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Islam the only Acceptable Religion in the site of Almighty!

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Postby talipozdemir » Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:04 am

karma wrote:Time to leave the forum for a while :)
I always wanted to be the unique weirdo here :(
Qamersland & Talip good luck..
I really cant handle Islam lessons in Summer..
C ya , some other time ..

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He joined so much ago.After so much posts, he still making generalization on people.As you see I'm a new member who want to be equal to everyone without looking at their countries,languages & beliefs.
But worthless peope like this never discuss about anything.They always pick on other people.
whatever.. It is not worth to tire my fingers because of this kind of people i think..


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Postby talipozdemir » Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:09 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:ukman

i am sad to see that you are bored to learn the universal truth, if you dont want to read, just ignore it then to use harsh words because that will show us that what level of mantalty u got,

i hear people to offer other cheek but have not found a single yet who did that practically,

be patient, it will be good for you

Mr. Qamersland?? What is your purpose????
Here is just a discussion forum.Not a mosque or a chruch.
It's not your business to teach people the universal truth.Please calm down and shot up. :wink:


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Postby talipozdemir » Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:16 am

miltiades wrote:
QAMERSLAND wrote:ukman

i am sad to see that you are bored to learn the universal truth, if you dont want to read, just ignore it then to use harsh words because that will show us that what level of mantalty u got,

i hear people to offer other cheek but have not found a single yet who did that practically,

be patient, it will be good for you

Let me just say that in this particular time in the world , you should refrain from excelling the virtues if Islam. You must understand that most sacred of all human activity is living and breathing and seeing children healthy and happy , and the Islamists around the world are not exactly hell bent on achieving this are they ? So just cut it now and appreciate that not all people were .. . "privileged " to have had your religion indoctrination. Let me just say when I look around the most religious nations on earth all I see is violence misery and and death.
Take a look at the West Bank and ask your self , do this people have a religion , and if they do does their religion make them peaceful , forgiving happy people or are they what they appear to be on our screens every day. This is the picture that we receive , there is no other means unless we went out of our minds and went to this wretched lands on Holiday !!!

Mr. miltiades.
I think that, a good & experienced religious man never do like he do in the forums & never try to teach something to other people which he don't know about.Maybe you can be right about your ideas.

But if you want to discuss about religions, learn your own own religion very well at first #1, after this go to a mosque & find an imam to discuss about this #2.
Tell me if I said something wrong.



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Postby talipozdemir » Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:23 am

QAMERSLAND wrote:ukman, what you have told are good if we all do but do you know Islam teach us much more than this?

Islam teach us all human beings are equal.

islam teachs us to love your neigbour as yourself, he is not muslim if he sleep with full stomach but his neigbour is hungry.

Islam tells us to give charity to those who are poor but dont mention it.

Islam says to look after your parents when they reach old age, dont put them in Old citizens houses to get rid of them.

Islam says when you get up in the morning, your every joint of body due charity.

i can go on and tells you 100's more but your will be bored to read.

i will just say that most of the chrisitans they dont read whole Bible, there are 100's scientific errors in the Bible but there is not a single in The Quran.

there is pornography in Bible that feel shame even to mention it, how can a holy scripture can have such things in it.

we believe in Anjeel which is revelation that was sent to Prophet Jesus(Peace be upon him) but today's Bible imay contian some part of Anjeel but there is alot of curuption and changes made by the time.

for my those brothers and sisters who do not belive in God should tell me if there is no creator how come this so big universe came into existance?

My appoligies to those brother and sisters who have not got the answers of their questions, i will answer them soon inshallah.

God is with those who be patient.

Man.. Plz tell me is there any topic or category in this site to talk about religion so much under it ?
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:29 pm

Women executed in Kabul for learning to read, getting an education.
Women who are raped in Pakistan are considered the guilty party.
Honour killings (always against women, surprise surprise).
Forced marriages (legal rape under iaslm).
Suicide bombers, muslims killing muslim brothers and anyone else there at the time.
Stoning women to death for adultry
Photography Banned.
Freedom of speech called blasphemy.
Persecution/intolerance of none Islamic religions.
Women arrested for wearing the wrong type of clothing when men aren’t
Arresting foreign workers and then executing them in the name of allah.

I could go on, the one common denominator is islam, all of these items take place in muslim controlled countries or where islam is the main religion of those countries.
None of these take place in western countries other than outside of the law.
Recently in the UK two male members of an asian/muslim family were sentenced to death for murdering the daughter of one of the murderers, she was taken around the country including my home city and eventually murdered, her crime, she fell in love. Her punishment, an honour killing, some honour to murder your own daughter!

Lets see you blame all of this on the media!


