So far on this thread you have expressed that you
a.Get comfort from the BNP website
b. Get more drawn and smpathetic to the BNP
c. Called GR a lecherer
d. Myself a trouble causer
e. Stated you share Enoch Powells views on large scale immigration into the UK by ALL Nationalities (correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he want them all repatriated )
From your previous posts I gather that you lived in Cyprus for a couple of years in the 60s. Tell me have you lived in Cyprus long term since then or just visited for holidays? Cos I can assure you that all the major towns in Cyprus have immigrants of all nationalities and I would say the numbers are pro rata with immigration in the UK.
What would happen if the Cypriots took your views on immigration and started demanding the repatriation of all immigrants would you support them or would you demand to be allowed to stay
Again from reading your posts It would seem you are nearing retirement and I would say that for a mature person you have a very narrow minded political view and should therefore reconsider moving from one multiculturalsociety to another ... You might explode