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Benefits and problems from the EU membership.


Postby halil » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:48 am

President Mehmet Ali Talat is set to hold a series of contacts in Sweden and Finland on the EU Direct Trade Regulation.
As part of his contacts in the Scandanivian countries, Mr. Talat will meet with the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and attend a meeting at the International Relations Institute.

Following his contacts in Sweden, the President is expected to pass on to the Finnish capital Helsinki where he will come together with the Finish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva.
Mr. Talat will return to the republic on the 29th of June.

The TRNC parliamentary delegation, headed by the Speaker of the Parliament Fatma Ekenoğlu, continues its contacts in London.

As part of its contacts today, the delegation is meeting with representatives of various London-based Turkish Cypriot NGOs.

The delegation will also attend a dinner meeting with Lords and deputies from the British Parliament.
Yesterday the delegation toured the British Parliament in the company of Lord Harrison and former conservative deputy Michael Stephen and later attended a reception hosted in their honor by Lord Ahmet Maginnis, Deputy Ann Wintertonheld and Ben Champan.

Delivering a short speech at the reception, Lord Maginins expressed his great pleasure from hosting the TRNC parliamentary delegation in the British Parliament.

Reminding that he had recently visited North Cyprus, Lord Maginnis said that it was on this occassion that he had invited the TRNC Parliamentary Speaker Fatma Ekenoglu to visit the British Parliament.

Also speaking at the event, Mrs. Ekenoglu touched upon the unjust international isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people and explained how Turkish Cypriots were excluded and banned from particpating in any international cultural, educational and sports activities, all of which she added were fundamental human rights.

Explaining that the Turkish Cypriots percieved themselves as Europeans and had voted in favor of the Annan Plan so as to become EU citizens, the Parliamentary speaker said that nevertheless, the Turkish Cypriot people continue to suffer under unjust embargoes and isolation.

The parliamentary speaker also reminded that the numerous statements made by the UN Secretary General stated that there was no longer a need to continue isolating the Turkish Cypriot people from the rest of the world.

The delegation – headed by the Speaker of the Parliament Fatma Ekenoğlu is made up of the Republican Turkish Party deputies Ali Seylani and Ali Gulle, Freedom and Reform Party deputy Mustafa Gökmen and the Communal Democracy Party deputy Mustafa Akıncı.

The delegation will return to the Republic on Sunday at the end of its contacts in Britain.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:49 am

halil wrote:President Mehmet Ali Talat is set to hold a series of contacts in Sweden and Finland on the EU Direct Trade Regulation.
As part of his contacts in the Scandanivian countries, Mr. Talat will meet with the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and attend a meeting at the International Relations Institute.

Following his contacts in Sweden, the President is expected to pass on to the Finnish capital Helsinki where he will come together with the Finish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva.
Mr. Talat will return to the republic on the 29th of June.

The TRNC parliamentary delegation, headed by the Speaker of the Parliament Fatma Ekenoğlu, continues its contacts in London.

As part of its contacts today, the delegation is meeting with representatives of various London-based Turkish Cypriot NGOs.

The delegation will also attend a dinner meeting with Lords and deputies from the British Parliament.
Yesterday the delegation toured the British Parliament in the company of Lord Harrison and former conservative deputy Michael Stephen and later attended a reception hosted in their honor by Lord Ahmet Maginnis, Deputy Ann Wintertonheld and Ben Champan.

Delivering a short speech at the reception, Lord Maginins expressed his great pleasure from hosting the TRNC parliamentary delegation in the British Parliament.

Reminding that he had recently visited North Cyprus, Lord Maginnis said that it was on this occassion that he had invited the TRNC Parliamentary Speaker Fatma Ekenoglu to visit the British Parliament.

Also speaking at the event, Mrs. Ekenoglu touched upon the unjust international isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people and explained how Turkish Cypriots were excluded and banned from particpating in any international cultural, educational and sports activities, all of which she added were fundamental human rights.

