miltiades, Good morning Sir, thank you once again for your rebuff which was expected due to the fact that you continually refuse to analyse the content of what is written, your assumption that I am in agreement with various acts of barbarism and that I endorse political correctness, are a clear indication that you do not have the ability to read AND digest the opinions of others.
The daily acts of terrorism are abhorrent to all of us, the cultural differences are also vividly apparent and can be a source of concern, the political structure of other nations may be at odds to our own, the religious practices are varied all over the world, we all live among such and other differences.
In my posts, I try to determine the causes for such acts of terrorism, I try to understand the differences in other cultures, I have to accept the politics of other nations, I have to respect the religious practices of others.
In your posts, you dismiss everything that is not acceptable to your own views, you cannot determine the root causes for conflict since you are oblivious to them, you have little understanding of cultural issues, you insult the leaders of other nations, you condemn the religious beliefs of ALL people, since you are a God-less person.
The above comments serve to illustrate certain facts which you may research at your leisure, miltiades is RIGHT, everyone else is WRONG.
miltiades has the right to offer insult to any who do not agree with his views, he has license to use foul language even though he is aware that there are young and impressionable members viewing this forum.
miltiades even has the power to insist that the flag of a nation should be furled due to his presence, what chance have we poor ignoramuses against such a contributor to any discussion ?.