Pyrpolizer wrote:
Rivers!!?? It's been 20 years I haven't seen anyone flowing. Maybe some stream water for a few days. When I was a kid the main rivers were flooding all Mesaoria upto Famagusta. Nothing anymore.
Drinking water? Thank God they discovered disalination plans. We burn oil to get fresh water from the sea. This is the sad truth.
The sun is burning dangerously. Last summer I didn't even go to the sea. I can feel it drilling my skin and itching. As soon as the tourists discover they are dieing from skin cancer they will stop coming here.
Early June and we had muddy rain. Yes red-mud rain coming from Sahara desert.
When I hear people saying Cyprus is a paradise I really laugh.
Thanks for the confirmation Pyro, that there are no "real" rivers to speak of. It finally came to me today, as to what we did not see in Cyprus, and that was, there were no rivers.!!
I don't know if you or other members have been to Switzerland, but I have to tell you, it is a wonderful place when it comes to NATURE. It has taken me almost 3 years to appreciate it, but now I really do. The amount of Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls (in season or when it rains a lot !!!), Snow Capped Mountains almost all year around, hills and more hills and where ever you look, it is wonderfully coloured with vegetation . The water from free-flowing fountains all over the country for people and animals to drink, is very tasty and refreshing. Who needs bottled water.!!
We do not have a Sea however.
I think I will write a post one of these days, to describe a little bit of Switzerland from a Cypriots point of view.