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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Yes in 1955/56 , I was 8 at the time and when we felt the tremors it was awful. Everybody started to pray. They thought the end of the world had arrived. We lived in the Larnaca region. It must have been awful for people living in the west of the island. I believe the epicentre was in the west of the Whether it was an earthquake or a tremor (a big one) that is just a matter of degree. I am sorry for your loss Miltiades, I had no intention of bringing back sad memories. I think since then there been very few minor tremors. I would not pack my bags if I were you. Whats the point , If it is written.......... :wink: Maybe the Minister of Information AKA GR will provide more info regarding the extent of damage etc?

Sorry to correct you my dear friend deni , the earthquake struck the Paphos area on September the 10th 1953 at about 6 am .The epicentre was my village Stroumbi , we had 22 or 23 dead , amongst the dead were a T/C mother and her child . My mother was 35 when she died , her death was instantaneous since she was struck by a large stone that fell from a tall house that towered over the water pump that all village women would gather early in the morning to fill up, on the back of her head. Remember the day as if it was yesterday , I was 7 years and 4 months old.
We were taken to the Limassol orphanage , it is now a car park opposite the cafes , and there I stayed for about two years . I do not blame anyone for the earthquake , a natural disaster like so many others happening around the world .My religious upbringing helped me to come to terms with my own beliefs in the fallacy of a creator. I have read the bible or rather just like the Madrases kids but to a much lesser extend , was told to read the bible . My inquisitive mind asked questions only to be brushed off with flimsy explanations. Not any more . Exodus , what an appallingly disturbing chapter , what violence , what utter stupidity and barbarism , and yer it is held in esteem by some 2 .5 billion believers.

My heart goes out to you for the tragic loss of your mum so early in your life. I hope you find solace in being reminded that if God exists you will one day meet up with her again. Fare thee well…

Regards, GR.

Thanks GR , but you know when you cross that mental barrier , regarding the existence of God , you find so much solace and comfort , so much so that your loved one never leaves you , her genes are with you you till you die , and then again are carried by your children and their children and so forth. My mother came from a family where diabetes was an inherited decease , and you know all my brothers including my self are diabetics , and in a strange sort of way I accept it because mothers family and her genes passed on to me had the decease. She has never left me since she lives in me and hence I need not the comfort of knowing that one day I might see her again , you see I see her every day in me , in my brothers in my children and in my wider family , so physically she has gone but remains with me all the time , physically and mentally.
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Postby Niki » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:57 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Yes in 1955/56 , I was 8 at the time and when we felt the tremors it was awful. Everybody started to pray. They thought the end of the world had arrived. We lived in the Larnaca region. It must have been awful for people living in the west of the island. I believe the epicentre was in the west of the Whether it was an earthquake or a tremor (a big one) that is just a matter of degree. I am sorry for your loss Miltiades, I had no intention of bringing back sad memories. I think since then there been very few minor tremors. I would not pack my bags if I were you. Whats the point , If it is written.......... :wink: Maybe the Minister of Information AKA GR will provide more info regarding the extent of damage etc?

Sorry to correct you my dear friend deni , the earthquake struck the Paphos area on September the 10th 1953 at about 6 am .The epicentre was my village Stroumbi , we had 22 or 23 dead , amongst the dead were a T/C mother and her child . My mother was 35 when she died , her death was instantaneous since she was struck by a large stone that fell from a tall house that towered over the water pump that all village women would gather early in the morning to fill up, on the back of her head. Remember the day as if it was yesterday , I was 7 years and 4 months old.
We were taken to the Limassol orphanage , it is now a car park opposite the cafes , and there I stayed for about two years . I do not blame anyone for the earthquake , a natural disaster like so many others happening around the world .My religious upbringing helped me to come to terms with my own beliefs in the fallacy of a creator. I have read the bible or rather just like the Madrases kids but to a much lesser extend , was told to read the bible . My inquisitive mind asked questions only to be brushed off with flimsy explanations. Not any more . Exodus , what an appallingly disturbing chapter , what violence , what utter stupidity and barbarism , and yer it is held in esteem by some 2 .5 billion believers.