Explaining that the Turkish Cypriots percieved themselves as Europeans and had voted in favor of the Annan Plan so as to become EU citizens, the Parliamentary speaker said that nevertheless, the Turkish Cypriot people continue to suffer under unjust embargoes and isolation.

The parliamentary speaker also reminded that the numerous statements made by the UN Secretary General stated that there was no longer a need to continue isolating the Turkish Cypriot people from the rest of the world.

The delegation – headed by the Speaker of the Parliament Fatma Ekenoğlu is made up of the Republican Turkish Party deputies Ali Seylani and Ali Gulle, Freedom and Reform Party deputy Mustafa Gökmen and the Communal Democracy Party deputy Mustafa Akıncı.

The delegation will return to the Republic on Sunday at the end of its contacts in Britain.


Interesting read Halil. Keep the news coming from the "TRNC" as you promised.

I need to point out something here. All the last names of all the Delegation, including Talat, seems to have names that one would find in Turkey. I mean, they just do not sound like Turkish Cypriot names. I know TC's are forced to change their last names if you decide to live in the "TRNC", so not to have "Two First Names" basically, which has been common to TC's for generations. Is this part of the plan to lose the TC Identity so that one can no longer tell the difference between a TC name and a Turk name from Turkey??. I know all of my relatives in the "TRNC" have all taken other names, which is meant to be a unique as possible, but it does not sound at all Cypriot anymore. I'm almost certain, most TC's who have return to live in the "TRNC" had to change their last names, from their original Birth Last Names. I'm sorry to say this, but sounds like Assimilation to the culture from Turkey, along with other things.

I'm happy to say, that I still have my Two First TC Cypriot names.
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Postby halil » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:41 am

Pls tell me what is the TC's name's ?
All our names are Turkish.After 74 we took sir names , We choosed our sir names as we wished. some families took their nick names as a sir name.İf u dont' have sir name how u could follow your family tree. am i wrong?
İ don't know about GC's are they carries only their father names or they have sir names.

''I'm happy to say, that I still have my Two First TC Cypriot names.'' Ok kikapu u can do what ever you wanted but other peoples has got same name as u are .Say after 50 years later on how your relatives will find their family i am having a difficulties to find my roots.
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Postby halil » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:27 am

have a look how important is surname....

How to trace Turkish Cypriot origins?

I am a Turkish Cypriot by origin (both mother and father) but British-born. I can safely trace my ancestors back to the late 1800's/early 1900's - up to my great-grandparents (4 of whom I knew - 1 still alive). I would like to know more about my ancestors but don't have the slightest clue of how to go about it. I have heard (from relatives) that there are possible north african (sudanese??) and italian blood links in my great-great grandparents. Using surnames is pretty irrelevant as I know that they did not use surnames until after 1974. Does anyone have any idea as to how to go about researching my ancestors? ... logy-12909
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:24 pm


For generations TC's did not care if they can trace their family roots. The roots were planted in Cyprus, and that was good enough. Having said that, I'm not complaining about having a "Permanent Family Name-Surname" which will make it easier to trace back one's family tree, but it's the nature of those names that I'm questioning, in that, there's no different than the names you will find in Turkey. One can still have a Family Name these days, but why not keep the names you already have. All I'm saying is, that the TC's have given up part of their long history heritage, and that was to have Two First Names, and the names they have been taking now, is exactly as the names one will find in Turkey. Now you cannot tell who is a Turk and who is a True TC, just by reading their names anymore. With these kinds of names taken by the TC's, it is also going to be difficult to separate the Settlers from the Natives. Give another 20 years or so, all the TC's will also sound like Turks from Turkey. I call this being Assimilated by the Turkish Culture from Turkey. So much for those worrying to be assimilated by the Greek Cypriot culture. Needless to say, the TC culture and Identity is eroding slowly but surely.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:08 pm

