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Islam the only Acceptable Religion in the site of Almighty!

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Postby Southerner » Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:15 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Female circumsision is non-islamic. It is a tribal tradition which is illegal in most African countries but still goes on even among non muslims. Anti Islamists are clutching straws here. Any dirt that can be found is slung, rightly or wrongly without any thought or proper research.
Crusader Mentality, I'm afraid.

Ok so answer the other points please.
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:28 pm

Islam like Christianity and other religions is rarely practiced in its true form, it is sadly open to interpretation by so called holy men who twist it to their own advantage. I am Catholic but I disagree on a number of "rules" laid down by MAN not God. The biggest difference is that I dont ram my religion down other peoples throats.
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Postby turqual » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:15 pm

beverley10 wrote:pleeeeeeeese give us a break.we are on here to talk about Cyprus living and loving,do'nt force your beliefs down our throats as we return that favour to you.

Hey man... What's your problem. He says 'I just welcome you..' What's wrong here ? You think this is a forcing? I dont think he force anyone to do something. Im not prejedıced anyone. Even to you too. You musn't be prejeduced to other people too.Calm down.ok? :wink:
Calm down and go back to your discotech and have fun with your girlz. :P

Thanks Cypriot brother.

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Re: Islam the only Acceptable Religion in the site of Almigh

Postby turqual » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:19 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:Dear Brothers and sisters,
Do you know that Islam is the only true religion on the face of earth,

do you know that all the prophet including Jesus christ was a Muslim?

do you know a muslim is not muslim if he/she does not believe in Jesus christ as one of the mightiest prohet of GOd?

i welcome all of you to Islam so you may be forgiven and enter paradise,

feel free to ask anything or even critisize , i will inshllah answer

BOLLOCKS MATE.....................MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU !!!!!!


Please, don't put this kind of Terrorists' photos to here. And please dont try to set a relation between Usame Bin Laden & Islam.Of course anyone dotn force you to change anyone else's religion by force or with gun. He is just an ordinary terrorist.Don't do this.

Thanks Cypriot brother.
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Postby turqual » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:25 pm

miltiades wrote:There is no God !!!

Thanks for being polite. I think I'm respectful to your idea.
But you must do some serious researches on it at first I think.For example, did you make any researches on teh 4 greatest religion of the world ?
If you say this kind of things without researching, people will not care you.
If you had some, please tell your sources,writers & pages of the books and I will think on your saying more serious.

Thanks Cypriot brother.

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Postby turqual » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:26 pm

miltiades wrote:There is no God !!!

Thanks for being polite. I think I'm respectful to your idea.
But you must do some serious researches on it at first I think.For example, did you make any researches on teh 4 greatest religion of the world ?
If you say this kind of things without researching, people will not care you.
If you had some, please tell your sources,writers & pages of the books and I will think on your saying more serious.

Thanks Cypriot brother.

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Re: Islam the only Acceptable Religion in the site of Almigh

Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:46 pm

turqual wrote:
QAMERSLAND wrote:Dear Brothers and sisters,
Do you know that Islam is the only true religion on the face of earth,

do you know that all the prophet including Jesus christ was a Muslim?

do you know a muslim is not muslim if he/she does not believe in Jesus christ as one of the mightiest prohet of GOd?

i welcome all of you to Islam so you may be forgiven and enter paradise,

feel free to ask anything or even critisize , i will inshllah answer

BOLLOCKS MATE.....................MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU !!!!!!


Please, don't put this kind of Terrorists' photos to here. And please dont try to set a relation between Usame Bin Laden & Islam.Of course anyone dotn force you to change anyone else's religion by force or with gun. He is just an ordinary terrorist.Don't do this.

Thanks Cypriot brother.

Whats that you say"Bin Laden is just an ordinary terrorist" try telling that to the people of America,especially those who lost loved ones at the twin towers on 9/11............get a life ya sad git............waken up and smell the coffee,and join the real world !!!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:18 pm

EPSILON wrote:
miltiades wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
miltiades wrote:There is no God !!!

there is only Tzivania, Meltiades the great tzivania guy

At least with Zivania you know where you stand , if you can stand that is , but with all the nonsense of religion you are in the hands of the Gods ???

My friemd "Cypriot Nationality" hi!!!I missed you/. Meltiades i have a big qurisosity? )(my Enlish no so good but i hope you understand) What Greeks of Mainland Greece did on you and you hate them so much?

