south_pole1 wrote:Im coming to Cyprus on the 11th July with my BF....
Only booked flights as my auntie lives in Pyla in Larnaca But we're looking to stay in few of the hotels for most of the time......
Hoping to go to Napa on the 12th for 3 nights
Bk in larnaca on 15th for 5 nights
Perhaps paphos on 20th for 3 nights and then bk2 larnaca for the rest
Basically iv only found the Lordos to be the nicest BUT cheapest hotel lol!
Wer looking for cheap but still nice hotels in all these places which are close to beach cs i know sum hotels in Napa are quite far out....
Also is there a bus service which could get us to paphos.....With us both being 21 isnt it hard2 hire car out there at that age and plus a bus is cheaper lol!
Help would be greatly appreciated cause im going soon and like to have a plan sooner rather then later!

I have spent 2 weeks in April going to several places in Cyprus, as you plan to do, and unless you have a car, you're not going to see very much, unless you only want to stay at the pool side all day long.
I believe you need to be 25 years old, to be able to rent a car, unless you pay more, for being 21. The car rentals now are already twice as much as they were only 2 months ago. Perhaps a local company can help you out, for being 21 years old.
This is a good site to check for hotels. We booked ours through them, and was not disappointed at all. . Basically your credit card just holds the rooms for you, which you can also cancel as short of 2 days before arriving, without penalty on most hotels. When you arrive at the hotel, then you can pay cash if you want, or with a different method of payment.
Good luck.