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Should the TRNC unite with Turkey?

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Should the TRNC unite with Turkey?

Total votes : 18

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:34 pm

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Well, GR had aspirations to conquer Turkey and Greece! I am wondering? hmmmmm. No, I dont think so. GR is happy with us Cypriots. I am thinking??????

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fact is I haven't voted yet and I'm very tempted to encourage Turkey to make a very foolish move... :lol:

Gamoto!! :twisted: you beat me to it.

Not that our opinions in this forum matter or anyting.

Worry not my good man let's all vote for Turkey and cross our fingers that she'll shoot herself in the foot! :lol:

Here comes vote number 4!
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:56 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Piratis, thanks for your as expected reply. I never would never condone rape, murder or paedophilia. Do not ask hypothetical questions. You see you are doing it again. Trying to put words in to my mouth which were never uttered. That is one reason why I try not to respond to people like you.
Where did you ever get the idea that I am a partitionist? Ok another stupid hypothetical. So do not ask dumb questions. I believe in Cyprus for Cypriots. Will you allow that for me? If I had the power relating to the family from Yialousa, another hypothetical.
I visited on a Sunday, and unfortunately they were out visiting other relatives. I believe I would have hugged them and say " what has happened to us Cypriots". Yet I do not know if they would greet me with a shotgun or not. That was my feeling. I am a very compassionate human being. I feel other peoples suffering.
Just prior to 1974, when Greek was killing Greek, I asked myself what on earth is happening. When the invasion took place, I did not jump up and down with glee. It should never have had to come to this. I was concerned for the whole of the population, yet I accepted that the Turkish Army was there on a mission. That was the protection of the TCs from attacks by the "bad guys". The rest is history.
Now you know how I feel. I love Cyprus no less than you do. If you want peace you have to be more concilliatory. You (plural) will not get anything by being so arrogant.

First of all I didn't put any words in your mouth. I simply gave you an example to make you understand that legality is not about "point of view". Just like slavery etc were acceptable centuries ago but today they are not, the same goes with invading sovereign nations. You can not tell me that because Turks captured Asia Minor several centuries ago, that today in the 21st century it is still OK to invade and occupy sovereign nations.

Who are arrogant are those that stole what does not belong to them. Look at Muratagas reply. He said that they should have taken even more to force us easier into capitulation. What I am asking is nothing more than our land and our rights. I didn't ask from you (plural) to give me your land or surrender your rights, so why should you (plural) arrogant people ask that from me?

And just to make it even more clear when I say "you" I talk about your side in general, not you personally. What I say is unfortunately true for the majority of TCs.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:07 pm

Murataga wrote:
Let me ask you Deniz, would you accept partition if the land distribution was 9% for TCs and 91% for GCs? Or partition is only OK as long as the TCs take a lot more than what belongs to them on our loss?

Yes, we would if that 9% landlocked you by giving us the whole coastline of Cyprus and some isolated areas covering drinkable water resources.

What you have a hard time understanding is that land distribution exactly according to population ratio is not necessaraily fair. I`ve explained this to you before. There are a wide range of issues ranging from security, strategy, feasibility, economy, resources and etc. that enforces deviation from such a primitive approach.

I believe 37% land fot the TRNC was a big mistake. I think it should be alot more so that it can pressure the GC administration to stop its illegalities and give up/return what it has stolen/usurped (and continue to do so for 44 years): the sole representation rights, and all the financial/political privelages/benefits of the RoC, which by the way is worth much more than land.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a joker! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby alexISS » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:31 pm

Murataga wrote:Yes, we would if that 9% landlocked you by giving us the whole coastline of Cyprus and some isolated areas covering drinkable water resources.

What you have a hard time understanding is that land distribution exactly according to population ratio is not necessaraily fair. I`ve explained this to you before. There are a wide range of issues ranging from security, strategy, feasibility, economy, resources and etc. that enforces deviation from such a primitive approach.

The 37% of land Turkey occupies is not only disproportionate to the TC population, it's also the richest in resources, the most strategically important (at least according to Turkey's interests) and it's coastline is much more than 37% of Cyprus's coastline
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Postby Murataga » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:19 pm

alexISS wrote:
Murataga wrote:Yes, we would if that 9% landlocked you by giving us the whole coastline of Cyprus and some isolated areas covering drinkable water resources.

What you have a hard time understanding is that land distribution exactly according to population ratio is not necessaraily fair. I`ve explained this to you before. There are a wide range of issues ranging from security, strategy, feasibility, economy, resources and etc. that enforces deviation from such a primitive approach.

