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Turkey's self-inflicted wounds

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:48 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:You are confused Zan . No one is selling and no one is byuing. Human respect and dignity is not a bazaar .You fail to acknowledge that 200 thousand Cypriots have been made refugees in their own country.Their homes sold off to foreign investors , 500 or so of their Churches denigrated , the names of their towns and villages Turkified , their ancestral homes under the occupation of a foreign nation.This is what the international community's interpretation is.

Its you thats deluding yourself, zan refersto you trying to sell us the pseduo "RoC" as faulty goods, those that accept can move south tomorrow, no one is stoping them. Think of the current situation as a safeguard against GC domination and agreesion if it makes you feel better and until a time that both sides can agree on a solution the last of which was rejected by no other than yourselves.

And apart from you and the occupying country , who else in the ENTIRE world considers Cyprus to be a "pseudo state " Yet again with your mentality you could argue that the earth is flat and that the moon is the Sun and the sun just a figment of our imagination. Did you know that Cyprus is one of the 25 EU members and that it is also recognised as the only CYPRUS ?? This is what gets up my nose , people like you and Zan steadfastly posting crap on the legality of the RoC , SO THEREFORE ALL THE WORLD IS SPONSORING AN ILLEGAL STATE !!! Grow up , get your nose out of Turkey's arse and smell the fresh air.

Who matters here? if not us then go agree unification with those states that recognize you...can you?

Bravo VP.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:17 am

Zan wrote:First of all I think you give to much credit to the way that Bir has conducted him self. We have been talking for a long time now and he has always had my respect for the way he has conducted himself until recently. My heroes have to be faultless and he has proved to be nothing but a 'Muddle" (Human = Harry Potter) like me and that is a disappointment on it's own. He has told a fellow TC that he would not piss on him if he was on fire and called me a psychotic mess. He has lost his temper many times and used many profanities and I have had to rip his picture from my wall in disgust.

I must say that I do remember that episode with regret.The only thing I will say in my defence is that I was extremely provoked...I have had a change of mind regarding that individual....If he was on fire,I would piss on him... :wink: :lol:

Now can you put my poster back on your wall,Zan...??? :)
Last edited by BirKibrisli on Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:25 am

miltiades wrote:You know on many occasions I posted that my dream is to see a T/C as the President of Cyprus as it would spell the end of conflict and just as in the UK we will have a Scot as Prime Minister from Thursday next , why not a party in Cyprus embracing all Cypriots with Birkibrisly at the helm !!

Thank you for your vote of confidence,dear compatriot,but i think I will make a very lousy politician...My biggest shortcoming is that i do not suffer fools gladly,and in politics you have to deal with them all day every day...I will be more useful being an ordinary member of the True Cypriots Party (TM!),and using my pen and my video camera to support the cause...That I would gladly do...No matter the cost personally...That is my promise to you... :) 8)
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Postby humanist » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:40 am

Pyro said
NB.It is quite possible that we may end up one day with an Armenian or a Maronite President of RoC. Just imagine this person negotiating the Cyprus problem on behalf of the Gcs!!!!!! It's unconstitutional.

Pyro why would this be unconstitutional?

I think here lies the Cyprus Problem. It assumes that to be Cypriot you are either a Turkish Cypriot (and if you live in the trnce you don't count as a citizen of the RoC secondly that to be Cyriot you are Greek speakers.

If we have one Cypriot people it would and should not matter and even now it should not matter as there are maronite refugess whose villages are under Turkish occupation and whose rights are also violated. Perhaps we do need a Maronite or an Armenian representative?
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:28 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
miltiades wrote:You know on many occasions I posted that my dream is to see a T/C as the President of Cyprus as it would spell the end of conflict and just as in the UK we will have a Scot as Prime Minister from Thursday next , why not a party in Cyprus embracing all Cypriots with Birkibrisly at the helm !!

Thank you for your vote of confidence,dear compatriot,but i think I will make a very lousy politician...My biggest shortcoming is that i do not suffer fools gladly,and in politics you have to deal with them all day every day...I will be more useful being an ordinary member of the True Cypriots Party (TM!),and using my pen and my video camera to support the cause...That I would gladly do...No matter the cost personally...That is my promise to you... :) 8)

Like you Bir , my tolerance level when it comes to fools posting nonsense is ZERO. I often wish that I could accept that everyone is entitled to their views regardless how bloody stupid these views might be. A paedophile , a mass murderer , a sadist all have views and it does not mean I have to respect their views. No Sir when absolute nonsense is posted then I will respond in my usual affable and direct approach. Like you I could not get involved in Politics , they would ban me from day one when some fool farts and objects to me holding my nose.
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:40 am

miltiades wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
miltiades wrote:You know on many occasions I posted that my dream is to see a T/C as the President of Cyprus as it would spell the end of conflict and just as in the UK we will have a Scot as Prime Minister from Thursday next , why not a party in Cyprus embracing all Cypriots with Birkibrisly at the helm !!

