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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:45 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, as a follow-up to the above, are you not aware that my previous comments were intended for the attention of 'mountainman'?.

Do you not consider it impolite to intrude on other peoples discussions?.

I am of the opinion that you are victim of the very 'brainwashing' you so readily condemn others for, my concern for your well-being, prevents me from pointing out several flaws in your contributions to this forum, I am sorely tempted to do so but hope that you may realise just how ridiculous they are without the neccesity of my help.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

My posts have been consistent through out . This forum knows me quite well , I have nothing to prove , I stand by every single post that I have contributed .
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Postby The Enquirer » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:52 am

Racists, racists, racists, racists..... :roll: Mohammed maybe the second most common name in the UK but 'Racist' must be the number one overused word in history. Boy! how most of you are taken in with this pathetic word which normally means a get out clause with regards to any sensible conversation for the liberal minded. Just look how many times the word racist appears in this thread alone.

The topic of the thread is quite valid, I don't like the idea but it don't make me a racist. I don't like the Taleban but does that make me racist? People have been brainwashed with this word and are scared of it, so they tend not to use it in its correct term, which is very dangerous.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:14 pm

miltiades, Good morning Sir, thank you once again for your rebuff which was expected due to the fact that you continually refuse to analyse the content of what is written, your assumption that I am in agreement with various acts of barbarism and that I endorse political correctness, are a clear indication that you do not have the ability to read AND digest the opinions of others.

The daily acts of terrorism are abhorrent to all of us, the cultural differences are also vividly apparent and can be a source of concern, the political structure of other nations may be at odds to our own, the religious practices are varied all over the world, we all live among such and other differences.

In my posts, I try to determine the causes for such acts of terrorism, I try to understand the differences in other cultures, I have to accept the politics of other nations, I have to respect the religious practices of others.

In your posts, you dismiss everything that is not acceptable to your own views, you cannot determine the root causes for conflict since you are oblivious to them, you have little understanding of cultural issues, you insult the leaders of other nations, you condemn the religious beliefs of ALL people, since you are a God-less person.

The above comments serve to illustrate certain facts which you may research at your leisure, miltiades is RIGHT, everyone else is WRONG.

miltiades has the right to offer insult to any who do not agree with his views, he has license to use foul language even though he is aware that there are young and impressionable members viewing this forum.

miltiades even has the power to insist that the flag of a nation should be furled due to his presence, what chance have we poor ignoramuses against such a contributor to any discussion ?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:15 pm

The Enquirer wrote:Racists, racists, racists, racists..... :roll: Mohammed maybe the second most common name in the UK but 'Racist' must be the number one overused word in history. Boy! how most of you are taken in with this pathetic word which normally means a get out clause with regards to any sensible conversation for the liberal minded. Just look how many times the word racist appears in this thread alone.

The topic of the thread is quite valid, I don't like the idea but it don't make me a racist. I don't like the Taleban but does that make me racist? People have been brainwashed with this word and are scared of it, so they tend not to use it in its correct term, which is very dangerous.

As soon as anyone makes a sensible/reasonable comment regarding the migrant influx the libs/lefties/do-gooders/tree huggers always play the BNP/Racist card.
I would like to hear from any person on this forum who was asked if they wanted a multicultural society.
For the record I've looked at the BNP web site; and, unless they have a hidden agenda I find more comfort than fear in what most of it says, it is no more extreme than Norman Tebbits "on your bike" comments.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:19 pm

The Enquirer, welcome to the forum, Good Luck and Best Wishes. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:20 pm

To be racist is probably the most fundamental requirement of being human...I cannot imagine a being so enlightened that he/she will not have a racist bone in them....So let's all relax,take a deep breath,hold it for the count of three,and exhale for the count of six.....then hold your breath for the count of 3 and inhale for another count of six....and keep repeating that cycle(the gift to humanity of Eastern civilisation) till you have all calmed down,and accept my proposition that we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Postby clive of payia » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:26 pm

You are quite correct. The UK will come under Muslim law within the next 10 to 15 years. Why do you think so many English, repeat English are moving out to countries like Cyprus to escape it.

Good luck.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:26 pm

Birkibrisli wrote: we are all brainwashed in one way or another to be xenophobic and racist...And please i want no arguments..for I am right...without a doubt... :wink: :lol: :lol:

"Arrogant Racist".... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:28 pm

Eliko wrote:

""""In your posts, you dismiss everything that is not acceptable to your own views, you cannot determine the root causes for conflict since you are oblivious to them, you have little understanding of cultural issues, you insult the leaders of other nations, you condemn the religious beliefs of ALL people, since you are a God-less person. """"

Here you go again , blinded by your own superfluous belief in your own intelligence. I dismiss tyrants like Mugabe for whom you have tremendous respect , I dismiss theocrats like the Iranian moron who will lead his people to destruction , I dismiss Hamas because they also will lead their people to destruction , I dismiss paedophiles , sex perverts , incestuous acts practiced by most of the nations that I do not have time for, I dismiss gerontophiles , necrophilia , mass murderers , suicide killers and all other garbage that is floating around on our planet. I do not want to examine the pathetic pretexts given as to why young people blow them selves up in the middle of a market place murdering indiscriminently , neither do I want to examine the reasons why paedophiles do what the do , or why murderers commit such heinous crimes. You analyse them , your young , naive and inexperienced , what is your job did you say ??

Now you see all the above do not share my views , perhaps they share yours .
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:40 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:So let's all relax,take a deep breath,hold it for the count of three,and exhale for the count of six.....then hold your breath for the count of 3 and inhale for another count of six....and keep repeating that cycle(the gift to humanity of Eastern civilisation) till you have all calmed down,

:shock: Wow! :)

Who would've imagined that the cure for racism is the same technique used by pregnant women about to deliver!
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