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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby dinos » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:09 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:So let's all relax,take a deep breath,hold it for the count of three,and exhale for the count of six.....then hold your breath for the count of 3 and inhale for another count of six....and keep repeating that cycle(the gift to humanity of Eastern civilisation) till you have all calmed down,

:shock: Wow! :)

Who would've imagined that the cure for racism is the same technique used by pregnant women about to deliver!

Forgot one thing:
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby dinos » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:23 pm

karma wrote:James Blunt is amongst the most horrifically annoying voices to have ever managed a record deal. Honestly - no other voice grates my nerves like his. Play James Blunt songs to imprisoned child molesters - they'll be begging for execution in no time.

he is so romantic and handsome....
dare u say a word again against him....

he is beautiful, he is beautiful, he is beautifulllllll
it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :twisted:

Sorry Karma, I don't care what he looks like - his voice makes my skin crawl. I'm not trying to cast aspersions, but it's really odd to me that anyone could listen to that squealy, nasal voice and think romance.

I realize this is the wrong thread for it, but the US has given us such travesties as Britney Spears and, yes, 50 Cent. Canada is responsible for Celine Dion and Bryan Adams. And the UK is firmly to blame for James *(Bl)unt.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:29 pm

miltiades, looks like you've shot yourself in the foot again!, I am really unaware of anyone who does not share your opinions regarding your list of dismissals, your admission that you do not wish to analyse any of the root causes is precisely why your views are so unacceptable.

If you understand neither the nature nor the reason for an event, you are not qualified to make a criticism of it.

You have no difficulty in upholding the decadence of the society you live in, you can condone acts of cowardly aggression by those you admire, you can offer insult to all and sundry yet portray yourself as a humanitarian.

You should at least be able to realise that there are other people on the earth who feel the same way about the country they live in as you do yours, I really do feel that you are either unable or unwilling to discuss any subject with an open mind.

The points you raise are mostly the product of political and media influence, you have not experienced the pain of those you so readily condemn, again I say you are not qualified to comment on that which you have scant or little knowledge of, again I say you are not entitled to offer insult to a stranger (even a fool will tell you that) Sir.

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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:55 pm

Eliko wrote:

"""If you understand neither the nature nor the reason for an event, you are not qualified to make a criticism of it. """"

Therefore you are implying that because I do not , or rather I do no wish , to delve into what drives a single gunman to enter a university campus and begin shooting at whatever moves , Im therefore not QUALIFIED to criticise !!! Also I must not criticize the lone suicide killer who yesterday blew him self up in Afghanistan and killed more than 35 innocent people. I must also refrain from passing criticism at the Hamas philosophy that all Israelis are a legitimate target since they are the enemy , women , children the elderly the sick and the mentally disturbed. I must remain silent and oblivious to these events because Eliko the bird specialist who considers him self intellectually superior states that unless """you understand neither the nature nor the reason for an event, you are not qualified to make a criticism of it. """". Well SIR LET ME TELL YOU , WHAT A BLOODY WASTE OF A WESTERN WORLD EDUCATION .
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:50 pm

miltiades, is it possible that a man of your age cannot understand the simplest criteria for an intelligent discussion?, if you do not wish to consider the reasons for any event, CERTAINLY you are not qualified to engage in a debate about it, you can readily accept carpet bombings and destruction of innocent children perpetrated by your counterparts in the U.S.A. but cannot understand the retaliatory actions of the victims and opponents of such aggression.

You can object to the presence of a foreign military force in your own country, yet condone the situation in the Palestinian conflict.

You have the audacity to announce that you have insulted the mayor of Limassol, you state that you were able to have the flag of Greece furled as a result of your objection to it's presence, (I seriously doubt the validity of that) yet you expect others to pay homage to your posts.

It would appear that you are unable to respond to any comment without publishing insult to your own, a really sad indictment of your character I am afraid.