Thank you for your vote of confidence,dear compatriot,but i think I will make a very lousy politician...My biggest shortcoming is that i do not suffer fools gladly,and in politics you have to deal with them all day every day...I will be more useful being an ordinary member of the True Cypriots Party (TM!),and using my pen and my video camera to support the cause...That I would gladly do...No matter the cost personally...That is my promise to you... :) 8)

Like you Bir , my tolerance level when it comes to fools posting nonsense is ZERO. I often wish that I could accept that everyone is entitled to their views regardless how bloody stupid these views might be. A paedophile , a mass murderer , a sadist all have views and it does not mean I have to respect their views. No Sir when absolute nonsense is posted then I will respond in my usual affable and direct approach. Like you I could not get involved in Politics , they would ban me from day one when some fool farts and objects to me holding my nose.

And there speaks Edi and bodu :roll:

You know I have always wondered if a cat knows that it is a cat??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby halil » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:55 am

'' 40,000 troops,armed with 500 tanks''
u are talking about only for the Turkish army. İ wonder if u calculated how many Greek troopes are stationed in the southern part of the island.Those thanks and missiles they are having do u know how many is not the only that Turkish army is occuping Cyprus.Some how you are and world are missing somepoints........
may be their amount is not that much as Turkish troopes(40000) but they have too many tanks and mobile artilary as well......
we have too say all the foreginer armies must be out of the Cyprus.
Greek troopes were here before 74.
Pls try to read some articles about 1967-1968 can find about Greek army activities in Cyprus.
still their troopes are here.......
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:15 am

halil wrote:B?RK?BR?SL?:
'' 40,000 troops,armed with 500 tanks''
u are talking about only for the Turkish army. ? wonder if u calculated how many Greek troopes are stationed in the southern part of the island.Those thanks and missiles they are having do u know how many is not the only that Turkish army is occuping Cyprus.Some how you are and world are missing somepoints........
may be their amount is not that much as Turkish troopes(40000) but they have too many tanks and mobile artilary as well......
we have too say all the foreginer armies must be out of the Cyprus.
Greek troopes were here before 74.
Pls try to read some articles about 1967-1968 can find about Greek army activities in Cyprus.
still their troopes are here.......

He could always ask Kifeas, he knows where all of them are based and even the full range of the missiles they have aimed at us. Care to post that again Kifeas. :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:22 am

halil wrote:BİRKİBRİSLİ:
'' 40,000 troops,armed with 500 tanks''
u are talking about only for the Turkish army. İ wonder if u calculated how many Greek troopes are stationed in the southern part of the island.Those thanks and missiles they are having do u know how many is not the only that Turkish army is occuping Cyprus.Some how you are and world are missing somepoints........
may be their amount is not that much as Turkish troopes(40000) but they have too many tanks and mobile artilary as well......
we have too say all the foreginer armies must be out of the Cyprus.
Greek troopes were here before 74.
Pls try to read some articles about 1967-1968 can find about Greek army activities in Cyprus.
still their troopes are here.......

You are absolutely right,halil....I think too that cyprus should be demilitarised for obvious reasons...But given that there is an occupation going on (or call it what you like) it would be too much to expect the Republic to disarm,altough that would be a wonderful move in itself....But it is not going to happen...So do you think Turkey could pull half of her troops out as a good will gesture? Do you believe the GCs will attack North if that happened????If not why is Turkey not pulling some troops out in your opinion...Thanks mate....These are serious questions....I have heard good things about you from a mutual friend...i am interested in ur opinions.... :)
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:25 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
halil wrote:B?RK?BR?SL?:
'' 40,000 troops,armed with 500 tanks''
u are talking about only for the Turkish army. ? wonder if u calculated how many Greek troopes are stationed in the southern part of the island.Those thanks and missiles they are having do u know how many is not the only that Turkish army is occuping Cyprus.Some how you are and world are missing somepoints........
may be their amount is not that much as Turkish troopes(40000) but they have too many tanks and mobile artilary as well......
we have too say all the foreginer armies must be out of the Cyprus.
Greek troopes were here before 74.
Pls try to read some articles about 1967-1968 can find about Greek army activities in Cyprus.
still their troopes are here.......

You are absolutely right,halil....I think too that cyprus should be demilitarised for obvious reasons...But given that there is an occupation going on (or call it what you like) it would be too much to expect the Republic to disarm,altough that would be a wonderful move in itself....But it is not going to happen...So do you think Turkey could pull half of her troops out as a good will gesture? Do you believe the GCs will attack North if that happened????If not why is Turkey not pulling some troops out in your opinion...Thanks mate....These are serious questions....I have heard good things about you from a mutual friend...i am interested in ur opinions.... :)

I am sorry for butting in but I think it is a good point to make in that if you now agree that there are forces from Greece in the south that the occupation is from both sides as suggested many times.
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