g&t wrote:Just to put my two cents worth in! My son (3) has just completed his first year at school. He is at the Heritage School, adn we are very pleased with it. The children are taught manners(what a wonderful thign in this day ad age!) and more importantly the children feel like the teachers care. One of the things that attracted me to the place, was when were looking around, the hadmaster walked us to the nursery building, and ll the children he met on the way were courteous, and all of them stopped to have a few words with the headmaster...When we wlaked into the 'little school' building the headmaster was swamped as all the children swarmed round him to tell him what they had been up to, or to show him something. It was a really wonderful atmosphere, and i have seen examples of that throughout the whoe school. The teachers are willing to talk to you whenever you need it (no making appointments) and i think that is also important (especially in the younger classes). All in all we have been very pleased with the level of eduction, and also the pastoral care at this school. Highly recommend it!
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