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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:01 pm

haha see thats what i thought , brits dont want people in this country but when they migrate its ok because the brits r the 'best' and everyone will want us in their country lol!!!
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:09 pm

Southerner wrote

We now visit twice a year and intend to retire to Cyprus next year, not one ex pat that we have spoken to regrets moving to Cyprus.

And then

I prefer the British way of life

Glad you got the point Lisa

Just ever so slightly hippocritical eh :lol:
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:28 pm

yes ever so slightly!! x
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:08 pm

RichardB wrote:Southerner wrote
We now visit twice a year and intend to retire to Cyprus next year, not one ex pat that we have spoken to regrets moving to Cyprus.

And then
I prefer the British way of life

Glad you got the point Lisa
Just ever so slightly hippocritical eh :lol:

RichardB you are a typical trouble causer I never said that I want to impose my the British way of life on anyone quite the opposite, the refrence was how I would prefer the UK to stay. If you can't come up with anything other than fabrications I sugest that you keep your comments to yourself.

RichardB To reply to that taken from quote another thread.
Yes but when I bring my pesion and savings to Cyprus and pay my taxes in Cyprus and adopt the Cypriot way of life I will be contributing not sponging, I certainly won't try and make it little England, my motto is When In Rome Do As The Romans Do.
We lived in Cyprus in 1966/7, most of us married personel lived off camp in Limassol, We still visit with the family that we rented off all those years ago so I do know what to expect. I certainly won't start making demands or I will be told to go back where I came from, in other words When In Rome Do As The Romans Do.
If the muslim community adopted the same policy in the UK there would be very little trouble and bad feeling towards them.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:59 pm

if we count only Edolf Hitler who killed 6 million jews, and he was a christian.

it is more than All mulims who killed through history of the world in the war or for any reason will less than 6 millions.

should i blaim christianty? not a tall. same if some muslims are killing for their own reason, we can not blaim on islam.

judge the car not the driver

if you see the biggest killer in the history of world, all big name are non muslims,

i am not here to suport any mulim or non muslim who kill innicent people but to tell you to be realistic and see the picture potray by all kind media from all side.

today i saw the clip on BBC that one of the reporter who was kidnaped more than 100 days before is sending message in clip and written Jashel Islam in the side.

should i believe bilndly that Muslims are involved because BBC says that?

anyone can capture and make this clip to blaim mulims?

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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:12 pm


So far on this thread you have expressed that you

a.Get comfort from the BNP website

b. Get more drawn and smpathetic to the BNP

c. Called GR a lecherer

d. Myself a trouble causer

e. Stated you share Enoch Powells views on large scale immigration into the UK by ALL Nationalities (correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he want them all repatriated )

From your previous posts I gather that you lived in Cyprus for a couple of years in the 60s. Tell me have you lived in Cyprus long term since then or just visited for holidays? Cos I can assure you that all the major towns in Cyprus have immigrants of all nationalities and I would say the numbers are pro rata with immigration in the UK.

What would happen if the Cypriots took your views on immigration and started demanding the repatriation of all immigrants would you support them or would you demand to be allowed to stay

Again from reading your posts It would seem you are nearing retirement and I would say that for a mature person you have a very narrow minded political view and should therefore reconsider moving from one multiculturalsociety to another ... You might explode :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:21 pm

Hi Miltiades, but by your logic Islamists call Bush a terrorist, therefore when I call Bush a terrorist that make me an Islamist. At high school when we studied LOGIC from the ancient Greeks, thats whats left in my mind.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:26 pm

thank you for your advise but you should know and remember that before USA invation in Iraq, there were naver sucide bombing in Iraq as it is now, the shias and sunni were living in peace not as now.

you tell me it was better before or now?

you tell me Sadam and usma killed more or Bush and Blair?

i am not here to support anyone but to look what happend in real. was USA not suporting Sadam and Taliban to break Soviet union?

who gave thousand of weapons to Taliban?

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:47 pm

We all know who started what first. That is not my argument. My argument is you will do more good in Iraq professing your good words there, in Iraq, than here on this forum.
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Postby lisa1986 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:50 pm

the opinions made on this site will not change anything , improve or worsen the situation in any country !! so.... y everyone gotta express such strong opinions?? every1 shud b havin a laff i say!!! :D
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