Damsi wrote:Not trying to prove anythingMiltiades asked QAMERSLAND for an example. I just provided them. I'm with Miltiades when it comes to holy books and religions, Christian, Muslim or Hindu.
It's irrelevant whether or not the examples are from thousands of years ago. They are still included in the modern bible and Christians are told the bible is the word of God. If Christianity has moved on, they should reprint a new bible. In terms of the real basis of the Christian messages, this would be a one-page leaflet because there is only one message in the bible worth repeating: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Jesus himself went against some of the Bibles teaching as he himself realised that some things were out of date. When asked whether they should obey the law and stone a convicted woman his reply was Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. A muslim court in Africa sentnced a woman to be stoned to death, this took place very recently certainly within the last 5 years.
And this is what they would have happen in the UK; makes you think.