My heart goes out to you for the tragic loss of your mum so early in your life. I hope you find solace in being reminded that if God exists you will one day meet up with her again. Fare thee well…

Regards, GR.

Thanks GR , but you know when you cross that mental barrier , regarding the existence of God , you find so much solace and comfort , so much so that your loved one never leaves you , her genes are with you you till you die , and then again are carried by your children and their children and so forth. My mother came from a family where diabetes was an inherited decease , and you know all my brothers including my self are diabetics , and in a strange sort of way I accept it because mothers family and her genes passed on to me had the decease. She has never left me since she lives in me and hence I need not the comfort of knowing that one day I might see her again , you see I see her every day in me , in my brothers in my children and in my wider family , so physically she has gone but remains with me all the time , physically and mentally.

That is such a lovely way to remember loved ones Miltiades. When my Grandmother passed away I was comforted by the fact that her gift was the legacy of our family.
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Postby friends474 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:32 pm

ive obviously hit a nerve here with you to make you so angry but dont you young lady me. you think because your a ekk of a lot older than me you know more.well you know nothing about what i believe.
people like you make me sick always blaming god for everything.
i dont know what religion you are talking about where god harms innocent unborn children because daddy is tossing off or mummy is not covering up,look get this in your head im f r o m w a l e s !!! i m a c h r i s t i a n not an islamist.
and we do have proper medicine they just dont have any or the money because of the greedy fat cats. a lot of my christian friends work in third world countries with charity organisations and they do it out of love. its not gods fault the west live in luxury its their fault. god gave enough for everyone its the way WE run this planet that makes it a mess stop blaming god !
what do you want him to do come down and take the money off the rich and give it to the poor,what would be the point of that the money would run out and they would be poor again.well he could keep coming down and doing that but wouldnt it just be easier to get us to change ,to change the hearts of us all so that we all want to help.
you see has much as all of you on here hate me saying this you know as well as i do that if everyone from the beginning just lived by the holy bible (just think about this for a brief sec all of you who are reading this because i know ill get 10 replys like always) and im not even saying that i would have wanted to live like that then. im just saying that we were given the bible as a guide to life to keep us safe from diseases.
one wife one partner,there would have been no sexual diseases.
oh look i could go on all day with this.
im just saying what do you want god to do? think how long gods been doing this. all he kept doing at the beginning was sorting out mess with the israelites then the kings etc etc (i dont know if you have read the bible)dont you think after all these years hes just decidid to let us get on with it and learn from are own mistakes.
you just cannot think outside the box can you.your just thinking within your mentalty god is god where there is no time there is no end this life is forever eternity you just got to decide where you want to spend it.and im not preaching to just telling you hoiw it is
right here goes. come on you lot start sending them in.
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Postby friends474 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:34 pm

and that was for milt!!!!1
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:39 pm

Thanks for your reply Miltiades. Indeed there was an earthquake in 1953. That year I was in the UK. There were other tremors/little earthquakes a few years after I returned in 1954. They must be the ones I remember. Any way to lose ones mother at such a young age is tragic. I lost mine when she was 45 to the bigC. And I asked God why? Just proves the point you were making in a way.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:48 pm

