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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:55 am

I think Piratis has completely lost it. His prediction that within ten years Turkey will be no more is the usual story that we have been hearing since we were toddlers.

Here is my prediction. If we do not embark on serious daily talks on the solution of the problem based on the Annan plan and its philosophy, Cyprus will be officially divided with the blessing of the international community. There is no other option. Talks about going back to the 1960 agreements, even partially, or some other magical potions, simply offer nothing more than academic flavour that has no pragmatic value. However, we need to hurry. Very soon, the Turkish Cypriot community will say "no" (emulating our own answer back in 2004) to any plan that will return Morphou and Famagusta to the Greek Cypriot community. In fact, I am not sure the Turks would be willing to give back these places right now. Hopefully, if we elect a new President and send the right signals we may just manage to gain the confidence of the Turkish Cypriot community. If not, partition will prevail and Piratis can rest on his laurels reciting "pali me xronia me kairous pali dika mas thane". Of course, the possibility that the balance of power may move further against us, does not seem to bother Piratis. We shall play the waiting game and come what may!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:20 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You do scare me sometimes,mate...And with talk like this you are playing right into the hands of those who want to keep the status quo...
Remember what Ghandi achieved without any violence? We need leaders like that,clever enough to use tactics never used before....But they don't come like ghandi any more...But wanting to annihilate 75 million people to rescue part of your country does not make sense... :(

Your hopes are based on the assumption that Turkey is reasonable enough to do the right thing! Keep hoping. Turkey only understands the way of violence. If a big enough stick whacks her she will then understand very well and the Cyprus problem will be over overnight... there is not a doubt in my mind.

The military option is one that needs to be explored further including the hiring of private armies such as Blackwater and others…

Cyprus’ warming to France isn’t accidental btw so those of you that think GR is crazy and alone in these views should think again.

Regards, GR.
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:31 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
You know damn well that under the circumstances the vast majority of TCs will not trust to put their fates as a "minority" in our hands.

Pyrpolizer, the vast majority of TCs will accept nothing less than partition anyways. This means there can never be an agreed solution for unification. As long as they have the power they will force what they want, partition.

Unification will happen only if it is enforced against the will of Turks and the majority of TCs. Sad but true.

I would understand your argument if by making a few compromises on some of our rights an agreed solution could be found. However it is very clear that such thing can not happen. Turks and TCs will accept nothing short of partition. Therefore do not denounce our rights for nothing.

That is a very sad conclusion you have come to,dear Piratis....
While I fully understand your frustration and apprehension,sanity dictates that we should never even think about resorting to force to achieve unification...Pyros is right I am afraid....It is softly softly or nothing...
My advice is not to put too much trust in the EU's powers of forcing Turkey to do anything....And if you are thinking about an armed struggle against Turkey,you might as well go and jump off some cliff right now.Cypriots have suffered enough from trying to impose their will on each other...It is time to start building bridges at all cost...And convincing people it is safe to walk across them...

So what is your analasis for his mental state Dr Bir?????

Well...Piratis is presenting with a condition named "Chronic Frustration and Despair Syndrome" brought about by prolonged exposure to Invasion and Occupation by a foreign power.His condition is worsened by the cognitive distortion that some of his fellow patriots are more able than himself to bring about a solution and they are just doing nothing...Prognosis is not good in the short term as there can be no change to the circumstances without drastic action on the part of those who he has considered lacking in compassion and empathy...I recommend a prolonged treatment with lots of understanding ,sympathy and compassion,together with respect and empathy for his condition... :D :D

Strange how you can find compassion and understanding for his condition but you just choose to call me names from the top of a mountain.Strange.......... :wink:

I have prepared a treatment for you to. JUMP!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
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Postby iceman » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:35 am

Get Real! wrote: Turkey only understands the way of violence. If a big enough stick whacks her she will then understand very well and the Cyprus problem will be over overnight... there is not a doubt in my mind.

The military option is one that needs to be explored further including the hiring of private armies such as Blackwater and others…

Cyprus’ warming to France isn’t accidental btw so those of you that think GR is crazy and alone in these views should think again.

I see some of you are itching again...
I only blame the extreme hot weather we are going through at the moment and advise both you and piratis to refrain from going out in the sun between 11am-16pm.. :wink:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:35 am

Why do war when you can buy everything for less money???

Wars today start

a)Out of stupidity
b)Because one side starts a stupid war and the other side has no option
c)When you cannot buy-in that case oil fields.

