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Accusations against Mohammed

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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:27 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Which idiot GR ?

The person behind this site...

GR , He was a Muslim and he no longer is , he has very strong views and sticks to them , what in your eyes is it that makes him an Idiot ?
He opposes Bin Laden , Al Qaeda , he despises Hamas , Hezbollah , and suicide killers. So do I . Does this make me an idiot too ? I have my eyes wide open and my ears sharply honed on words and actions by those who live by their imaginary creator , does this make me an idiot ?
When NATO attacked Serbia in order to put an end to the massacre of the Bosnian Muslims I supported such action ,does this make me an idiot ?
I despise and vehemently oppose the taking of life in the name of god , religion or race . I oppose the preconceived notions that determine a person as good or evil based on religious criteria. Any religion that condones violence and killing is a dangerous religion , be it Christianity , Islam or Buddhism or other. Humans are humans , life is sacred , taking life as revenge or as a ticket to the perceived utopia is obscene.

Anyone who broadcasts to millions of people around the world using a sacrilegious and technically impossible “challenge” in an effort to incite hate against all Muslims is most irresponsible and therefore an idiot. The website has no other function.

If you think that organizations like Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others are good enough reason to call for the indiscriminate death and destruction of untold millions of people because they happen to be Muslim then how are these organizations more dangerous than you?

Let’s just agree to disagree on this one please because I find it impossible to justify what’s happening in places like Iraq and Afghanistan and I hope you’ll accept that.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:30 pm

Miltiades, I am not trying to censure you. Its just that an idiotic subject issnt worth falling out with another Cypriot. I was trying to diffuse a potential greek tragedy. Cyprus talk is more interesting, me thinks.
DA :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:48 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:Abraham was one step up from a Neanderthal thousands of years ago, and yet he could write? I also believe that the moon's made of green chesse.

Neanderthal 25,000..300,000 BC
Abraham 7,000 max 10,000 BC (my estimate)
(Remember the 6 days of the week during which God created the cosmos? 1 day = 1 millenium)
Whoever said he could write?
Btw, we're gonna start getting mixed up with Creation Vs Evolution soon so let's watch it. :)

I didn't say that he was a Neanderthal I said one step up; ok so he couldn't write, I know; he had a dictaphone.
The bible is a very interesting book but to take everything as is written is stretching the bounds of reality and I've learnt that 1 day equals a millenium; so does that mean that according to the bible the first sabbath took place 3000 years ago and lasted a thousand years and that by then the people had only been to the synagogue that once on the seventh day, during the seventh millenium, surely they would starve if nobody worked for a thousand years.

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:16 pm

Yes GR you are right, we were Created and have evolved! Does that make sense? Let me read that again. OK Lets not go their. My witnesses are long dead, so I would not have living proof! :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:06 am

Southerner wrote:.. so does that mean that according to the bible the first sabbath took place 3000 years ago and lasted a thousand years and that by then the people had only been to the synagogue that once on the seventh day, during the seventh millenium, surely they would starve if nobody worked for a thousand years. :P

The Sabbath was observed by humans hence it occured on a normal weekly basis! It's God that rested for a millenium and then they call me lazy! :)
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Postby humanist » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:27 am

Niki, I hear excactly what you are saying. I love Christmass and there is a movement in Australia to nearly ban it. A specific minority groupp are fighting hard to begin calling Christmass time Holiday season and ban Christmass decorations from public places. I don't like it either. I love Christmass and would welcome anyone to participate. I do not find any Buddhist/ or Islam offensive why is Christmass offensive to some?

However lets not confuse religion and the institutions it sets up from the word of noble, masters who came uop earth to give us messages of love. I hate the institution of the Church as much as I hate the Institution of any other religions, they are there to coople and create grief in the world. Unfortunately there are those lambs who just follow and act according to what they are told. Without questionning their leaders, that is where the problem lies.

Merry Christmass 6 months ahead of time.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:43 am

There is no scientific evidence that we are products of some special creation action. Most people talk about the right of people to be believers but noone as yet has talked of the right to be a non believer, an atheist. In fact, in our part of the world, it is absolutely forbiten to critisise the conventional wisdom of the know-it-all on these matters.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:55 am

Bananiot wrote:There is no scientific evidence that we are products of some special creation action. Most people talk about the right of people to be believers but noone as yet has talked of the right to be a non believer, an atheist. In fact, in our part of the world, it is absolutely forbiten to critisise the conventional wisdom of the know-it-all on these matters.

We are privileged to have been born in the West and to enjoy the freedom to believe or not to believe. Man created God to his own image and depending from which part of planet the Man is , his creation mirrors that part of that planet. As Man progresses so does the scrutiny of religion increase .
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:.. so does that mean that according to the bible the first sabbath took place 3000 years ago and lasted a thousand years and that by then the people had only been to the synagogue that once on the seventh day, during the seventh millenium, surely they would starve if nobody worked for a thousand years. :P

The Sabbath was observed by humans hence it occured on a normal weekly basis! It's God that rested for a millenium and then they call me lazy! :)

Which part of the Bible is real and which part is not? in one reply you say a day is a thousand years and in the next it's 24 hours. When did they change to Greenwtch time?
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Postby humanist » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:38 am

Well said Miltiades, my only coment on that is people also have the right to believe they were not created by God let alone in her own image.
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