The short answer to your question,Kikapu,is yes,the process of assimilation is alive and well in the trnc...The next to go will be the TC accent as you say...Apart from some older politicians and journalists,the only time you will hear the TC accent on TC media is in the advertisements where they sometimes make fun of the heavy TC accent!..
Assimilation is the reason for changing all the old names of Cypriot villages who were mostly from GC origin...And assimilation is the reason why TC committment to religion is also questioned more and more...And the reason why the TCs "Turkishness " is being questioned more and more...And the reason why the education system is the way it is....the reason why Turkish lira is the currency...the reason why you now have adana kebab and lahmacun and pide bread instead of seftali kebabi and firin kebabi and humus corbasi and kibris coregi...that is why some fathers are now demanding "baslik parasi" to wed their daughters...the reason why people drive left-handed cars and kill themselves often in road accidents....yep,the train of assimilation is on course and picking up speed in the fair lawobiding state of trnc...
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Postby zan » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:24 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:The short answer to your question,Kikapu,is yes,the process of assimilation is alive and well in the trnc...The next to go will be the TC accent as you say...Apart from some older politicians and journalists,the only time you will hear the TC accent on TC media is in the advertisements where they sometimes make fun of the heavy TC accent!..
Assimilation is the reason for changing all the old names of Cypriot villages who were mostly from GC origin...And assimilation is the reason why TC committment to religion is also questioned more and more...And the reason why the TCs "Turkishness " is being questioned more and more...And the reason why the education system is the way it is....the reason why Turkish lira is the currency...the reason why you now have adana kebab and lahmacun and pide bread instead of seftali kebabi and firin kebabi and humus corbasi and kibris coregi...that is why some fathers are now demanding "baslik parasi" to wed their daughters...the reason why people drive left-handed cars and kill themselves often in road accidents....yep,the train of assimilation is on course and picking up speed in the fair lawobiding state of trnc...

Kikapu wrote:

For generations TC's did not care if they can trace their family roots. The roots were planted in Cyprus, and that was good enough. Having said that, I'm not complaining about having a "Permanent Family Name-Surname" which will make it easier to trace back one's family tree, but it's the nature of those names that I'm questioning, in that, there's no different than the names you will find in Turkey. One can still have a Family Name these days, but why not keep the names you already have. All I'm saying is, that the TC's have given up part of their long history heritage, and that was to have Two First Names, and the names they have been taking now, is exactly as the names one will find in Turkey. Now you cannot tell who is a Turk and who is a True TC, just by reading their names anymore. With these kinds of names taken by the TC's, it is also going to be difficult to separate the Settlers from the Natives. Give another 20 years or so, all the TC's will also sound like Turks from Turkey. I call this being Assimilated by the Turkish Culture from Turkey. So much for those worrying to be assimilated by the Greek Cypriot culture. Needless to say, the TC culture and Identity is eroding slowly but surely.

Shows you how Turkish we are. The transition is much much easier than becoming Greek. What a mouthfull Kikapolous is when you sit down and think about it.

You still don't seem to understand that we have no intention of bdecoming the Apache indians of Cyprus. We have no intension of just becoming the tourist atraction where we do our traditional dances for the paying public but the country is known as a Greek one. I hear that you can get some fantastic entertainment in OZ as well Bir. You know! Those indians that are a minority in Australia that the tourists visit to see how quaint they are. I amn sure you have visited one of these shows and provided the money the Abo's need for more booze. What trinkets did you buy to exhibit in your home????
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:31 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:The short answer to your question,Kikapu,is yes,the process of assimilation is alive and well in the trnc...The next to go will be the TC accent as you say...Apart from some older politicians and journalists,the only time you will hear the TC accent on TC media is in the advertisements where they sometimes make fun of the heavy TC accent!..
Assimilation is the reason for changing all the old names of Cypriot villages who were mostly from GC origin...And assimilation is the reason why TC committment to religion is also questioned more and more...And the reason why the TCs "Turkishness " is being questioned more and more...And the reason why the education system is the way it is....the reason why Turkish lira is the currency...the reason why you now have adana kebab and lahmacun and pide bread instead of seftali kebabi and firin kebabi and humus corbasi and kibris coregi...that is why some fathers are now demanding "baslik parasi" to wed their daughters...the reason why people drive left-handed cars and kill themselves often in road accidents....yep,the train of assimilation is on course and picking up speed in the fair lawobiding state of trnc...