friends474 wrote:ive obviously hit a nerve here with you to make you so angry but dont you young lady me. you think because your a ekk of a lot older than me you know more.well you know nothing about what i believe.
people like you make me sick always blaming god for everything.
i dont know what religion you are talking about where god harms innocent unborn children because daddy is tossing off or mummy is not covering up,look get this in your head im f r o m w a l e s !!! i m a c h r i s t i a n not an islamist.
and we do have proper medicine they just dont have any or the money because of the greedy fat cats. a lot of my christian friends work in third world countries with charity organisations and they do it out of love. its not gods fault the west live in luxury its their fault. god gave enough for everyone its the way WE run this planet that makes it a mess stop blaming god !
what do you want him to do come down and take the money off the rich and give it to the poor,what would be the point of that the money would run out and they would be poor again.well he could keep coming down and doing that but wouldnt it just be easier to get us to change ,to change the hearts of us all so that we all want to help.
you see has much as all of you on here hate me saying this you know as well as i do that if everyone from the beginning just lived by the holy bible (just think about this for a brief sec all of you who are reading this because i know ill get 10 replys like always) and im not even saying that i would have wanted to live like that then. im just saying that we were given the bible as a guide to life to keep us safe from diseases.
one wife one partner,there would have been no sexual diseases.
oh look i could go on all day with this.
im just saying what do you want god to do? think how long gods been doing this. all he kept doing at the beginning was sorting out mess with the israelites then the kings etc etc (i dont know if you have read the bible)dont you think after all these years hes just decidid to let us get on with it and learn from are own mistakes.
you just cannot think outside the box can you.your just thinking within your mentalty god is god where there is no time there is no end this life is forever eternity you just got to decide where you want to spend it.and im not preaching to just telling you hoiw it is
right here goes. come on you lot start sending them in.

Luckily you don't represent God or he wouldn't have many followers left the way you're going.

It's very understandable for someone who lost their mother at such a young age to struggle with the existence of God and you are not making it any easier for him either.

Please start using paragraphs and correct capitalization if your message is to travel further and stop "defending" God with anger but with patience and understanding.

Regards, GR.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:04 am

Friends 474; You may be from Wales, but are you Welsh? Reading your posts I have noticed that you do not use capital letters. That is a trait that I find amongst my middle-eastern students. Peoples using the Arabic script do not have capital letters. I would not be surprised if you were from such a country. I would excuse you. If you are indeed Welsh, you have no excuse unless you go to a nursery, not to use capital letters.
Get Real is right and he is not a geriatric. He is a fine sample of Cypriot manhood. So there. Further to your posts, people do not blame God. All they are saying is If God is what he is supposed to be why all the suffering? So what they (some) are saying is there is no God. Now you did not hear ME say that. I am trying to help you understand a bit more.

Regards my little one
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Postby zan » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:59 am

When I went to Whales for a week all I heard was Scouser accents.
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Postby zan » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:12 am

friends474 wrote:ive obviously hit a nerve here with you to make you so angry but dont you young lady me. you think because your a ekk of a lot older than me you know more.well you know nothing about what i believe.
people like you make me sick always blaming god for everything.
i dont know what religion you are talking about where god harms innocent unborn children because daddy is tossing off or mummy is not covering up,look get this in your head im f r o m w a l e s !!! i m a c h r i s t i a n not an islamist.
and we do have proper medicine they just dont have any or the money because of the greedy fat cats. a lot of my christian friends work in third world countries with charity organisations and they do it out of love. its not gods fault the west live in luxury its their fault. god gave enough for everyone its the way WE run this planet that makes it a mess stop blaming god !
what do you want him to do come down and take the money off the rich and give it to the poor,what would be the point of that the money would run out and they would be poor again.well he could keep coming down and doing that but wouldnt it just be easier to get us to change ,to change the hearts of us all so that we all want to help.
you see has much as all of you on here hate me saying this you know as well as i do that if everyone from the beginning just lived by the holy bible (just think about this for a brief sec all of you who are reading this because i know ill get 10 replys like always) and im not even saying that i would have wanted to live like that then. im just saying that we were given the bible as a guide to life to keep us safe from diseases.
one wife one partner,there would have been no sexual diseases.
oh look i could go on all day with this.
im just saying what do you want god to do? think how long gods been doing this. all he kept doing at the beginning was sorting out mess with the israelites then the kings etc etc (i dont know if you have read the bible)dont you think after all these years hes just decidid to let us get on with it and learn from are own mistakes.
you just cannot think outside the box can you.your just thinking within your mentalty god is god where there is no time there is no end this life is forever eternity you just got to decide where you want to spend it.and im not preaching to just telling you hoiw it is
right here goes. come on you lot start sending them in.

