Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:I think it is now time for me to add a few words. Immigrants who came to the UK way back in the 50s and 60s managed to integrate reasonably well with the natives , adopting the British way of life while at the same time retaining their own culture. The new wave of immigrants starting from the late 60s todate , have however steadfastly refused not only to integrate but have also demanded most vociferously the acceptance of their culture and in many cases demanding social changes in order not to find them selves in a situation of feeling offended by social events that have shaped this country for many years. My answer to all this is simple. Dont like it here PISS OFF. No one asked you to come to the UK , Indeed a very large part of you came here as illegal immigrants , bogus asylum seekers eager to risk your lives to enter the UK. Culture doesnt suit you , what a bloody shame , go back to where you came from , precisely the same right that I as an immigrant in the UK ALWAYS HAD.
Just before any one calls me a racist , let me tell you that I will defend such nonsense vigorously. The UK has been good to many many immigrants from the third world . As Tony Blair said some time ago , "you come here you have to abide by our rules and regulations " I did when I came here in 1961 and still do.
miltiades, why is it that you have to present yourself as the epitome of all that is right in any exchange?, you persistently refer to the quotations of discredited politicians, you support the vile actions of the very people who have slaughtered countless innocents and condemn any who are opposed to your opinions.
The only contribution you seem capable of making, lies in your extraordinary habit of insulting people and resorting to foul language.
Look up your past posts, I urge you, you will see the evidence.
Eliko , what the hell do you see as wrong in my post , it is full of common sense that YOU seem to have none. Yes I'm right and Yes you are wrong .
You are in support and always have been of the opinion that the West is anathema and that the barbarians who blow themselves up killing innocents are justified. You are pitiful and once again let me reiterate , what a bloody waste of education , its comparable to gold plating a piece of rusty metal.
Now mate disprove my comments on the UK IMMIGRANTS , dont forget to include the bloody begging thieving Gypsies that are earning their living not only on hand outs but thieving from our shops. I have personally banned them fro my shops and I m not ashamed to admit to despising their thieving ways.
You are correct in stating that I have a habit of insulting people , but you committed to state "deserving " of insults , like paedophiles , thieves , scroungers , morons and guess what f..ng suicide killers.