Murataga wrote:Piratis wrote:This article would appear to bolster the argument that some countries are perhaps losing patience with the EU efforts (or should we say lack of) to find a solution to the current stalemate in Cyprus.
If I read this correctly, is it only a matter of time before the TRNC starts getting recognised ?
So what EU should do? Send her troops to throw the Turkish army out of the Cyprus/EU soil and reunite Cyprus?
Because it is the Turks that enforce partition illegally, by violating the sovereignty of Republic of Cyprus and disregarding UN resolutions calling for the immediate withdrawal of their troops from our country. So how can the EU or anybody else be responsible because Turks commit crimes and illegalities?
It is very funny when Zan, VP and some others come here day and night to promote partition and their "trnc", and then they accuse EU and the Greek Cypriots because Cyprus is not united
Cyprus is partitioned because Turks want it partitioned and the rest are either unable or unwilling to force Turkey to do otherwise. So if there is one that should be loosing patient these are us, because our lands continue to be illegally occupied.
And then those that
want and
illegally enforce partition come here to blame us and EU.

Cyprus is partitioned because the Turkish Cypriots were attacked, murdered, ejected from the government, enclaved and ambargoed for refusing to the subjection of Cyprus to Greece (ENOSIS). Cyprus is partitioned because she was about to be handed over to Greece along with the TC community in it by a suicidal maniac in the name of Nicos Sampson. Get your facts straight. For 44 years our rights have been usurped by the GC administration and the world has turned a blind eye to this. If the EU or the world is ever going to act against illegality and injustice they should start by attacking the 35000-soldier National Guard to secure the lives of the TCs and compensate what has been stolen from and used against us us for 44 years. The false accusation that the GC community is the “RoC" is illegal in law and untrue in reality. Political interests do not change facts.
We heard your lame excuses a million times. You came to Cyprus uninvited killing 10s of thousands of people, and you continue with crimes and illegalities against us since, and then you come here trying to present the Turks as the victims by exaggerating your losses which are a drop in the ocean compared to the massive crimes you committed and you continue to commit against us.
In any case my post was not about why you want partition it was about the fact that you want it and that you will accept nothing else except from partition.
At the moment it seems as though the current status quo will continue indefinately. And then what ? What happens when recognition of the TRNC starts, first by one country, then another, then some more again. Isn't it just a matter of time that this leads to permanent partition ?
Those thoughts exist only in the dreams of Zan VP and Murataga. The "trnc" is an illegal entity forcefully created by means of murder and ethnic cleansing on land that belongs to Republic of Cyprus (and where most private land belongs to Greek Cypriots). So keep dreaming that this illegal pseudo state will be legalized.
I'm not personally aportioning blame to the EU/UN/GC/TC/anyone - all I'm saying is it seems that from afar (I'm in the UK) nothing positive is happening (or seen to be happening) to try and resolve this issue. Both sides carry on as though everything is rosy........without talking/negotiating, what can be achieved ?
I repeat: Nothing is happening and nothing will happen because Turks
want partition. This will not change with talking and negotiations regardless if we negotiate for 1 year or 10 years. It is like telling me that if we keep talking to Murataga and Zan after some time they will stop to want partition and they will accept unification. Isn't it naive to believe something like that?