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The Cyprus Issue: What Is the Next Step?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:00 am

I didn't talk about a war today, so don't confuse what I said with what others said.

What I am saying is that TCs want partition, and since what they want is the exact opposite of what we want, there is absolutely no chance for an agreed solution that will reunify our island. Therefore unification can not come with TCs agreement (since they do not want it).

When I talk about a shift in the balance of power I do not talk about Cyprus going one on one against Turkey. An armed straggle might not even be necessary.

Take the example of Latvia. It is a country that was part of the super power USSR and with a 30% Russian minority in it. The balance of power shifted, Latvia was liberated.

Turkey is a very unstable country and personally I believe the ones that have the power will soon decide to split it up, just like they did to the Ottoman empire. A super strong Turkey that can turn islamist and anti-west at any point is not on the long term interests of the Americans. What would be better for them is to split Turkey up and declare an independent but weak Kurdistan which will be sitting on a lot of oil and will need Americans to guarantee their security.

Personally I can see an independent Kurdistan incorporating parts of what is now Turkey within the next 10 years, and hopefully the Turks will not just agree for that to happen, and in the war that will follow Cyprus will be liberated as well.
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:24 am

Piratis wrote:I didn't talk about a war today, so don't confuse what I said with what others said.

What I am saying is that TCs want partition, and since what they want is the exact opposite of what we want, there is absolutely no chance for an agreed solution that will reunify our island. Therefore unification can not come with TCs agreement (since they do not want it).

When I talk about a shift in the balance of power I do not talk about Cyprus going one on one against Turkey. An armed straggle might not even be necessary.

Take the example of Latvia. It is a country that was part of the super power USSR and with a 30% Russian minority in it. The balance of power shifted, Latvia was liberated.

Turkey is a very unstable country and personally I believe the ones that have the power will soon decide to split it up, just like they did to the Ottoman empire. A super strong Turkey that can turn islamist and anti-west at any point is not on the long term interests of the Americans. What would be better for them is to split Turkey up and declare an independent but weak Kurdistan which will be sitting on a lot of oil and will need Americans to guarantee their security.

Personally I can see an independent Kurdistan incorporating parts of what is now Turkey within the next 10 years, and hopefully the Turks will not just agree for that to happen, and in the war that will follow Cyprus will be liberated as well.

Did you ever think that maybe a million or two Turks will then see the TRNC/KKTC as somewhere to escape to from all that meyhem you are decribing. I wonder what you will feel like with minority status. I think I will buy myself a few boats and sit and wait........... :roll:
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:30 am

When you run to escape from a mayhem you don't go closer to your enemies. If there is a war against Turkey then be sure that Cyprus will be used as a base and we will participate in it with whatever we have.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:30 am

Piratis wrote:When you run to escape from a mayhem you don't go closer to your enemies. If there is a war against Turkey then be sure that Cyprus will be used as a base and we will participate in it with whatever we have.

So then Piratis , no doubt the users of the basis will be the Brits and the Americans , two of your most dedicated allies !!! Fighting against Turkey!!

While at it , on the side of the Americans , could we perhaps ask for their help to "liberate" Kostantinoupolis "
And pigs will fly and Father Christmas will join in the festivities and , tell me something mate , what will you do with the T/Cs , remember , they are MY COMPATRIOTS. Will you perhaps call me a traitor and have me shot.
And when all this is over and Turkey takes all of Cyprus then we can bring back EOKA C and D and OMEGA and fight them on the mountains and fight them on the beeches and blame the AMERICANICO fucking daxtilo for the mess we are in .
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:33 am

zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
You know damn well that under the circumstances the vast majority of TCs will not trust to put their fates as a "minority" in our hands.

Pyrpolizer, the vast majority of TCs will accept nothing less than partition anyways. This means there can never be an agreed solution for unification. As long as they have the power they will force what they want, partition.

Unification will happen only if it is enforced against the will of Turks and the majority of TCs. Sad but true.

I would understand your argument if by making a few compromises on some of our rights an agreed solution could be found. However it is very clear that such thing can not happen. Turks and TCs will accept nothing short of partition. Therefore do not denounce our rights for nothing.

That is a very sad conclusion you have come to,dear Piratis....
While I fully understand your frustration and apprehension,sanity dictates that we should never even think about resorting to force to achieve unification...Pyros is right I am afraid....It is softly softly or nothing...
My advice is not to put too much trust in the EU's powers of forcing Turkey to do anything....And if you are thinking about an armed struggle against Turkey,you might as well go and jump off some cliff right now.Cypriots have suffered enough from trying to impose their will on each other...It is time to start building bridges at all cost...And convincing people it is safe to walk across them...

So what is your analasis for his mental state Dr Bir?????

