for myself exactly the situation and why TCs have such an ingrained mistrust for GCs. eat and drink with GCs but dont do business they will grab the first opportunity and stab you in the back.

You keep saying you have many GC friends (a bit like a racist saying he knows many black people when confronted)

why have them as friends when you obviously mistrust us so much?

As for the GC's who opposse such a meeting paretate mas.

I'm off to meet a few mates for lunch now. 8)
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Postby 74LB » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:35 pm

@ Sotos

You may have had a chuckle when playing about with the image Zan now has in his posts, and some fellow GC's may also be ever so slightly amused, but all it shows to me is that you are a f#@king moron of the highest magnitude.

And please feel free to enlighten us all on what you know about nonstop cocksucking - unless of course you are such an expert.

My apologies for being seen to swear.
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