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Accusations against Mohammed

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Postby Niki » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Niki wrote:
humanist wrote:Niki, personally I beielve that Mohammed is agreat man sent to deliver a message just like Jesus , Buddha and Rumi and many others whose teachings are about love and respect. As a Christian with a close relationship to Jesus I find the coments about Mohammed to be of poor taste and incesnitivity. Can we please respect other people's religious figures tho they may be different to ours and accept that they have come with the smae message to bring us joy happiness and love.

Thank you.

Humanist of course I agree with you. Different religions should accept each other and it would be nice to think the joy happiness and love aspects were the most valued traits but this just isn't the case. As has been said it is the minority who enforce and terrorise. 99% of people are decent no matter what religion they are.

I get upset when all the things I grew up with and that are close to my heart like Christmas with all it's traditions, respect for women by men, being able to say what you think is being quashed in the name of more aggressive religions. These things are and have systematically being taken away from us. The UK is not what it was when I was younger, the traditional values have all gone!

I have aplogised for offending by posting the thoughts made by another man, I stand by this apology, the sentiments were too strongly expressed. You get so used to having your own beliefs walked over and simply having to accept this destruction as you have no say it is easy to underestimate the high emotions this causes.

Has it ever occured to you that there are elements who will try to "deprive" you from things you cherish, such as Xmas, to strengthen their cause? I can see a disguised yet systematic campaign to increase tensions between Islam and Christianity but it's up to us to fall for it.

The now tired "it offends muslims" is one such tactic on the increase disguised as anti-racist and yet it causes exactly the opposite effect which is what they really want!

Interesting thought!

There is no doubt respective governments and leaders make the situation worse.

What do you think the ultimate aim is. To create total division and war?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:31 pm

Southerner wrote:Abraham was one step up from a Neanderthal thousands of years ago, and yet he could write? I also believe that the moon's made of green chesse.

Neanderthal 25,000..300,000 BC

Abraham 7,000 max 10,000 BC (my estimate)

(Remember the 6 days of the week during which God created the cosmos? 1 day = 1 millenium)

Whoever said he could write?

Btw, we're gonna start getting mixed up with Creation Vs Evolution soon so let's watch it. :)
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:36 pm

Niki wrote:Interesting thought!

There is no doubt respective governments and leaders make the situation worse.

What do you think the ultimate aim is. To create total division and war?

I think it's all part of the Western world's attempt to "contain" the expanding Arab/Muslim spread in terms of numbers which ultimately also dictates religion etc.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Simon wrote:Get Real, if you have actually read the Qu'ran and Hadiths etc, you would know that what a lot of these extremists do IS justified in Islam. For example, Apostacy requiring beheading, beating your wives etc - it is all there. Their leader/prophet carried out the most appalling acts himself, and he is supposed to be an example to well over 1 billion people. The same cannot be said of Jesus. Please open a thread, I would love to know how you will conjure up claims that Jesus killed and raped women and children?

You mention George Bush etc, but I haven't heard him say he does what he does in the name of Jesus, or Christianity; in the same way that these extremist Muslims claim they are martyrs for Islam and Allah. There is a key difference. Their objective is quite clear: Islam to rule the world. Bush is the President of a secular state.

Niki, I have seen the website, and that particular person who wrote the article is very well educated and spot on. GR he is offering $50,000, try to prove him wrong.

If you were to look into the old testament you’ll find God ordering Abraham and others to do all sorts of things that today would be considered barbaric or repulsive such as slaying his own child to prove a point and the encouragement of inbreeding just to give you a couple of examples.

At the very least all these books (Bible, Quran, etc) have a rich historical value so we have at least one good reason to respect them.

As for that idiot who is offering 50k for nonsense I'll give him 100k if he can prove that his mother is not a whore! How's that for a challenge?

Which idiot GR ?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:47 pm

miltiades wrote:Which idiot GR ?

The person behind this site...
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:20 pm

Get Real, I wish I could shake your hand, now.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:29 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Get Real, I wish I could shake your hand, now.

You're welcome buddy... :)
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Which idiot GR ?

The person behind this site...

GR , He was a Muslim and he no longer is , he has very strong views and sticks to them , what in your eyes is it that makes him an Idiot ?
He opposes Bin Laden , Al Qaeda , he despises Hamas , Hezbollah , and suicide killers. So do I . Does this make me an idiot too ? I have my eyes wide open and my ears sharply honed on words and actions by those who live by their imaginary creator , does this make me an idiot ?
When NATO attacked Serbia in order to put an end to the massacre of the Bosnian Muslims I supported such action ,does this make me an idiot ?
I despise and vehemently oppose the taking of life in the name of god , religion or race . I oppose the preconceived notions that determine a person as good or evil based on religious criteria. Any religion that condones violence and killing is a dangerous religion , be it Christianity , Islam or Buddhism or other. Humans are humans , life is sacred , taking life as revenge or as a ticket to the perceived utopia is obscene.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:11 pm

GR is right for calling him an idiot. Miltiades you are not an idiot, why do you compare yourself with and idiot. His actions in producing such an idiotic web-page (my opinion) is only for one purpose only. To promote anti Islamic feeling. It is a very provoking hatred inciting site. I refuse discuse the mentioned points, but it is a wrong comparison. I respect your feeling but it is not worth it.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:25 pm

denizaksulu wrote:GR is right for calling him an idiot. Miltiades you are not an idiot, why do you compare yourself with and idiot. His actions in producing such an idiotic web-page (my opinion) is only for one purpose only. To promote anti Islamic feeling. It is a very provoking hatred inciting site. I refuse discuse the mentioned points, but it is a wrong comparison. I respect your feeling but it is not worth it.

Out of respect for you I shall refrain from further comments , which proves what I have always believed that interacting with people makes one more at ease with their different perspectives of a given concept.
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