devil wrote:And I say there is no God, but I say it very softly in case He hears me!
If you think religion is part of the Cyprus Problem, then keep it on that board, not here on the General board. Personally, I doubt whether it is a major part, but that's another story that has no place here.
I started this thread because of the recent number of new threads with a religious motive in the title. Having read some of the posts in them, I'm absolutely appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by some of the participants, their sheer provocation in their ignorance, even deliberate blasphemy against one faith or another.
Everyone is entitled to their private opinion. Announcing what is a privately held belief here is tantamount to either proselytisation or deliberately trolling, neither of which is good manners.
I maintain that this board should be devoid of this irrationality and it seems a number of others agree.

Good post! Who would've thought the Devil himself would side against blasphemy!