The 37% of land Turkey occupies is not only disproportionate to the TC population, it's also the richest in resources, the most strategically important (at least according to Turkey's interests) and it's coastline is much more than 37% of Cyprus's coastline

How much and which part is of more important to which side in the complex dilemma of the Cyprus problem is a matter of debate for the experts, not us. I can point to Trodos (where the 14 major rivers of the island originate from) when you speak of resources, I can point out that cutting the GC side off from west coastline so they can not receive from Greece might have been a more strategical approach when you speak of strategical land, and can point out to you that the coast line in Karpaz may be worth less than the coast line of Baf, Iskele, and etc. No pioint in discussing these here... The bottom line is that land can not be shared simply on the ratio of the population.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:26 pm

First of all we have 3000 years of history in our island and accepting your demand to split it would have been a huge compromise from us. But since you are obviously totally unreasonable, we will not. So just rot in your pseudo until the day our land will be liberated to the very last inch.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:36 pm

Murataga wrote:
How much and which part is of more important to which side in the complex dilemma of the Cyprus problem is a matter of debate for the experts, not us. I can point to Trodos (where the 14 major rivers of the island originate from) when you speak of resources, I can point out that cutting the GC side off from west coastline so they can not receive from Greece might have been a more strategical approach when you speak of strategical land, and can point out to you that the coast line in Karpaz may be worth less than the coast line of Baf, Iskele, and etc. No pioint in discussing these here... The bottom line is that land can not be shared simply on the ratio of the population.

You know Murataga, the best proportion to population is this, that 100% Cypriots share 100% of Cyprus and all it's resources. As I gave this analogy few times before, and that is, sometimes the TC's and GC's are like two fleas on a dog, and the flies are arguing which one of them own the dog. The truth is, there is plenty of the dog to go around, so why are they arguing for. There's also plenty of Cyprus to go around to all Cypriots.

I'm glad you mentioned the rivers. I was thinking only today, as I was driving across one of many rivers we have here in Switzerland, that while I was visiting the RoC in April, I did not see any rivers. I saw some very small streams, but not a real river. Do they really exist.??
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Re: Should the TRNC unite with Turkey?

Postby Jerry » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:48 pm

Viewpoint wrote:To bring matters to end an end should Turkey extend her borders to incorporate the TRNC and end the dispute.

Seeing that GCs believe that Turkey rules and there are no TCs in the TRNC the obvious move would be to officially turn the TRNC into part of Turkey.

Take what's "yours", 18%, and shove it up Turkey's arse
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:51 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Murataga wrote:
How much and which part is of more important to which side in the complex dilemma of the Cyprus problem is a matter of debate for the experts, not us. I can point to Trodos (where the 14 major rivers of the island originate from) when you speak of resources, I can point out that cutting the GC side off from west coastline so they can not receive from Greece might have been a more strategical approach when you speak of strategical land, and can point out to you that the coast line in Karpaz may be worth less than the coast line of Baf, Iskele, and etc. No pioint in discussing these here... The bottom line is that land can not be shared simply on the ratio of the population.

You know Murataga, the best proportion to population is this, that 100% Cypriots share 100% of Cyprus and all it's resources. As I gave this analogy few times before, and that is, sometimes the TC's and GC's are like two fleas on a dog, and the flies are arguing which one of them own the dog. The truth is, there is plenty of the dog to go around, so why are they arguing for. There's also plenty of Cyprus to go around to all Cypriots.

I'm glad you mentioned the rivers. I was thinking only today, as I was driving across one of many rivers we have here in Switzerland, that while I was visiting the RoC in April, I did not see any rivers. I saw some very small streams, but not a real river. Do they really exist.??

Rivers!!?? It's been 20 years I haven't seen anyone flowing. Maybe some stream water for a few days. When I was a kid the main rivers were flooding all Mesaoria upto Famagusta. Nothing anymore.
Drinking water? Thank God they discovered disalination plans. We burn oil to get fresh water from the sea. This is the sad truth.

The sun is burning dangerously. Last summer I didn't even go to the sea. I can feel it drilling my skin and itching. As soon as the tourists discover they are dieing from skin cancer they will stop coming here.

Early June and we had muddy rain. Yes red-mud rain coming from Sahara desert.

When I hear people saying Cyprus is a paradise I really laugh.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:38 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Rivers!!?? It's been 20 years I haven't seen anyone flowing. Maybe some stream water for a few days. When I was a kid the main rivers were flooding all Mesaoria upto Famagusta. Nothing anymore.
Drinking water? Thank God they discovered disalination plans. We burn oil to get fresh water from the sea. This is the sad truth.

The sun is burning dangerously. Last summer I didn't even go to the sea. I can feel it drilling my skin and itching. As soon as the tourists discover they are dieing from skin cancer they will stop coming here.

Early June and we had muddy rain. Yes red-mud rain coming from Sahara desert.

When I hear people saying Cyprus is a paradise I really laugh.


Thanks for the confirmation Pyro, that there are no "real" rivers to speak of. It finally came to me today, as to what we did not see in Cyprus, and that was, there were no rivers.!!

I don't know if you or other members have been to Switzerland, but I have to tell you, it is a wonderful place when it comes to NATURE. It has taken me almost 3 years to appreciate it, but now I really do. The amount of Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls (in season or when it rains a lot !!!), Snow Capped Mountains almost all year around, hills and more hills and where ever you look, it is wonderfully coloured with vegetation . The water from free-flowing fountains all over the country for people and animals to drink, is very tasty and refreshing. Who needs bottled water.!!

We do not have a Sea however. :cry:

I think I will write a post one of these days, to describe a little bit of Switzerland from a Cypriots point of view. :idea:
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