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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:26 pm

devil wrote:And I say there is no God, but I say it very softly in case He hears me! :)

If you think religion is part of the Cyprus Problem, then keep it on that board, not here on the General board. Personally, I doubt whether it is a major part, but that's another story that has no place here.

I started this thread because of the recent number of new threads with a religious motive in the title. Having read some of the posts in them, I'm absolutely appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by some of the participants, their sheer provocation in their ignorance, even deliberate blasphemy against one faith or another.

Everyone is entitled to their private opinion. Announcing what is a privately held belief here is tantamount to either proselytisation or deliberately trolling, neither of which is good manners.

I maintain that this board should be devoid of this irrationality and it seems a number of others agree.

Good post! Who would've thought the Devil himself would side against blasphemy! :)
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:27 pm

GorillaGal wrote:it needds to be discussed, as this is part of the cyprus problem, is it not? is there not a major difference between religious beliefs of the RoC and the TRNC? you need to discuss religion, to learn about other religions, to see the beauty in them all, before anyone can realise that freedom of religion means all religions.

Religion has nothing to do with the Cyprus problem, the problem would still havel existed had both sides been muslims or Christians.
It is pure politics not religion.
I have learnt a great deal on this forum about Cyprus today if I had wanted islam shoving down my throat I would have gone to one of their many web sites and not this site.
I consider it as an intrusion to come onto this site spouting about islam, my respnose would have been the same to any other religeous group.
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Postby friends474 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:51 pm

these discussions are sometimes interesting, amusing and funny i like to read all your views on different things you have a good idea what the discussion is before you click on it.
if you dont like it dont read it
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Postby devil » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:05 pm

friends474 wrote:these discussions are sometimes interesting, amusing and funny i like to read all your views on different things you have a good idea what the discussion is before you click on it.
if you dont like it dont read it

That is not an answer, weaselling out of a point which can be downright insulting for some. A stand must be taken against blasphemy. What if someone posted some of the Danish cartoons? Would you be surprised if this brought some Islamists down on the forum like a ton of bricks? Let's stop it before we get into trouble.
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Postby friends474 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:16 pm

with everything thats gone on with terrorisam 9/11 and suicide bombers etc etc. i really wanted to listen to a real islamist,how they justify the evil that they do.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:40 pm

devil wrote:I started this thread because of the recent number of new threads with a religious motive in the title. Having read some of the posts in them, I'm absolutely appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by some of the participants, their sheer provocation in their ignorance, even deliberate blasphemy against one faith or another.

and THAT is EXACTLY why religion needs to be discussed.

i am sorry if it offends some. i have read all kinds of anti-american comments on here, that I take offense to. i don't expect anyone here to stop discussing the USA because some people find it offensive.
are we not here to learn?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:42 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
devil wrote:I started this thread because of the recent number of new threads with a religious motive in the title. Having read some of the posts in them, I'm absolutely appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by some of the participants, their sheer provocation in their ignorance, even deliberate blasphemy against one faith or another.

and THAT is EXACTLY why religion needs to be discussed.

i am sorry if it offends some. i have read all kinds of anti-american comments on here, that I take offense to. i don't expect anyone here to stop discussing the USA because some people find it offensive.
are we not here to learn?

If it's to be discussed then it deserves an eclusive area and moderator to lay out the rules.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
devil wrote:I started this thread because of the recent number of new threads with a religious motive in the title. Having read some of the posts in them, I'm absolutely appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by some of the participants, their sheer provocation in their ignorance, even deliberate blasphemy against one faith or another.

and THAT is EXACTLY why religion needs to be discussed.

i am sorry if it offends some. i have read all kinds of anti-american comments on here, that I take offense to. i don't expect anyone here to stop discussing the USA because some people find it offensive.
are we not here to learn?

If it's to be discussed then it deserves an eclusive area and moderator to lay out the rules.

then make it so, and when you do that, make a special place to discuss how much you all hate americans and the USA.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:53 pm

GG Wrote:
""""then make it so, and when you do that, make a special place to discuss how much you all hate americans and the USA. """
Wrong !!
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:56 pm

miltiades wrote:GG Wrote:
""""then make it so, and when you do that, make a special place to discuss how much you all hate americans and the USA. """
Wrong !!

Miltiades!!!!!!!!!!I got you again drinking Tzivania/ Bad boy!!!!!!!11
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