There is no need for war-war. There is "war" going on every day...Economic war.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:36 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:No, I'm not kidding at all. I agree 100% with Piratis' views on the situation with regards to the game being played by Turkey and the TC's. As I said elsewhere...

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed.

We are very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove I think it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Most wars don't last longer than a month and the Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A), and last but not least the GS’s have every reason to fight to the end as they have nowhere else to go anyway.

On the other hand, Turkey’s fragile political nature coupled with the shock of fierce resistance and that of the fight spilling onto Turkish soil with civilian casualties could make the Turkish regime capitulate from embarrassment and scurry to the negotiating table as they will most likely be expecting a re-run of July 1974!

Here’s a breakdown of recent sizes of forces on the island…

National Guard 10,000
Greek Cypriot Reservists 88,000
Greek ELDIK ?

Turkish Cypriot Soldiers 4,000
Turkish Cypriot Reservists 26,000
Turkish Military 39,000

I haven’t bothered including any Greeks because I don’t ever see them coming to Cyprus’ aid given that they couldn’t even look after one of their Aegean rocks (Imia) not too long ago.

So is Turkey REALLY invincible against Cyprus? I don’t think so.

You seem to be under the impression that when wars are fought all the men line up in rows to see who’s got the most to declare the winner! There is not enough battlefield on a small island like Cyprus for that many soldiers to be all fighting at once so this is not how wars are fought but via strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table.

Nobody said anything about fighting for the next five years to see if there are any men left standing because this isn’t a world war we’re talking about and there is not a doubt in my mind that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

There you have it people... the military option.

Im flabbergasted to say the least that such irresponsible views are aired by some one who has at least expressed in the past a wish that he should be taken seriously. I think you are both totaly out of your minds , your talking absolute crap and utterly reprehensible in your views , and I quote " """"Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free ""

Have you gone out of your minds or are you high on something !!

What you are in denial of is that there are only two options...

1. Give Turkey a 37% base on Cyprus because she says so.

2. Fight her off your territory.

The TC issue is not the issue at all and is simply being used by Turkey to prolong her stay. The GC's are ALSO using the TC issue as an excuse because they cannot see a military win against Turkey so they are wasting their time too with Turkey's mumbo jumbo when in fact a good whack would solve the problem very swiftly.

You are the one that needs to get realistic Miltiades because when you look at the picture from above it all boils down to a bigger country forcing its will on a smaller country and not some inter-communal dispute.

Regards, GR.
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:42 am

Bananiot wrote:I think Piratis has completely lost it. His prediction that within ten years Turkey will be no more is the usual story that we have been hearing since we were toddlers.

Here is my prediction. If we do not embark on serious daily talks on the solution of the problem based on the Annan plan and its philosophy, Cyprus will be officially divided with the blessing of the international community. There is no other option. Talks about going back to the 1960 agreements, even partially, or some other magical potions, simply offer nothing more than academic flavour that has no pragmatic value. However, we need to hurry. Very soon, the Turkish Cypriot community will say "no" (emulating our own answer back in 2004) to any plan that will return Morphou and Famagusta to the Greek Cypriot community. In fact, I am not sure the Turks would be willing to give back these places right now. Hopefully, if we elect a new President and send the right signals we may just manage to gain the confidence of the Turkish Cypriot community. If not, partition will prevail and Piratis can rest on his laurels reciting "pali me xronia me kairous pali dika mas thane". Of course, the possibility that the balance of power may move further against us, does not seem to bother Piratis. We shall play the waiting game and come what may!

I don't think he wants a second opinion Bananiot because the first doctor has told him what he wants to hear and with that just pocketed the money.

Why can't people see the realities of life? I have no problem with dreams but for Christ sake can't they distinguish between the two.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

There must be some medical names for these people as well..Like...Heads up their arse....or....Tapyourhealsaynoplacelikehome Syndrome. :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:43 am

iceman wrote:I see some of you are itching again...

Hmm, indeed... the 33 year itch!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:48 am

Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Get Real wrote:The Turkish Cypriot community must confront the reality of life and that is that...

1. They are a minority period!
2. Turkey is here illegally period!
3. The "TRNC" was, is, and will always be illegal, period!

There's nothing debatable here.