1- it is complusory for every man and women to seek knowledge even they have to travel far to get it.
2- there is death panalty for the rapist in Islam that many modern countries does not support, there are more than 3000 women geting raped every single day only in USA, but only few get cought and get punishment for few days.
3- Islam does not hounor killing,To kill one innocent is as thought to kill all humanity and to save one life is as though to save all humanty.

4- in islam the permision should be taken from both man and woman before geting married otherwise the marriage is illeagal,

5- sucide Bobming is declared as Haram in Islam except in the battle field to save many other lives, one can offer his/her life. killing one another because of anyother reason is not allowed in islam

6- to have sexual intercourse out side marriage is Haram(illeagal) in Islam, if a man or woman who are not married and have sex without marriage, is they are found guilty by the Islamic court with witness, they should be beaten 100 hunters and let go free.
if a married man and married woman who have sexual intercourse out side the marriage, if they are found guilty by the islamic court in the presence of witness, they should be stone to death as lesson for others not to have sexula relationship out side marriage.
these are the punishment which are described by our creator, God is the owner of our lives and he has right to set rules.

7- Photography is not banned in islam if it is for good purpose, painting of Living creature like Hguman beings and animals is prohabited. even painting is allowed if the police has to make drawing to catch the criminal

8- Islam permits the freedom of speach but if others feeligs are not hurt, for example, i have no right to abuse your mother or sister for any reason. would you not say anything to the person who abuse to your mother, sister or daughter fr any reason? Islam does not allow anyting that hurt others.

9- Islam prescribe the Hijab for woman and the sate has right to immplement it. hijab for man first and then for woman is decribed in the Quran, therefore it is not for only woman also for man,

i have given the answer above and the punishments that you described were have truth because you left the man out of these punishments, half truth is dangerous than lie, so look inside yourself.

some of the allegation are not islamic techings such as women are not allowed to get education, sucide bombing, rape, forced marriage.etc etc

if some muslims are doing things according to some of their previous traditions does not means Islam tells them to do.

if you want to know about a religion, go back to roots, Go and read the Scripture of that religion.

what i say or you say got no value, but what the religious scripture says is true,

what i have answered above, i chanlenge you to find me the refrence from the Quran and hadith otherwise what you say is just about some muslims. but Islam is the religion of truth, you can find a single principal of islam that is wrong for all human beings as whole
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:52 pm

Mr talipozdemir,

thanks for writing about me, i will just say that this topic was given by me and whoever like can join, i have given the freedom of speach to all memember of this forum so they can express and share their knowledge, i am here to tell them the true teachings of Islam, there are a lot of misconceptions in the mind of non muslims about islam, i welcome anyone to ask of criticize but respecting each other.

unfortunately, no one yet is able to speak about the topic. if you like to speak about the topic, you should speak logical with references

if you are not intrested, you are free to ignore the topic. no one has forced you to join it.

In Islam you dont have to go to Mosque to learn islam, you can learn anywhere any time.

you are welcome to join the topic if you wish

May God Almighty Guide us

Please before asking any question ot giving remarks

Explain your Religion and Profesion if you dont mind

so it will be easy for me to answer according to the level.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:03 pm

Mr ukman.

wait for the reply from Mr Rajput but i would like to ask which of your sister was killed by going out with a non Muslim? where?

are you a muslim and had a sister who used to go out with a non muslim and was killed? by who?

May God be peace and mercy on her and bless her in heaven

i will answer if you please explain the full story.

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Postby ukman » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:51 pm

ADMIN get this nutter off .SOS GAV you talked more sense.i love this site .love it .but christ sake lets get some light topics .taxing my brain with some of these posters .i might aswell go and buy a business and have some fun trying to get a return on my money :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:57 pm

I agree this nutter is giving us all a blinding headache with his nonsense.Get him off !!
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Postby Damsi » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:36 pm

"These are the punishment which are described by our creator, God is the owner of our lives and he has right to set rules."

Nonsense. If a spiritual message does not preach love at all times, it's not spiritual and does not come from God. Go through your Koran and scratch out anything that does not show God (Allah) acting out of love for others, and see what remains. Then you might find some truth about what God is or isn't. Could you really imagine God stoning someone. If you can, then how can you be devoted to such a creature?
However if you are happy being a follower of other people's warped ideas of what God is or what he says and does, then please continue as you are and one day when you pass on perhaps you will realise the wasted opportunity to look for the real truth of our existence. You may never find it, but at least you will know that you tried, and not just accept what has been programmed into you by other people, and that applies to all religions.
Try reading some accounts of people who have near death experiences. Isn't it odd that devout Christians have encountered Jesus, devout Muslims encounter Mohammed and devout Buddhists encountered Buddha. This tells you the whole thing is right inside your mind.
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