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Postby friends474 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:37 am

i am sorry i dont want to make you angry or upset you.
where just discussing this.
you would never beleive how many loved ones i have also lost. but im sorry this is what I know is true and im not asking you to believe this. thats the choice you make.for what ever reason the lord took them as much as it hurts me and as angry as i get sometimes i have to take peace in knowing ill be with them not going to spend my life being angry that wont get me anywhere.
yes i have read exodus several a christian not some islamist
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Postby friends474 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:41 am

how have i insulted you?
look you lot think im a 30 whatevr welsh christian nut case.
but to me you lot are the mad ones ive been hitting my head against the wall thinking how can they not believe in this.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:42 pm

Miltiades; Was that the earthquake in 1955 or 1956. I remember it. I think it hit the East of Cyprus around Paphos hard. In the Larnaca area there was days of dust suspended in the warm air. It was frightening. I also remember the sand storms which came across the sea from Egypt. The sky If I remember correctly was allgrey/yellow colour. Which horrible man was responsible for all these nasties. Bad men!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby friends474 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:50 pm

there was one in cyprus i didnt know that.
i was only saying to my friend last week that cyprus was better than turkey its a hot beautiful country but without the earthquakes.
is that the only one or have there been more?
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:31 pm

Yes in 1955/56 , I was 8 at the time and when we felt the tremors it was awful. Everybody started to pray. They thought the end of the world had arrived. We lived in the Larnaca region. It must have been awful for people living in the west of the island. I believe the epicentre was in the west of the Whether it was an earthquake or a tremor (a big one) that is just a matter of degree. I am sorry for your loss Miltiades, I had no intention of bringing back sad memories. I think since then there been very few minor tremors. I would not pack my bags if I were you. Whats the point , If it is written.......... :wink: Maybe the Minister of Information AKA GR will provide more info regarding the extent of damage etc?
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:42 pm

friends474 wrote:but to me you lot are the mad ones ive been hitting my head against the wall thinking how can they not believe in this.

Is that a "padded" wall by any chance F4. Perhaps you should try a real brick wall and after it hurts for a while, you will not do it again. :wink:

We accept you as a believer, so accept those of us, who are not believers. :idea:

You'll have less headaches also. :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:25 pm

friends474 wrote:zan
he did make us perfect and good, but he didnt want robots he gave us free will and we all went wild

So he made us perfect did he ? Who then distorted this perfection into Siamese twins , how about little children born with deformities , or was he perhaps punishing those little creatures because daddy wanked himself a few times !! Or may be mummy did not cover up properly and he cursed her new born. He must have a tremendous sense of humour but also HE must be very conceited after all he loves his people to constantly tell him what a good boy he is what a great God he is , merciful as well I hear you say , not so merciful when it comes to protecting his creations from hundred of deceases that are wiping out millions of people in the world who have no proper access to medicine.
Tell my something , in the West , the average lifespan is around 78- 80 years, yet in the poorer and most religious parts of the world is as low as 35 years. Now young lady , who in their right mind would eulogise a creator that allows the poor and sick to suffer while the rich and wicket are living to a ripe age in luxury. Well I suppose , as the say , it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle !!! than the rich to go to Paradise , and you know something , millions of people believe this , but yet again many more millions believe in Santa .!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:42 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Yes in 1955/56 , I was 8 at the time and when we felt the tremors it was awful. Everybody started to pray. They thought the end of the world had arrived. We lived in the Larnaca region. It must have been awful for people living in the west of the island. I believe the epicentre was in the west of the Whether it was an earthquake or a tremor (a big one) that is just a matter of degree. I am sorry for your loss Miltiades, I had no intention of bringing back sad memories. I think since then there been very few minor tremors. I would not pack my bags if I were you. Whats the point , If it is written.......... :wink: Maybe the Minister of Information AKA GR will provide more info regarding the extent of damage etc?

Sorry to correct you my dear friend deni , the earthquake struck the Paphos area on September the 10th 1953 at about 6 am .The epicentre was my village Stroumbi , we had 22 or 23 dead , amongst the dead were a T/C mother and her child . My mother was 35 when she died , her death was instantaneous since she was struck by a large stone that fell from a tall house that towered over the water pump that all village women would gather early in the morning to fill up, on the back of her head. Remember the day as if it was yesterday , I was 7 years and 4 months old.
We were taken to the Limassol orphanage , it is now a car park opposite the cafes , and there I stayed for about two years . I do not blame anyone for the earthquake , a natural disaster like so many others happening around the world .My religious upbringing helped me to come to terms with my own beliefs in the fallacy of a creator. I have read the bible or rather just like the Madrases kids but to a much lesser extend , was told to read the bible . My inquisitive mind asked questions only to be brushed off with flimsy explanations. Not any more . Exodus , what an appallingly disturbing chapter , what violence , what utter stupidity and barbarism , and yer it is held in esteem by some 2 .5 billion believers.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:49 pm

zan wrote:I am feeling a little uncomfortable here.......I seem to be on the same side as Miltiades.... :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan , read my posts son , you will see there , a genuine guy without any traces of hatred for you or any of our Cypriot compatriots .Critical and infuriatingly a defendant of the Cyprus nation that belongs to us all , and totaly opposed to the destruction of a part of Cyprus and the extinction of the native T/C.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:02 pm

miltiades wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Yes in 1955/56 , I was 8 at the time and when we felt the tremors it was awful. Everybody started to pray. They thought the end of the world had arrived. We lived in the Larnaca region. It must have been awful for people living in the west of the island. I believe the epicentre was in the west of the Whether it was an earthquake or a tremor (a big one) that is just a matter of degree. I am sorry for your loss Miltiades, I had no intention of bringing back sad memories. I think since then there been very few minor tremors. I would not pack my bags if I were you. Whats the point , If it is written.......... :wink: Maybe the Minister of Information AKA GR will provide more info regarding the extent of damage etc?

Sorry to correct you my dear friend deni , the earthquake struck the Paphos area on September the 10th 1953 at about 6 am .The epicentre was my village Stroumbi , we had 22 or 23 dead , amongst the dead were a T/C mother and her child . My mother was 35 when she died , her death was instantaneous since she was struck by a large stone that fell from a tall house that towered over the water pump that all village women would gather early in the morning to fill up, on the back of her head. Remember the day as if it was yesterday , I was 7 years and 4 months old.
We were taken to the Limassol orphanage , it is now a car park opposite the cafes , and there I stayed for about two years . I do not blame anyone for the earthquake , a natural disaster like so many others happening around the world .My religious upbringing helped me to come to terms with my own beliefs in the fallacy of a creator. I have read the bible or rather just like the Madrases kids but to a much lesser extend , was told to read the bible . My inquisitive mind asked questions only to be brushed off with flimsy explanations. Not any more . Exodus , what an appallingly disturbing chapter , what violence , what utter stupidity and barbarism , and yer it is held in esteem by some 2 .5 billion believers.

My heart goes out to you for the tragic loss of your mum so early in your life. I hope you find solace in being reminded that if God exists you will one day meet up with her again. Fare thee well…

Regards, GR.
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