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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:23 pm

miltiades, if the West values human life to such a degree as you state, how do you justify bombardment from a height of six miles upon innocent civilians using fabricated reasons for so doing?.

If an 'enemy' is not a legitimate target, (according to your last post) then who is?.

I do not understand the "I don't give a monkey's" comment, does it have some significance in an intelligent debate?, kindly explain Sir, you've got me puzzled with that one.

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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:58 pm

miltiades, your reference to Dr Ali Sina, raises a interesting point which I am sure you are well aware of, that person is widely known as a hater of Islam, he expresses his dislikes openly and is perfectly entitled to do so.

You invite me to familiarize myself with his opinions, I assure you they are well known to me and I do not agree with them for they are hate-filled.

I do not have the same capacity to hate as he has, nor do I have the capacity to hate as you do, I condemn the foul actions of the West, particularly in the current Middle East conflicts and do believe that retaliation against any aggressor is justifiable.

I am at odds with you in this respect I am sure, I confess to a little bewilderment when you constantly rebuff my every post and do find some humour in your references to 'birds', may I ask where such a fixation (for that is how it appears to me) stems from?.

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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:39 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, your reference to Dr Ali Sina, raises a interesting point which I am sure you are well aware of, that person is widely known as a hater of Islam, he expresses his dislikes openly and is perfectly entitled to do so.

You invite me to familiarize myself with his opinions, I assure you they are well known to me and I do not agree with them for they are hate-filled.

I do not have the same capacity to hate as he has, nor do I have the capacity to hate as you do, I condemn the foul actions of the West, particularly in the current Middle East conflicts and do believe that retaliation against any aggressor is justifiable.

I am at odds with you in this respect I am sure, I confess to a little bewilderment when you constantly rebuff my every post and do find some humour in your references to 'birds', may I ask where such a fixation (for that is how it appears to me) stems from?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Let us agree to disagree , you are a West hater , you belong to the Al Qaeda brigade and their ideology. I value Dr Ali Sinas opinions and I evaluate his comments based on realities . I question religion , I think it is a disgrace that in the 21st century there are people who still adhere to ideologies of the dark ages . You sucked the West got your degree , your education for free and now you are the big boy , well let me tell you Sir you are backing the wrong horse. The West will survive the onslaught of the primitives .
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:08 pm

miltiades, how dare you make such judgements of me, I am not a West hater, neither do I belong to any such brigade. I did not gain my degree in the West and I have certainly not 'sucked' any establishment.

I would venture to say that I have contributed a great deal more to society than you have and will continue to do so.

You exhibit an extraordinary capacity to avoid issues put to you and portray the symptoms of a 'Vulgarian' almost every time you post.

Your insulting appraisal of my person is an insult beyond endurance, it reveals YOUR inadequacy to make a fair judgement on a level unfamiliar to you, in short Sir, you are a fish out of water.

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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:35 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, how dare you make such judgements of me,...

You should change your alias to “Sidewinder” because you’re like a heat-sensing missile that’s homed in on Miltiades and refuses to move on! :roll:
Post something else for a change!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:01 am

Get Real! wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, how dare you make such judgements of me,...

You should change your alias to “Sidewinder” because you’re like a heat-sensing missile that’s homed in on Miltiades and refuses to move on! :roll:
Post something else for a change!

Here here , I think this individual is obsessed with me , I know that he is a highly eloquent individual who unfortunately carries a very heavy burden on his shoulders , clearly he despises the West , he denies that his education was gained in the West , self denial at its highest level. One can clearly see that this individual WAS educated in the West , learned his English in the West , might even have been born in the West like the other looser VP.
I have never asked if this individual is a T/C a G/C Armenian or what ever , neither do I want to know. His unwavering support for those that all civilized people find abhorrent leaves me wondering whether this individual is perhaps a Palestinian Hamas advocate. He dismisses Dr Ali Sina as merely anti- Islamic , refuses to examine the reasons why an eminent Iranian has such views , and yet he advices me to refrain from criticizing murderous acts since I do not understand the reasoning behind such vile acts. Hamas for instance indoctrinates its followers and justifies the killing of innocent children by suicide bombers by assuring them that these kids will go straight to Paradise and will immediately be transformed into adults in their 20s so as not to miss out on the "goodies " on offer by Allah to the martyrs. This sick and perverted ideology is what Dr. Sina is exposing.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:15 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, how dare you make such judgements of me,...

You should change your alias to “Sidewinder” because you’re like a heat-sensing missile that’s homed in on Miltiades and refuses to move on! :roll:
Post something else for a change!

Here here , I think this individual is obsessed with me , I know that he is a highly eloquent individual who unfortunately carries a very heavy burden on his shoulders , clearly he despises the West , he denies that his education was gained in the West , self denial at its highest level. One can clearly see that this individual WAS educated in the West , learned his English in the West , might even have been born in the West like the other looser VP.
I have never asked if this individual is a T/C a G/C Armenian or what ever , neither do I want to know. His unwavering support for those that all civilized people find abhorrent leaves me wondering whether this individual is perhaps a Palestinian Hamas advocate. He dismisses Dr Ali Sina as merely anti- Islamic , refuses to examine the reasons why an eminent Iranian has such views , and yet he advices me to refrain from criticizing murderous acts since I do not understand the reasoning behind such vile acts. Hamas for instance indoctrinates its followers and justifies the killing of innocent children by suicide bombers by assuring them that these kids will go straight to Paradise and will immediately be transformed into adults in their 20s so as not to miss out on the "goodies " on offer by Allah to the martyrs. This sick and perverted ideology is what Dr. Sina is exposing.

Hmm, you must've said something or two that made this fellow upset so have you been practicing your breathing exercises as Doctor Bir Suggested? :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:53 am

SIDEWINDER, thats a snake isnt it? Crush its head, if you ask me! :twisted: :evil: :evil:
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:48 am

miltiades, your last post has made you laughable, I would never have believed it possible for a person to be so far off in judgement.

You have hardly ever discussed any subject sensibly, your reponses expose the fact that you are UNABLE to debate any subject, you have fixed opinions and are therefore handicapped.

It saddens me to think that you will have some influence on the younger generation since you exhibit all the traits of the decadence you so rigidly support.

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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:30 am

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can't beat them,mate... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously speaking...I am starting to have grave fears for the future of Cyprus....If the opinions of the British expats expressed here are representative of those who are settling in the RoC as we speak,the clash of civilisations is bound to start nowhere else but in Cyprus once the settler domination of the Trnc is complete... I wonder what it is that makes Cyprus so attractive to so many islamophobics????it can't be the political stability that's for sure!!!!!! :( :( :? :?
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