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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:50 pm

As ready as the barbarians who blew themselves up killing innocent Londoners on July 7th and as ready as the savages who tried only today to blow up Glasgow airport.Look man cut the crap out this is not the time to exemplify the virtues of religious paranoia . Wake up and rid your self of the chains of brainwash indocrination and join the rest of the 21st century.
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islamaphobia? Not me.

Postby Southerner » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:04 pm

miltiades wrote:As ready as the barbarians who blew themselves up killing innocent Londoners on July 7th and as ready as the savages who tried only today to blow up Glasgow airport.Look man cut the crap out this is not the time to exemplify the virtues of religious paranoia . Wake up and rid your self of the chains of brainwash indocrination and join the rest of the 21st century.

Wait for it, QAMERSLAND will now arrive and tell us it was an inside job and the arrested asians were planted there by the CIA after the explosion and that they doused one of them in petrol, set him on fire so that it looked authentic, or am I sufferering from islamaphobia.
Can't wait for the excuses denials etc etc and all the (PBUH)
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Postby rajput49 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:17 am

freedom of speech seems serious issue right now at this forum.there seems to be an attempt by members and admin to ban one particular member just because of his expression of his views about some issues.if same freedom of expression is being done by salman rush-die its honoured but if some other person expresess himself ehich is not even provocative or infact attempt to close the bridges is being treated on hostile basis.i strongly object to the behaviour of admin and some of the members for trying to limit the freedom of expression.if no one objected to vulgar jokes written in this section why someone will object to thoughts which makes u think rather than take u away from reality.
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Postby rajput49 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:27 am

no one can convert anyone by force.unless u get guidence from allmighty.attempt is not to make convert ppl but infact bring ppl closer to eachother and now that all faiths actually teach same thing but when it comes to practice unfortunatly ppl are not following even basic beleives infact ppl are after non-importnat things which wouldnt lead us anywhere terrorism or beating up wives or many other things are personal acts and we are trying people to think and take a collective approach towards islam rather than looking at the behaviours of few ppl
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:40 am

Freedom of speech is a virtue , all can have freedom of speech , but you and the other religious freak are not exercising freedom of speech your merely spamming and we have had a belly full of this type of spam.THERE IS NO GOD , THERE IS NO ALLMIGHTY THERE IS NO PARADISE.
There are human emotions , human respect , human kindness and human weaknesses , there is also a human brain and human logic , do try and use it sometimes , you may just see the light.
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Postby rajput49 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:55 am

all these feelings and imotions u mentioned what u think they came from these are all things GOD allmighty have gifted us so we can stay in one society and prosper.u have complete right to beleive what u want but on the other hand u must accept same right for us as well if we know the way to go at certain destination we should try to show u as well how to reach there we are not selfish ppl.why u will tell someone who is going to fall down in a ditch that there is ditch in front because u have these all feelings u mentioned we also follow same rules and want u not to go into this ditch of darkness and ignorence.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:29 pm

rajput49 wrote: but when it comes to practice unfortunatly ppl are not following even basic beleives infact ppl are after non-importnat things which wouldnt lead us anywhere terrorism or beating up wives or many other things are personal acts and we are trying people to think and take a collective approach towards islam rather than looking at the behaviours of few ppl

Beating of wives, executing children, executing women for getting an education, stoning women are not personal things they are acts of barbarism carried out as part of the islamic way of life, they are never condemmed by any high ranking muslim religious leaders.
Not one muslim leader in the UK came foreward and critisized the people (African muslims) who carried out recent circumsisioms, on young women, in the UK, all done in the name of Islam.
Finaly honour killings, 100% down to followers of islam once again never condemmed by muslim leaders, ther is no honour murdering young women just because they want what all people in a democracy want, freedom of choice, some honour, some ego more like it!
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Postby rajput49 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:33 pm

again ppl are misunderstanding what we want to say.point of emphasis has been that personal acts are and can be criticised but u cant criticise whole community without having knowledge of the religion.what we are trying is to make ppl come forward and learn islam and judge it by its teaching not by few individulas far as condemnation of some of actions by muslims in the name of islam ... uslims.pdf ... Id=4775588
regarding beating of wives please refer to this ... entID=7004
for honour killings please refer to ... llings.htm
i have given u some of the links u can refer to on ur own if u want to know the truth and reasoning behind the allegations u have made.but r u ready to read this.i hope u will read this and come again and point out problems u r facing with islam because just by judging the actions of few u cant say the whole community is bad.if its like this actions of blair and bush will b enoguh to declare all americans and britishers as terrorists.but we muslims dont dont paint everything with same brush.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:57 pm

rajput49 wrote:again ppl are misunderstanding what we want to say.point of emphasis has been that personal acts are and can be criticised but u cant criticise whole community without having knowledge of the religion.what we are trying is to make ppl come forward and learn islam and judge it by its teaching not by few individulas far as condemnation of some of actions by muslims in the name of islam ... uslims.pdf ... Id=4775588
regarding beating of wives please refer to this ... entID=7004
for honour killings please refer to ... llings.htm
i have given u some of the links u can refer to on ur own if u want to know the truth and reasoning behind the allegations u have made.but r u ready to read this.i hope u will read this and come again and point out problems u r facing with islam because just by judging the actions of few u cant say the whole community is bad.if its like this actions of blair and bush will b enoguh to declare all americans and britishers as terrorists.but we muslims dont dont paint everything with same brush.
If all of this is true then go and put your own house in order before preaching to us, even the lastest (Glasgow airport) muslim would be murderers were shouting praises to allah.
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Postby rajput49 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:06 pm

mr southner this is our house and we dont agree what has happened in glasgow airport irrespective of who did this was muslim or christian.we beleive in dialouge.islam is religion with a message and message cant be delivered by violence.i would never do such a thing in my life bcoz islam doesnt teach me this thing.islam teaches me as mentioned in verse of holy quran""whoever killed an innocent thus he has killed whole of humanity.""
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