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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:38 am

Bir Kibris.; It must be for the weather that the expats return, but :wink: Global Warming will sort that out, I'm afraid!
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Postby The Microphone » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:13 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can't beat them,mate... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?

You dont know what you are talking about mate!

We have been pushed into disliking Islam because complete acceptance of it and its ways is constantly being forced down our throats by a traitorous government. For heavens sake, they even have their own National Council! A sort of muslim government in waitng.

Example. A womman gets harassed by the Police and prosectuted because she has an ornamental pig in her window. In her house. Why. Because a Mozzie might take offence.

There are Aisan gangs and no-go areas for whites in our major towns. In places like Oldham, they have Asian only housing. Not available to whites. They have their own schools, they demand their own law. In our ******* country.

Example 2. A shop run by a (supposedly) non-english speaking mozzie carries a hate-filledposter promoting a march in London by mozzies. protesting against Englands oppression of muslims everywhere. In Downing St!!! Off limits to me! And 30,00 are predicted to be there!!!

Any Police action. NO!

An anti-muslim march by the BNP or anyone else would be banned instantly and people locked up by the pseudo muslim police acting on the orders of our traitorous govenment. You see mate.... it's all one way! Their way. All whites are racist unless you toe the line of this pathetic government lie. And many of us have had enough!

We were quite happy to let them in providied they lived OUR way, by OUR laws. The thing is, they dont integrate and dont want to! The thing is we didnt wake up until now that what they really want is our country. By any means. And not just ours. Yours too eventually. If that means suicde bombing and the killing of thousands of innocents they dont care!

Rivers of blood will run. Just like Enoch said. The only thing is, we all thought it was the blacks (sic). We are just realising it wasnt them he was on about, but the enemy within!

At some point we will end up fighting them on our own land to have our own land! Thats a civil and religious war on our streets!

That time comes closer every day. Mohamed is the most popular name in England. The writing is on the wall.

So dont lecture about being an Islamaphobist until you know what you are talking about!
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:33 am

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?

When your talking about the British mate remember..............your talking 4 totaly different countries in one Scotland,England,Nothern Ireland and Wales each with their own individual cultres,but we all have on thing in common we were sick of a repressed Great Britian.............that was our main reason for moving to Cyprus,plus the weather of course,the cost of living,better social life and its a friendly country in view of its troubled past,which says alot for the people as they move on through life and look to the future of a once again United Cyprus.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:37 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, your last post has made you laughable, I would never have believed it possible for a person to be so far off in judgement.

You have hardly ever discussed any subject sensibly, your reponses expose the fact that you are UNABLE to debate any subject, you have fixed opinions and are therefore handicapped.

It saddens me to think that you will have some influence on the younger generation since you exhibit all the traits of the decadence you so rigidly support.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Listen you little twat , every one of your posts directed at my person is denigrating dissmisive and damn right offensive . You are no more than an educated fool and full of crap too. I know your type I have met many misguided fools like you over the years . You have the mentality of an educated Jihadi and I bet you would also find an excuse for the barbaric act of "sahel" because YOU understand the roots of this evil practice just as you do and justify the killing of innocents , an act that you strongly advice me not to criticize because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF IT. Well if I wasnt a gentleman I would tell you exactly what to do with your perverted ideology , but I'm no VP , so I will just ask you politely to get of my back and concentrate on contributing lots more to society , as you proudly said in your last post.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:40 am

Highlander, what puzzles me is your signature! Why HAIL CALEDONIA and not HAIL CYPRUS your newly adopted HOME?
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Postby The Microphone » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:55 am

denizaksulu wrote:Highlander, what puzzles me is your signature! Why HAIL CALEDONIA and not HAIL CYPRUS your newly adopted HOME?

What a dumb question!
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Postby Niki » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:24 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can't beat them,mate... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?

I can see how you think that Bir but resentments are not for the people themselves. Most of these people are decent and hardworking but of course there are extremists that colour judgements eg bombers, terrorists and Muslims who preach hatred.

The issue is in the fact that the British government has allowed this to happen are encouraging 'differences' and have therefore engendered so much negativity:-

- Christmas as a name has been banned in many towns and cities to not offend other non christian cultures (most Muslims thought this was ridiculous also)

- Christmas decorations not allowed or carols sung for the above reason

- University places are restricted as they must enrol a percentage of ethnic minority (even if they are not the best candidates)

- The news reports mercy killings and plots against white people by Muslims who have been paid for and educated by Britain

- Anti white demonstrations allowed when others are not

- Police have to exercise extreme caution if the person they are arresting for mugging is not 'white' as they are not allowed to exceed a certain proportion of white/ethnic arrests

I have witnessed more extreme racism between blacks and Muslims than from whites and have also personally been the victim of racism by Muslims who think women are second class citizens.

