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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:11 pm

i agree with you but as i said i am not here to support any of those who are killing on the name of Islam but to answermisconceptions about islam, this is also Jihad, Jihad is another term which is misunderstood among non muslims and even among some muslims.

i think USA army willl not allow me to do anyhting there because they wont have any excuze to stay there if the voilence will stop.

if the Coaltion army leave from Iraq and still there will be problem, i will go to advise them

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Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:20 pm

lisa1986 wrote:the opinions made on this site will not change anything , improve or worsen the situation in any country !! so.... y everyone gotta express such strong opinions?? every1 shud b havin a laff i say!!! :D

Brush on your typing skills please this is not a mobile phone texting service

PS. Sorry about my post I've just realised that English is your second language.
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:24 pm

RUDE!!! It's not my fault that u have an inability to read everyday abbreviations. From now on anytime that you are in any post I will bear this in mind!!!
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:27 pm

Lisa ignore

This time next year he'll be sitting in a brit bar in pafos complaining about the price of baked beans and tetley tea bags' complaining about the heat and the standard of local industries whilst noticing an increase in the bloody wogs on the island

Ok Yah
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:30 pm

Well I hope he lets me know when he's going so I can flee the country!!!
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:31 pm

RichardB wrote:Southerner

So far on this thread you have expressed that you

a.Get comfort from the BNP website

b. Get more drawn and smpathetic to the BNP

c. Called GR a lecherer

d. Myself a trouble causer

e. Stated you share Enoch Powells views on large scale immigration into the UK by ALL Nationalities (correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he want them all repatriated )

From your previous posts I gather that you lived in Cyprus for a couple of years in the 60s. Tell me have you lived in Cyprus long term since then or just visited for holidays? Cos I can assure you that all the major towns in Cyprus have immigrants of all nationalities and I would say the numbers are pro rata with immigration in the UK.

What would happen if the Cypriots took your views on immigration and started demanding the repatriation of all immigrants would you support them or would you demand to be allowed to stay

Again from reading your posts It would seem you are nearing retirement and I would say that for a mature person you have a very narrow minded political view and should therefore reconsider moving from one multiculturalsociety to another ... You might explode :lol:

A/B) Have you read the BNP site or just listened to left wing hysterics?

C) I think that if you read the posts you would see that it was in response to GR refering to me as a Bozo.

D) Mxing and matching out of context is mischievous.

E) He said nothing of the sort he was warning about excessive numbers of immigrants entering the country.

Regarding the immigrants in Cyprus being pro rata with the UK is ridiculous, the ones that are in Cyprus have to follow the saying When in Rome No job, No money No stay. No dole.
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:33 pm

Southerner, I know you know the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" ... Is that the only one you know??
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:49 pm

Southerner said

A/B) Have you read the BNP site or just listened to left wing hysterics?

C) I think that if you read the posts you would see that it was in response to GR refering to me as a Bozo.

D) Mxing and matching out of context is mischievous.

E) He said nothing of the sort he was warning about excessive numbers of immigrants entering the country.

Regarding the immigrants in Cyprus being pro rata with the UK is ridiculous, the ones that are in Cyprus have to follow the saying When in Rome No job, No money No stay. No dole

a/b. No I havn't visited the site but have first hand knowledge of the BNP when they held there conference in Blackpool 2 years ago and I am proud of my left wing views

c. If GR called you a bozo then it must be true as he is never wrong :lol:

d. I just quoted what you said

e. In 1981 Powell proclaimed that the Handsworth riots were a vindication of his warnings from 1968 and in 1985 he repeated this call linking it to a RENEWED call for repatriation as the only effective solution to the problem (source Hansard Vol 84 , 1985 cols 375-6.

I rest my case
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Realist nor racist

Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:15 pm

RichardB wrote:Lisa ignore
This time next year he'll be sitting in a brit bar in pafos complaining about the price of baked beans and tetley tea bags' complaining about the heat and the standard of local industries whilst noticing an increase in the bloody wogs on the island Ok Yah

Quite to the contrary I very rarely frequent Brit Bars, I have just as many personal friends amongst the Cypriot people.
Regarding being racist, I take offence at that. As a Bandsman I played at the military funeral of one of our corporals who died after a car crash, his widow at the time that he died (1966) was left with four mixed race children. She stayed with us the night Jim died, Shirley died two years ago, her children still call me Uncle John.
I brought Shirley's ashes to Cyprus to be intered in the military cemetry at Dhekelia with Jim who happened to be Jamaican.
I am a realist not a racist, Jim himself said in the 60s that he was against too many immigrants entering the country.
During a tour with my band in the days of Beatlemania (63-65) I was asked By some West Indian Guys in Newcastle under Lime what my views were on them coming to the UK I said that I had no problem as long as they adopted our ways and integrated, they were quite happy with my reply and agreed with me. those were my views then and they have not changed.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:38 pm

I think it is now time for me to add a few words. Immigrants who came to the UK way back in the 50s and 60s managed to intregrate reasonably well with the natives , adopting the British way of life while at the same time retaining their own culture. The new wave of immigrants starting from the late 60s todate , have however steadfastly refused not only to integrate but have also demanded most vociferously the acceptance of their culture and in many cases demanding social changes in order not to find them selves in a situation of feeling offended by social events that have shaped this country for many years. My answer to all this is simple. Dont like it here PISS OFF. No one asked you to come to the UK , Indeed a very large part of you came here as illegal immigrants , bogus asylum seekers eager to risk your lives to enter the UK. Culture doesnt suit you , what a bloody shame , go back to where you came from , precisely the same right that I as an immigrant in the UK ALWAYS HAD.
Just before any one calls me a racist , let me tell you that I will defend such nonsense vigourously. The UK has been good to many many immigrants from the third world . As Tony Blair said some time ago , "you come here you have to abide by our rules and regulations " I did when I came here in 1961 and still do.
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