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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:31 pm

The UK is already a muslim state amoungest other creeds,its no wonder 280,000 british citizens including me left for pastures new !!!!!Good luck and all the best to the guinepigs and robots who still choose to live in a counrty where democracy has gone and a dictatorship is now in place with the emphasis on all other nationalities but it own !!!!!!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:48 pm

Elkio , you are I'm afraid an intellectual fool , I do not wish to offend you in any way but you do have a serious problem in comprehending events unfolding right in front of your eyes purely as a result of your immense hatred of the West . To criticize an obscene occurrence no one has to be qualified or in possession of the reasons as to why such deplorable action has taken place , let me make it easier for you to understand. If I , suddenly , on coming out of my house came face to face with the shocking act of three young men beating up an elderly lady , as a human being I would intervene and criticize these obnoxious individuals regardless of the reasons why they took such action . I do not wish to understand what motivates a murderer , a thief , a child molester in order to criticize their actions. Get this through your head that to criticize heinous behaviour is a normal human reaction. To understand the cause of such heinous behavior is very much the subject of those suited best for such analysis.

The Palestinian current conflict is the direct result of the actions of the fanatics , Hamas , who will march forward to destruction in the belief that they are martyrs and nothing else matters but killing as many Jews . They are not the least interested in creating a peaceful Palestine but in destroying and wiping Israel of the face of the earth.
The West values the lives of all humans , we do not consider children as martyrs when killed by suicide bombers , we consider them as lost children who were brutally murdered by savages.

As far as your derogatory comments """" You have the audacity to announce that you have insulted the mayor of Limassol " Frankly my dear I dont give a monkeys about your comments , and as for insinuating that I demanded homage for my posts , well what can I say , apart from what a waste of western world money in educating you , I hope at least that the feathered species are benefiting .
With due respect

ps. May I respectfully suggest that you read some of Dr.Alis Sina's views on Hamas .I will pm the link at your request.
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Postby Kendo » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:01 pm

THE HIGHLANDER wrote:The UK is already a muslim state amoungest other creeds,its no wonder 280,000 british citizens including me left for pastures new !!!!!Good luck and all the best to the guinepigs and robots who still choose to live in a counrty where democracy has gone and a dictatorship is now in place with the emphasis on all other nationalities but it own !!!!!!

I echo your sentiments MR Highlander but as i am currently still residing in the UK i must state categorically i am neither a guinea pig nor am i robot....Although i do confess to getting pissed as a newt on occasion and dancing a drunken jig not at all un-robotic like in choreography. :wink: Kendo
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:07 pm

clive of payia wrote:You are quite correct. The UK will come under Muslim law within the next 10 to 15 years. Why do you think so many English, repeat English are moving out to countries like Cyprus to escape it. Good luck.

I read an article in the news where it said that each year around two hundred thousand UK (Indigenous British) citizens are leaving the UK to live abroad (France, Spain and Australia etc).
In the same period 565,000 migrants arrived here.
A high percentage of those leaving will be couples on decent pensions, but, if they were only getting £200 per week as a couple that would be £1,040.000.000 or 1 billion and forty million pounds going out of the country each year. With these numbers increasing year on year after 5 years when another 1,000.000 have left the annual figure for those is £5,200.000.000 (five billion two hundred million pounds).
When sons and daughters of allah take over will they still pay those pensions? will they hell as like.
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Postby The Microphone » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:22 pm

Has something gone awry here? England is a pseudo Muslim state NOW. The Great Traitor 'Blair' has seen to that. 'Islam is a peaceful religion' is one of the greatest 'spins' by The Traitor. Bring in the BNP now! I really dont care what happens as long as my Children and grandchildren don't end up getting prayer mats for Christmas....sorry Ramadan as Christmas is all but finished now thanks to the Guardian reading bleeding heart liberals. I'm sick of being labelled a racist in MY country. Get the mozzies out! And the next time one of these scum blows up a bus or a train, drop a nuke or 3 on their ancestoral country for every non mozzie killed or injured. I think they'll get the message! Then pull our boys out of Iraq/afghanistan and let them destroy each other at their leisure. We are only there because the Traitor lied again! Long live ENGLAND!
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