Day to day life is not full of hatred, people live side by side in harmony and I am sure most of us have good friends who are not 'white' (and I use this term loosely as it implies a difference) but the government are handling the whole situation so badly the prejudices are worse than they need to be.
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Postby pantheman » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:43 am

Niki wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can't beat them,mate... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?

I can see how you think that Bir but resentments are not for the people themselves. Most of these people are decent and hardworking but of course there are extremists that colour judgements eg bombers, terrorists and Muslims who preach hatred.

The issue is in the fact that the British government has allowed this to happen are encouraging 'differences' and have therefore engendered so much negativity:-

- Christmas as a name has been banned in many towns and cities to not offend other non christian cultures (most Muslims thought this was ridiculous also)

- Christmas decorations not allowed or carols sung for the above reason

- University places are restricted as they must enrol a percentage of ethnic minority (even if they are not the best candidates)

- The news reports mercy killings and plots against white people by Muslims who have been paid for and educated by Britain

- Anti white demonstrations allowed when others are not

- Police have to exercise extreme caution if the person they are arresting for mugging is not 'white' as they are not allowed to exceed a certain proportion of white/ethnic arrests

I have witnessed more extreme racism between blacks and Muslims than from whites and have also personally been the victim of racism by Muslims who think women are second class citizens.

Day to day life is not full of hatred, people live side by side in harmony and I am sure most of us have good friends who are not 'white' (and I use this term loosely as it implies a difference) but the government are handling the whole situation so badly the prejudices are worse than they need to be.

I second that, i used to work for a well known brand name in consumer electronics, we used to have a cooked dinner in the canteen once a week, pork was duely removed as not to insult the muslim workers.

At xmas time we had an LCD tv in the canteen which would show christmas images, guess what, it was duely removed as to not offend the non christians.

Yet strangely enough when it was dwali day, or 1st of ramadam (forgive me if spelling is incorrect as i am no muslim) we all had to rejoice in it. Even my kids RE lessons was made up of , wait for it, hinduism, buddism, muslimism, anything but christianity. What the F#ck is going on with the UK? Now i know its good for the kids to learn about other faiths, no problem, but for gods, oh i mean allah, oh i mean krishnas sake let them learn their own first.

People become racists, when they are forced to abandon their own in favour of another but the reverse not being sought.

I think everyone else has said whatever else needing saying so i'll just move on.
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Postby The Microphone » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:55 am

The uniformed Thought Police of Labours Big Brother Goverment would want us locked up for thinking and speaking like this. They make Himmler look like an inept schoolboy!

Freedom of speech has finished in the UK unless you are a non white ethnic and then you can do and say what you like.

Blair and his cohorts are the biggest traitors our once great country has ever known. Bigger than Guy Fawkes. And look what happened to him!

Who knows, in years to come perhaps we'll be celebrating Blair Night. :D
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:01 pm

Niki wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can't beat them,mate... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?

I can see how you think that Bir but resentments are not for the people themselves. Most of these people are decent and hardworking but of course there are extremists that colour judgements eg bombers, terrorists and Muslims who preach hatred.

The issue is in the fact that the British government has allowed this to happen are encouraging 'differences' and have therefore engendered so much negativity:-

- Christmas as a name has been banned in many towns and cities to not offend other non christian cultures (most Muslims thought this was ridiculous also)

- Christmas decorations not allowed or carols sung for the above reason

- University places are restricted as they must enrol a percentage of ethnic minority (even if they are not the best candidates)

- The news reports mercy killings and plots against white people by Muslims who have been paid for and educated by Britain

- Anti white demonstrations allowed when others are not

- Police have to exercise extreme caution if the person they are arresting for mugging is not 'white' as they are not allowed to exceed a certain proportion of white/ethnic arrests

I have witnessed more extreme racism between blacks and Muslims than from whites and have also personally been the victim of racism by Muslims who think women are second class citizens.

Day to day life is not full of hatred, people live side by side in harmony and I am sure most of us have good friends who are not 'white' (and I use this term loosely as it implies a difference) but the government are handling the whole situation so badly the prejudices are worse than they need to be.

Wow! This must be your longest post ever Niki! I'll bet you slept two days straight after that... :lol:
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