miltiades, your reference to Dr Ali Sina, raises a interesting point which I am sure you are well aware of, that person is widely known as a hater of Islam, he expresses his dislikes openly and is perfectly entitled to do so.
You invite me to familiarize myself with his opinions, I assure you they are well known to me and I do not agree with them for they are hate-filled.
I do not have the same capacity to hate as he has, nor do I have the capacity to hate as you do, I condemn the foul actions of the West, particularly in the current Middle East conflicts and do believe that retaliation against any aggressor is justifiable.
I am at odds with you in this respect I am sure, I confess to a little bewilderment when you constantly rebuff my every post and do find some humour in your references to 'birds', may I ask where such a fixation (for that is how it appears to me) stems from?.