My dear Epsilon , you have the wrong end of the stick I'm afraid .
I do not hate the Greeks at all , what gave you that idea ? I simply critisize the goverment of the day way back in 1974 , albeit a dictatorship , but nevertheless the government of that day. I blame these monsters 100% for the events that developed following the military coup against the government of Cyprus. I critisize certain aspects of the Greek way of life , I deplore the un sofisticated pretentious rich , that I consider the a not very nice specimen of Greeks , I resent their incessant appetite for cigarettes , I love the Greek music having been a musician myself and playing the bouzouki professionaly for a number of years , many many years ago I ought to say.
I have two children that both have very Greek names , I have a grand daughter with an also Greek name , all these does not prohibit me from objectively critisizing Greece .
I have said before that I feel closer to Cypriots than I do to Greeks (mainland ).I feel that the G/Cs are just that , Greek Cypriots Not Greeks the same as the Turkish Cypriots that are Cypriots and not Turks (mainland Turks)

There are many aspects of the Greek life that I find uncomfortable not least the show off mentality , the uncaring and selfish attitudes that many rich exhibit towards the less fortunate ones, but overall I can take them or leave them . Im a proud Cypriot , I speak fluent Greek but also fluent English as well the Cyprus dialect , but as you know language alone is not the determining factor in labeling one a Greek or a Cypriot but more whats in the heart , and my heart belongs to Cyprus.
I will buy you a glass of Champagne the next time I'm in Athens , once again I do sincerely hope that I have not offended your feelings .
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Postby alexISS » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:26 pm

miltiades wrote:My dear Epsilon , you have the wrong end of the stick I'm afraid .
I do not hate the Greeks at all , what gave you that idea ? I simply critisize the goverment of the day way back in 1974 , albeit a dictatorship , but nevertheless the government of that day. I blame these monsters 100% for the events that developed following the military coup against the government of Cyprus. I critisize certain aspects of the Greek way of life , I deplore the un sofisticated pretentious rich , that I consider the a not very nice specimen of Greeks , I resent their incessant appetite for cigarettes , I love the Greek music having been a musician myself and playing the bouzouki professionaly for a number of years , many many years ago I ought to say.
I have two children that both have very Greek names , I have a grand daughter with an also Greek name , all these does not prohibit me from objectively critisizing Greece .
I have said before that I feel closer to Cypriots than I do to Greeks (mainland ).I feel that the G/Cs are just that , Greek Cypriots Not Greeks the same as the Turkish Cypriots that are Cypriots and not Turks (mainland Turks)

There are many aspects of the Greek life that I find uncomfortable not least the show off mentality , the uncaring and selfish attitudes that many rich exhibit towards the less fortunate ones, but overall I can take them or leave them . Im a proud Cypriot , I speak fluent Greek but also fluent English as well the Cyprus dialect , but as you know language alone is not the determining factor in labeling one a Greek or a Cypriot but more whats in the heart , and my heart belongs to Cyprus.
I will buy you a glass of Champagne the next time I'm in Athens , once again I do sincerely hope that I have not offended your feelings .

Wouldn't you say that the things you hate about the Greeks are present in the same (or even higher-see smoking) percentages in Greek Cypriots?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:56 pm

turqual wrote:
miltiades wrote:There is no God !!!

Thanks for being polite. I think I'm respectful to your idea.
But you must do some serious researches on it at first I think.For example, did you make any researches on teh 4 greatest religion of the world ?
If you say this kind of things without researching, people will not care you.
If you had some, please tell your sources,writers & pages of the books and I will think on your saying more serious.

Thanks Cypriot brother.


My dear friend , I respect your choice to believe in the all mighty , a belief that no doubt was installed in you by your parents just as they were made religious by the parents and so forth. I'm 61 years of age and I did not wake up in morning and decided that there is no God. I have studied the bible at length and spend a little time learning about Islam.
I have my logic which has been sharpened over many years in the university of life. I tell you there is no God , there is not the minutest proof that there is a creator . Religion , to cone a phrase , is the opium of the people, religion and religious absurdities are rampant in the third world and mostly in the most illiterate of nations. Show me a religious nation and I will show you a nation at war , a nation that sanctity of life is abhorrent , a nation that its own religious people form gangs masquerading as Holy and only to ready to commit the ultimate crime in taking life.
I do not believe , I do not wish to believe and I will defend your right to beleive in your God with my life if need be. Now , you do the same for me , defend my right not to believe .
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