Well...Piratis is presenting with a condition named "Chronic Frustration and Despair Syndrome" brought about by prolonged exposure to Invasion and Occupation by a foreign power.His condition is worsened by the cognitive distortion that some of his fellow patriots are more able than himself to bring about a solution and they are just doing nothing...Prognosis is not good in the short term as there can be no change to the circumstances without drastic action on the part of those who he has considered lacking in compassion and empathy...I recommend a prolonged treatment with lots of understanding ,sympathy and compassion,together with respect and empathy for his condition... :D :D
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:37 am

miltiades wrote:
Piratis wrote:When you run to escape from a mayhem you don't go closer to your enemies. If there is a war against Turkey then be sure that Cyprus will be used as a base and we will participate in it with whatever we have.

So then Piratis , no doubt the users of the basis will be the Brits and the Americans , two of your most dedicated allies !!! Fighting against Turkey!!

While at it , on the side of the Americans , could we perhaps ask for their help to "liberate" Kostantinoupolis "
And pigs will fly and Father Christmas will join in the festivities and , tell me something mate , what will you do with the T/Cs , remember , they are MY COMPATRIOTS. Will you perhaps call me a traitor and have me shot.
And when all this is over and Turkey takes all of Cyprus then we can bring back EOKA C and D and OMEGA and fight them on the mountains and fight them on the beeches and blame the AMERICANICO fucking daxtilo for the mess we are in .

:lol: :lol:

But you are forgeting ,dear miltiades,that there are very few beaches and mountains left,especially in the North,to do the fighting on... :wink:
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Postby 74LB » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:39 am

What to do with the TC's seems to be the age old problem and this is why, in my opinion, the TC's who lived through the events from the 60's & 70's will forever be grateful for Turkeys intervention. Whichever way you look at it, they were saved from certain annihilation if the events that started on the 15th July 1974 were left unchallenged.

Why do we suddenly have the drippings of war talk in this thread - is this really the direction we want to go, for it solves nothing.

Birkibrsili - the mountains and beaches are still there, just that there are some obstacles in the way now ! :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:11 am

'74LondonBoy wrote:What to do with the TC's seems to be the age old problem and this is why, in my opinion, the TC's who lived through the events from the 60's & 70's will forever be grateful for Turkeys intervention. Whichever way you look at it, they were saved from certain annihilation if the events that started on the 15th July 1974 were left unchallenged.

Why do we suddenly have the drippings of war talk in this thread - is this really the direction we want to go, for it solves nothing.

Birkibrsili - the mountains and beaches are still there, just that there are some obstacles in the way now ! :lol:


There are reports and pictures that show big gaps in the mountains where they gutted them to get stones/rocks for all those obstacles in the way.... :wink: :( :(
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:28 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:What to do with the TC's seems to be the age old problem and this is why, in my opinion, the TC's who lived through the events from the 60's & 70's will forever be grateful for Turkeys intervention. Whichever way you look at it, they were saved from certain annihilation if the events that started on the 15th July 1974 were left unchallenged.

Why do we suddenly have the drippings of war talk in this thread - is this really the direction we want to go, for it solves nothing.

Birkibrsili - the mountains and beaches are still there, just that there are some obstacles in the way now ! :lol:


There are reports and pictures that show big gaps in the mountains where they gutted them to get stones/rocks for all those obstacles in the way.... :wink: :( :(

When were you last in Cyprus be it north or south?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:53 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Piratis wrote:When you run to escape from a mayhem you don't go closer to your enemies. If there is a war against Turkey then be sure that Cyprus will be used as a base and we will participate in it with whatever we have.

So then Piratis , no doubt the users of the basis will be the Brits and the Americans , two of your most dedicated allies !!! Fighting against Turkey!!

While at it , on the side of the Americans , could we perhaps ask for their help to "liberate" Kostantinoupolis "
And pigs will fly and Father Christmas will join in the festivities and , tell me something mate , what will you do with the T/Cs , remember , they are MY COMPATRIOTS. Will you perhaps call me a traitor and have me shot.
And when all this is over and Turkey takes all of Cyprus then we can bring back EOKA C and D and OMEGA and fight them on the mountains and fight them on the beeches and blame the AMERICANICO fucking daxtilo for the mess we are in .

:lol: :lol:

But you are forgeting ,dear miltiades,that there are very few beaches and mountains left,especially in the North,to do the fighting on... :wink:

The consequences of a war developing do not bear thinking about. Thousands of our compatriots will perish , Turkish and Greek mainland loses will far greater since the indiscriminate bombing of cities by either site will inevitably occur , in all a major catastrophe will occur .
Talk of war is irresponsible and damn right insolent. We are in a far better position to negotiate a settlement now than we were 10 years ago. The opening of the borders and closer interaction between the two communities of Cypriots will enhance the prospects of a settlement .Both sides appreciate the concerns of each other more so now than at any time in the pats. And we shall replant those walnut trees in Istinjo and we shall return Cyprus to its people.
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