I think the wanking is a reference to Catholics and the covering up to Islam.
Deniz has already pointed out that we are blaming God for nothing because he does not exist.

He seems to have got heaven right so why does he not just move the whole operation there. Surelly that would give him less headaches.

Do you know when the Bible was written and is there anything in there that surprises you?

Perhaps the Isrealites were the last straw and he has gone off and started a new universe where he can start again and not make so many mistakes.....So who are you praying to????
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:45 am

friends474 wrote:ive obviously hit a nerve here with you to make you so angry but dont you young lady me. you think because your a ekk of a lot older than me you know more.well you know nothing about what i believe.
people like you make me sick always blaming god for everything.
i dont know what religion you are talking about where god harms innocent unborn children because daddy is tossing off or mummy is not covering up,look get this in your head im f r o m w a l e s !!! i m a c h r i s t i a n not an islamist.
and we do have proper medicine they just dont have any or the money because of the greedy fat cats. a lot of my christian friends work in third world countries with charity organisations and they do it out of love. its not gods fault the west live in luxury its their fault. god gave enough for everyone its the way WE run this planet that makes it a mess stop blaming god !
what do you want him to do come down and take the money off the rich and give it to the poor,what would be the point of that the money would run out and they would be poor again.well he could keep coming down and doing that but wouldnt it just be easier to get us to change ,to change the hearts of us all so that we all want to help.
you see has much as all of you on here hate me saying this you know as well as i do that if everyone from the beginning just lived by the holy bible (just think about this for a brief sec all of you who are reading this because i know ill get 10 replys like always) and im not even saying that i would have wanted to live like that then. im just saying that we were given the bible as a guide to life to keep us safe from diseases.
one wife one partner,there would have been no sexual diseases.
oh look i could go on all day with this.
im just saying what do you want god to do? think how long gods been doing this. all he kept doing at the beginning was sorting out mess with the israelites then the kings etc etc (i dont know if you have read the bible)dont you think after all these years hes just decidid to let us get on with it and learn from are own mistakes.
you just cannot think outside the box can you.your just thinking within your mentalty god is god where there is no time there is no end this life is forever eternity you just got to decide where you want to spend it.and im not preaching to just telling you hoiw it is
right here goes. come on you lot start sending them in.

friends474 , just to clear up something that may be helpful for you to understand my strong views when it comes to religion and more importantly when I question the existence of a creator, or rather dismiss the creator myth.

Firstly I grew up in a Christian environment. Secondly I have never criticized the Christian attributes or any non Christian attributes whose whole emphasis is on helping the needy , as in Mother Theresa's case , but have criticized the incessant need to praise the Lord as if the Lord needs bloody praising. You praise your dog and the dog wags his tail , Lord does not need praising or as in some religions he does not need to be told constantly how great and powerful he is. Having said this , I completely and utterly reject the "mythology " surrounding God. I have tremendous respect for people from all faiths that allocate their time in helping the sick and the poor. I have spent over the last 5 years endless days in Hospitals , in view of my wife's' health and have seen the Good people who visit patients bringing comfort and assistance . I respect all religious people who are involved in events aimed not at destroying the human race about at helping the needy regardless of faith. My argument is not with the followers , it is with their actions and their reluctance to accept that in order to be good you have to praise the Lord or whoever people praise.

A final question to you my dear friend. If a person does nothing but good throughout his or her life but rejects the idea of a creator , what do you think God will say to him /her if they were wrong , on judgement day and indeed there was God. Would he say, my child you have been good on earth but you rejected me , you never praised me so you are fired !!
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