Johnson&Johnson wrote:So I didn't check my spelling of 'people'
Big deal. i also can't recall what and what was not posted here in the past, even by myself.
some of us work fulltime and are not sitting on the pc in their mum's spare room in their underpants posting on forums all day
I find the video to be terryfiingly accurate. Having lived/worked/travelled all over the USA, I think it is closer to the truth than many would like to believe.
the Americans who live on the upper east coast, california and pacific north-west are a little more cultured and aware of what is going on around the world. In the south, fuggedabouddit. they know nothing.
When i was working in santa cruz, americans would ask all the time if the other side of monterey bay was hawai ! you could not tell it was actually a bay due to the fog on the lowlands, and it looked like an island sitting a few dozen miles offshore.
i once told an elderly couple that it was actually Japan, and they ooohed and aaaahed and asked me where they could get a boat across!
i sh*t you not !
Fine, you didn't see the first posting. Sh!t happens. Either way, you started casting aspersions and in the process, shot yourself in the foot. You did that to yourself. I recall a picture of an auto union strike from one of my textbooks in the 1980s. A guy was picketing with a sign that read "Japan Said Your Stupid."
Here's a separate example:
Doesn't necessarily make them idiots, but when you're dealing with the title of a thread in which you're ostensibly trying to make a point, or a picket sign, that's a pretty hefty example of carelessness and detracts from your point. Insulting
me won't change that. I just wouldn't care about a misspelling in the body of your post as nobody is perfect.
It's not to say that your point is baseless. There are definitely idiots to be found in the US. And, yes, they're probably in larger concentrations (gaggles?) in the south. Some probably wouldn't even be able to find the US on a map. If you have good real world examples as the ones you stated above, please do post them as I'm always appreciative of a good laugh. Taking a doctored / edited spoof and insinuating that it's close to the truth is simply not valid.
BTW, it would've
really been funny if you'd have sent those folks to that island and a group of Japanese tourists were there at the time.
And, yes, I ran through this three times for spelling errors...