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Muslims...the peaceful religion????

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Postby The Microphone » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:09 pm

Eliko..... i have followed your posts on numerous occasions... and miltiades' too...... i think that you both make useful comments on the forum.... but it seems that you'll not agree on this one... and no.. i dont agree with him that you are a 'west hater' or an advocate of terrorism... that i can clearly see from what you say. Perhaps he has just misinterpreted what you actually said. Perhaps your post, while differing, will be less spiteful.
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Re: Muslims...the peaceful religion????

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:11 pm

The Microphone wrote:Muslims...the peaceful religion???

The religion you’re probably referring to is called “Islam” and the believer of this religion is called a “Moslem” but anyway, the Bible and the Qur’an are very similar in their teachings so how do you equate with a thread called “Muslims...the peaceful religion???”?

Perhaps you don’t approve of some of the things being done by some Arabs/Muslims just as many of us also condemn many things being done by Westerners/Christians but what has the Islamic religion got to do with it? Nothing that’s what!

If you want to complain about some people doing certain things you don’t approve of that also happen to be Muslims then you need to phrase it as such but please don’t blame Islam because that’s not where the problem lies.

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Postby OLdTimer » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:14 pm

Islam is such a wonderful peaceful religion that they threaten to kill anyone who tries to leave it . Just how peaceful is that ??
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:20 pm

OLdTimer wrote:Islam is such a wonderful peaceful religion that they threaten to kill anyone who tries to leave it . Just how peaceful is that ??

But is such a threat part of Islam itself or something being made by a human through choice?
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:33 pm

alhumdulillah i have the anser of all allegations, but it need long to reply,

islam is against to kill any innocent human being
islam does not hounor killing
islam hounor the womne therefore 66 % of 100 new muslims are women, if islam disgrace women who forcing the American women to accept islam?
we slaughter the animal to take out most of the blood because blood is a good medium of bactaria and germs, so the meat stays more fresh and it is more healthy to eat.

my dear brother, you have right to say 2+2 = 4 is wrong but you will have to prove it and u will have to answer when you will face almighty God on the day of judgement,

if you have to judge a religion, you should not se the followers, if you give me a mercides Car and i bang it in the wall, will you belame that mercides car is bad? no you will say driver is inexpriance,

who killed the maximum human being in the history of World?

Edolf Hitler? shoud i say christaianty is bad because he was a christian?

no , not a tall

same if you want to judge the Islam you should read the Scriputre of Islam The Quran and know Prohet Muhhamd PBUH.

you come and tell after u will have done it

Micheal H heart wrote in his book , Prophet Muhhamd on number 1 in the most influncial persons in the history of the world

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Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:14 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:there is no doubt that islam is a peace loving Religion and way of Life but Muslims are not gonna sit back and let others to make fun of our true religion, if you are gentle man, you will defend if someone attack on you, [email protected]

You quoted in another thread about Jesus being a major prophet in your religion; didn't he preach Turn The Other Cheek? it seems yours is a religion of convenience and double standards, you can't have your cake and eat it as you are preaching
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Postby OLdTimer » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:21 pm

I wonder why if Islam is so great so many wish to live in the "Western World" ?
I would have thought all "good peace loving muslims would have been heading for muslim ruled countries , or do they like the western way of life and the freedom that goes with it that is so obviously absent in certain other countries ??
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:55 pm

i am living in cyprus and i lived in a Islamic country for 20 years of my life but now i am living here and enjoying what is good and forbid what is bad as i did while i were living in a Muslim Country,
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:57 pm

and by the way i dont follow the westren way of life and while living in cyprus i am living and following the commandments as jesus PBUH said we have to keep all the commandments.

i am living as a Muslim should live anywhere, the muslims who live and follow the western ways will be judge on the day of judgement
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:05 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:and by the way i dont follow the westren way of life and while living in cyprus i am living and following the commandments as jesus PBUH said we have to keep all the commandments.

You said you would answer so I'll repeat what I said about you contradicting yourself
You quoted in another thread about Jesus being a major prophet in your religion; didn't he preach Turn The Other Cheek? it seems yours is a religion of convenience and double standards, you can't have your cake and eat it as you are preaching
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