That really is sad Bir,

I suppose "Pastirma is now Sucuk" and "Sucuk is now Pastirma". :idea:

Your point is well taken on the TC accent thing. Fortuneatly Cypriots in London and other places around the world will continue to maintain their TC accent. After a while, say in twenty years or more, anyone with a TC accent will get a funny look from those living in the "TRNC". A little bit like going to Turkey really.

True story. I took a taxi once in Turkey long time ago, and started talking to the driver, as if you can avoid it, even if you wanted, but for me, I'm always interested meeting people. After a while he said to me, "you know, for a foreigner, you speak Turkish really well". :lol: So I guess, I can expect more of the same, in about 20 years from now, in the "TRNC".

I hope they will lift the Military Service by then. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:51 pm

zan wrote:

Shows you how Turkish we are. The transition is much much easier than becoming Greek. What a mouthfull Kikapolous is when you sit down and think about it.

I get it now Zan. We were not saved by Turkey to preserve our Heritage, Culture, Cypriot Turkish Language, Accent and our way of life from the GC's, but rather saved us to be converted to be more like them.

Hell, my twin sister did that when she was married to a Turk (Great Man) and have been living in Turkey for the past 30+ years. It did not take a war to do that, did it.? If people wanted to become Turks, then why didn't Turkey just invite those TC's to come and live in Turkey. If you are so incline to lose every bit of your Identity, you could have just moved to Turkey, so what stopped you. I know, Turkey did not want to import bunch of low class heathens into their country, so they instead exported their own to cross- breed with the TC's to start the assimilation. What the GC's could not do in the last 400 year, Turkey did it in just 33 years, and you are happy to lose your unique self, to become one of 70 million.

Well done Zan. Now there's nothing more special about you I'm afraid.
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Postby zan » Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:10 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:

Shows you how Turkish we are. The transition is much much easier than becoming Greek. What a mouthfull Kikapolous is when you sit down and think about it.

I get it now Zan. We were not saved by Turkey to preserve our Heritage, Culture, Cypriot Turkish Language, Accent and our way of life from the GC's, but rather saved us to be converted to be more like them.

Hell, my twin sister did that when she was married to a Turk (Great Man) and have been living in Turkey for the past 30+ years. It did not take a war to do that, did it.? If people wanted to become Turks, then why didn't Turkey just invite those TC's to come and live in Turkey. If you are so incline to lose every bit of your Identity, you could have just moved to Turkey, so what stopped you. I know, Turkey did not want to import bunch of low class heathens into their country, so they instead exported their own to cross- breed with the TC's to start the assimilation. What the GC's could not do in the last 400 year, Turkey did it in just 33 years, and you are happy to lose your unique self, to become one of 70 million.

Well done Zan. Now there's nothing more special about you I'm afraid.

You are such a confused creature Kikapu. I was not chased out of my country by Turkey and niether were you. What is happening now is a result of what happened in the 60's. We have been sitting around waiting for the "RoC' to accept us and to treat us according to the constitution but none of that has happened. Hundreds of great minds from all over the world have come up with plan after plan to resolve the problem but the "RoC" seems to think that it knows better. I am a Turkish Cypriot and will always be a Turkish Cypriot and nothing that Turkey, Greece or the "RoC" does will change that. Of course if you had your way then all the GCs will drive around in 4X4's and the TCs will ride on donkeys for your pleasure. Tell me how much of your beloved old world Cyprud was left when you visited it. I seem to remember that there were many complaints, especially from Birs village.
Can you also tell me which region of Turkey we will follow :roll:
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