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And this is what they would have happen in the UK

Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:07 pm

Damsi wrote:Not trying to prove anything :) Miltiades asked QAMERSLAND for an example. I just provided them. I'm with Miltiades when it comes to holy books and religions, Christian, Muslim or Hindu.
It's irrelevant whether or not the examples are from thousands of years ago. They are still included in the modern bible and Christians are told the bible is the word of God. If Christianity has moved on, they should reprint a new bible. In terms of the real basis of the Christian messages, this would be a one-page leaflet because there is only one message in the bible worth repeating: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Jesus himself went against some of the Bibles teaching as he himself realised that some things were out of date. When asked whether they should obey the law and stone a convicted woman his reply was Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. A muslim court in Africa sentnced a woman to be stoned to death, this took place very recently certainly within the last 5 years.
And this is what they would have happen in the UK; makes you think.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:13 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:I think he means the Iranians and Iraqis !! Most possibly people like Sadam and Chemical Ali who was today sentenced to death in Iraq for the massacre of some 180 thousand Kurds in 1988 . A fact that all you West haters have somehow ignored .Yes GR 180 thousand Kurds eliminated by these barbarians .

Quite plainly... Rubbish!.

Why don't you respond to the the reply written by militiades?
muslim Kurds were being slaughtered by muslims, over 180,000, not by the Coalition and yet you and your type conveniently revert to your double standards and choose to ignore it.
By your silence it would seem that there is one law for muslims and another for none muslims when deciding between right and wrong, so to take it to its logical conclusion if Bush and Blair had converted to islam you would find their actions acceptable the same as you did when saddam murdered far more than were killed by any coalition force..
Which side of the fence do you sit now? probably both sides as usual; very well balanced a chip on each shoulder and one on your head for luck.
So busy in your own self righteousness that you can't see the wood for the terees.

Typical Cypriot decease , it affects most , but some of us are immune to this dreadful illogical psychological problem of blaming all our ills , on the Anglo Americans. We revere the Arabs ,with whom we share sweet FA , blame the Americans and then when the Americans ignores us we wonder why.
Iraq could today be a peaceful nation and a democratic one as well had it not been for the insurgents and their warped interpretation of their guiding force. They are sadistic killers who do not hesitate to blow them selves up in public places , including holy sites killing their own people , and yet not one word of condemnation from this forum. These barbarians are the ones totally responsible for the suffering of the Iraqi people.
Many in the West now feel that all troops should be withdrawn and let the bastards kill eacth other .
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:50 pm

Miltiades, I have lost count how many times you have shown your true racist colours on this forum and as time goes by it seems to be getting worse and worse. You’ll remember that I once PM’ed you this site…

…and I’ll bet you probably thought it was a mistake intended for someone else. Well it wasn’t.

Instead of embarrassing you on the forum I opted to privately send you a good unbiased international news site so that you may start reading from a decent source for once and educate yourself on the Middle Eastern issues and hopefully I wouldn’t have to wade through the TOTAL CRAP you were posting back then but no… it didn’t work!

Today you have started the same fiddle yet again…

Iraq could today be a peaceful nation and a democratic one as well had it not been for the insurgents and their warped interpretation of their guiding force. They are sadistic killers who do not hesitate to blow them selves up in public places , including holy sites killing their own people , and yet not one word of condemnation from this forum. These barbarians are the ones totally responsible for the suffering of the Iraqi people.

…this piece alone is enough for anyone to see the kind of rubbish that circulates in your unlearned mind. You are not worth debating with Miltiadis because one would have to go back to Kindergarten with you, like point to the Middle East for you on a map, and I really can’t be bothered!

I would also like to request from ADMIN to please kill the 3-4 racist threads started by some irresponsible people as they serve no other purpose than for people in the dark like Miltiadis to spread unnecessary venom.

Regards, GR.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:Miltiades, I have lost count how many times you have shown your true racist colours on this forum and as time goes by it seems to be getting worse and worse. You’ll remember that I once PM’ed you this site…I would also like to request from ADMIN to please kill the 3-4 racist threads started by some irresponsible people as they serve no other purpose than for people in the dark like Miltiadis to spread unnecessary venom.Regards, GR.

When all else fails play the racist card.
Get Real what you should is 'get real'. Miltiades is a realist not a racist, there is more get real about him than you.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:25 am

Miltiades my friend you say or quote "Many in the West now feel that all troops should be withdrawn and let the bastards kill eacth other ."

What you do not realise none of these terror would have occured had it not been for these troops. It was the USAs meddling and foreign policies that started all this crap in the middle east..

I am not a supporter of terrorism either, whether its muslim v christian, muslim v muslim christian v christian so on and on.
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to Southner

Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:28 pm

Dear Southner,
please dont try to invent new rules in Islam, Islam condems any kind of killing of innocent muslims or non muslims,

if the Sadam was really involved to kill 18000 innocent Kurds, then he was wrong and he will get his punishment on the day of judgement. the punishment they give him was to kill him one time, it may be enough for one murder, but do you know God ALmighty says in the Quran that he will put them in hell fire and there he will give them punishment as many time they deserve.

as Edolf Hitler, who killed 6 millions jews, what maximum punish you can give him in this world, May be you can burn him once?

But God may put him in hell fire and give him punishment 6 millions times.

therefore without the concept of hereafter, the meaning of out creation is un complete.

even Bush or Blair revert to Islam and do what they are doing, they will still get the punishment,

islam doesnt say that if you just become muslim then you can do anything you like and you will go in heaven,
in islam except beileving one and only God we need to spend life according to islamic rules , if you are not a good human being, you cant be a good muslim

hope the answer of yout question
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Re: to Southner

Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:36 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:Dear Southner,
please dont try to invent new rules in Islam, Islam condems any kind of killing of innocent muslims or non muslims,
if the Sadam was really involved to kill 18000 innocent Kurds, then he was wrong and he will get his punishment on the day of judgement.

If Saddam was involved? what are you going to say next that it was the US/UK who realy did it as you claimed about the Twin Towers/911?
It was 180000 (one hundred and eighty thousand Kurds men women and children) not 18000 and that was the thin end of the wedge saddam actualy is responsible for the deaths of millions this includes those that he butchered in Kuwait.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:44 pm

southerner, thank you to correct me, i did not see Sadam doing it, that's why i said if he did it? and by the way from where you got the numbers?

we should be care full and verify the numbers and any kind of news we get from other sourse than seeing oursleves.

i said whoever kill innocent people will be punished.

i dont know Sadam personally, i naver met him, you may met him therfore you can say what did he do?
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Postby DT. » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:48 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:southerner, thank you to correct me, i did not see Sadam doing it, that's why i said if he did it? and by the way from where you got the numbers?

we should be care full and verify the numbers and any kind of news we get from other sourse than seeing oursleves.

i said whoever kill innocent people will be punished.

i dont know Sadam personally, i naver met him, you may met him therfore you can say what did he do?

did you meet adolf?
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:55 pm

no i did not and that's why i always said verfy before passing to others,it is been more than 60 years and it has been confirmed by many many sourses but the Sadam just left, let some time pass to come the truth out

i also said, if sadam did it then he was wrong and islam condems it and he got the right punishment acccording to islam and he might get more in the hell fire 180000 times. God know the best
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