What is debatable though is your attitude and your approach to the whole problem,GR....Your "bull-in -the-china shop" approach will get you absolutely nowhere. It will only push the already apprehensive TCs more into Turkey's arms...I am surprised that you cannot see that. :(

After three whole decades of literally getting fucked around by both Turkey and the TC's I'm convinced that what Cyprus now really needs is a military strongman to explore technological military options with a five year plan to devastate Turkey once and for all.

There's a time to negotiate and there's a time to fight and I honestly feel that the negotiating phase has long expired.

You do scare me sometimes,mate...And with talk like this you are playing right into the hands of those who want to keep the status quo...
Remember what Ghandi achieved without any violence? We need leaders like that,clever enough to use tactics never used before....But they don't come like ghandi any more...But wanting to annihilate 75 million people to rescue part of your country does not make sense... :(

Your hopes are based on the assumption that Turkey is reasonable enough to do the right thing! Keep hoping. Turkey only understands the way of violence. If a big enough stick whacks her she will then understand very well and the Cyprus problem will be over overnight... there is not a doubt in my mind.

The military option is one that needs to be explored further including the hiring of private armies such as Blackwater and others…

Cyprus’ warming to France isn’t accidental btw so those of you that think GR is crazy and alone in these views should think again.

Regards, GR.

I can not believe what I'm reading. Have you lost your marbles , are you suggesting that either we hire mercenaries to drive Turkey out , or perhaps the French might just decide to have a pop at Turkey.Your ludicrous , acrimonious nonsense deserves the highest stupidity honour.
My GR , YOU HAVE I'm afraid lost all credibility on this forum , I suggest you take a well earned break and return when the temperatures subside a little.

Just read what you wrote: "" The military option is one that needs to be explored further including the hiring of private armies such as Blackwater and others…""""
This is not a wind up is it , ? And old Miltiades has fallen for it !
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:No, I'm not kidding at all. I agree 100% with Piratis' views on the situation with regards to the game being played by Turkey and the TC's. As I said elsewhere...

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed.

We are very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove I think it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Most wars don't last longer than a month and the Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A), and last but not least the GS’s have every reason to fight to the end as they have nowhere else to go anyway.

On the other hand, Turkey’s fragile political nature coupled with the shock of fierce resistance and that of the fight spilling onto Turkish soil with civilian casualties could make the Turkish regime capitulate from embarrassment and scurry to the negotiating table as they will most likely be expecting a re-run of July 1974!

Here’s a breakdown of recent sizes of forces on the island…

National Guard 10,000
Greek Cypriot Reservists 88,000
Greek ELDIK ?

Turkish Cypriot Soldiers 4,000
Turkish Cypriot Reservists 26,000
Turkish Military 39,000

I haven’t bothered including any Greeks because I don’t ever see them coming to Cyprus’ aid given that they couldn’t even look after one of their Aegean rocks (Imia) not too long ago.

So is Turkey REALLY invincible against Cyprus? I don’t think so.

You seem to be under the impression that when wars are fought all the men line up in rows to see who’s got the most to declare the winner! There is not enough battlefield on a small island like Cyprus for that many soldiers to be all fighting at once so this is not how wars are fought but via strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table.

Nobody said anything about fighting for the next five years to see if there are any men left standing because this isn’t a world war we’re talking about and there is not a doubt in my mind that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

There you have it people... the military option.

Im flabbergasted to say the least that such irresponsible views are aired by some one who has at least expressed in the past a wish that he should be taken seriously. I think you are both totaly out of your minds , your talking absolute crap and utterly reprehensible in your views , and I quote " """"Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free ""

Have you gone out of your minds or are you high on something !!

What you are in denial of is that there are only two options...

1. Give Turkey a 37% base on Cyprus because she says so.

2. Fight her off your territory.

The TC issue is not the issue at all and is simply being used by Turkey to prolong her stay. The GC's are ALSO using the TC issue as an excuse because they cannot see a military win against Turkey so they are wasting their time too with Turkey's mumbo jumbo when in fact a good whack would solve the problem very swiftly.

You are the one that needs to get realistic Miltiades because when you look at the picture from above it all boils down to a bigger country forcing its will on a smaller country and not some inter-communal dispute.

Regards, GR.

And what the hhell have the TCs on this forum and all around the world telling you GR....You keep playing games mate andd you will be an old man by the time anything happens that will put even a smile on your face. The time for just blaming Turkeey and talking over our heads is over and the people that are joint owners are telling you that enough is enough so you can stop all this crap. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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