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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby karma » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:06 pm

eternal wrote:Karma wrote

Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...I hope white race disappear totally so the rest people may be able to live in a better world in peace...


I’m not racialist at all, I believe and hope that one day we can all live and work together in harmony and peace! The problem in the UK was made by the government and not by the common people, like in all countries; it’s always the government who think they know best.

The British government have allowed the UK to go down the drain, it now seems that the immrant has more rights then the british tax payer, they know that by coming to the uk they will get an easy ride, can you imagine one of us going to the middle east and expecting the kind of benefits that they can get in England??

If someone is willing to work hard and better themselves I don’t have a problem with that, what I do have a problem is being taken the piss out off and not being allowed the right to voice an opinion just incase I offend someone, when that someone can say anything they like!

It even shows here, people are so viscous, why can’t people communicate, in stead they react like a bull in a china shop.

Karma, you can interpret my one word ‘worrying’ and presume I’m racialist? I though this article was very interesting, and I think you have been that bull in the china shop!

U replied...
yes ''worrying'' was the word that worried me..

there is nothing wrong having more Muhammads than Jacks in the UK like having more Jacks than Giannis or Nikos in Cyprus..
People always in search of a better life, Muhammad may find his better in the UK and U may find it in Cyprus..
If the problem was made by ur own Government than deal it with Blair instead of Muhammads..

I dint react like a bull, I only reactded as a member of an immigrant family..

P.S. I dont believe in any religion..
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:26 pm

Maybe it is time you had a faith. You are a lost soul like a leaf in the blizzard. It is not too late.You appear as if you have a death wish. You have more friends than you are aware.
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Postby Simon » Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:35 pm

[quote]dint react like a bull, I only reactded as a member of an immigrant family.. [/quote]

That stated s/he wanted to see the 'white' race disappear...And you have the front to call others racist..... :roll:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:52 am

miltiades, I have just got back from a most interesting meeting with some intelligent people, how refreshing to note that you are still unable to grasp the significance of the latest developments in Palestine.

I really think you should withdraw from any discussions pertaining to world affairs as it is patently obvious that you are unable to engage in any discussion relevant to the topic.

Perhaps you are lacking in the fundamental requirements of such engagement, the ability to read and digest the content of what you have read.

You really are a most tiresome individual and I do strongly urge you to READ what is written before you make your own comments known.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby humanist » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:15 am

eternal wrote:
Great Britain becomes an Islamic state. According to the United Kingdom Office for National Statistics, the name Muhammad has become the second most popular name among male newborns in the country. The name Jack still tops the list of most popular English names, but it may not last for long. Muhammad will leave Jack behind already in 2008. No wonder: the number of newborn Muslims has increased by 12 percent during the recent seven years in Great Britain. Europeans may disappear because of the ongoing Muslim immigration in European countries in about 120 years


Karma said
Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...

I agree with Karma the posts is fear based, and fear breeds racism, we do dnot need that ..... I think the world is full of it already.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:20 am

miltiades, as a follow-up to the above, are you not aware that my previous comments were intended for the attention of 'mountainman'?.

Do you not consider it impolite to intrude on other peoples discussions?.

I am of the opinion that you are victim of the very 'brainwashing' you so readily condemn others for, my concern for your well-being, prevents me from pointing out several flaws in your contributions to this forum, I am sorely tempted to do so but hope that you may realise just how ridiculous they are without the neccesity of my help.

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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:21 am

miltiades, as a follow-up to the above, are you not aware that my previous comments were intended for the attention of 'mountainman'?.

Do you not consider it impolite to intrude on other peoples discussions?.

I am of the opinion that you are victim of the very 'brainwashing' you so readily condemn others for, my concern for your well-being, prevents me from pointing out several flaws in your contributions to this forum, I am sorely tempted to do so but hope that you may realise just how ridiculous they are without the neccesity of my help.

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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:25 am

miltiades wrote:Last week in the UK , a father , and an uncle were found guilty of killing
the daughter age 20 for the crime of falling in love with someone of different breed. .

I can just see VP doing something that crazy if one of his daughters fell in love with a non Turkish speaking man. He will not be able to handle it, because he lives in the 15th Century Mentality. Can you imagine what would happen, if she actually fell in love with a GC man. I swear, VP would hang himself.
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Postby OB1 » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:32 am

Eliko wrote:mountainman, I don't think Britain will become a 'Muslim State' since such an arrangement would not suit Israel, the fiasco in Palestine bears testimony to the fact that 'Democracy' can only exist if it fits in with the conditions applied by that engineered state.

:( :( :( :( :(

yes but lets not forget that Muslims were invented by Jews to fight off christian-ism but it went out of hand... so Israel is not completely in control....but yes i agree that they can easily turn things around in no time
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:42 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, I have just got back from a most interesting meeting with some intelligent people, how refreshing to note that you are still unable to grasp the significance of the latest developments in Palestine.

I really think you should withdraw from any discussions pertaining to world affairs as it is patently obvious that you are unable to engage in any discussion relevant to the topic.

Perhaps you are lacking in the fundamental requirements of such engagement, the ability to read and digest the content of what you have read.

You really are a most tiresome individual and I do strongly urge you to READ what is written before you make your own comments known.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Eliko , you have reverted back to writing educated nonsense . It is blatantly obvious to all what the problem with the Palestinians is .
Here you have the fanatics of Hamas who will never in a million years achieve peace and stability for their people. They will carry on killing their own people while chanting that God is Great , they will carry on executing barbers , mutilating their off springs , hating the West while they stretch their hand out begging for financial assistance , at the same time rejoicing whenever a terrorist act is perpetrated against innocents be it Israelis , Americans (as we saw with 9/11 ) or any Western targets. Their agenda is to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. They will not succeed .

In a previous post YOU actually justified the mutilation of young children by their parents in public places , by enlightening us all that such barbaric practices were perfectly understandable .

My tolerance with political correctness as well as intellectual fools is extremely low so you will forgive me if I ignore you and your absurd interpretations , I would however be interested to hear your interpretation of the significance of the latest massacres in Palestine.
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