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England may become a muslim state!

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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby karma » Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:59 pm

Cyprus Vending wrote:
karma wrote:
Cyprus Vending wrote:
karma wrote:
eternal wrote:Great Britain becomes an Islamic state. According to the United Kingdom Office for National Statistics, the name Muhammad has become the second most popular name among male newborns in the country. The name Jack still tops the list of most popular English names, but it may not last for long. Muhammad will leave Jack behind already in 2008. No wonder: the number of newborn Muslims has increased by 12 percent during the recent seven years in Great Britain. Europeans may disappear because of the ongoing Muslim immigration in European countries in about 120 years

Worrying :shock:

Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...I hope white race disappear totally so the rest people may be able to live in a better world in peace...

How can you be a member of the NGO ( )

When YOU come out with Racist remarks (above) ???

If u name me Racist then what should I name u ??? I cant find the word :roll:
I have been fighting against Racism last 20 years...
Just a visit to India or Pakistan will make u realize about the true colours..
Incase U r not blind or deaf..
U had better be brave to accept the truth and worry not about England being muslim but about the Iraqi Children being killed each and every day..ur excellency..


Have a 'nice' life.


GoodBye my friend :( I am a James Blunt fan too :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:18 pm

Eliko wrote:mountainman, I don't think Britain will become a 'Muslim State' since such an arrangement would not suit Israel, the fiasco in Palestine bears testimony to the fact that 'Democracy' can only exist if it fits in with the conditions applied by that engineered state.

A political party, having won an election, was not allowed to govern the people who voted for it, whether or not we of other nations agree or not (with their policies) is an irrelevance.

If the power of the vote is not effective, the power of the gun is the obvious choice, what a pity we ordinary folk have to tolerate 'Dictatorship' in the guise of 'Democracy'

:( :( :( :( :(

Here you go again Eliko , more naive and utterly ridiculous comments. Here we have a bunch of fanatics , the Hamas , knocking the stuffing out of their fellow brothers in arms , and naturally blaming Israel.
As far as Britain or Europe becoming Islamic in a 120 or so years , let us hope that by that time a cure will be found to eradicate from the face of the earth the most potent decease , religion. In the name of their God the righteous have been murdering each other for hundreds of years , instilling in people this highly contagious and deadly decease.
Long may the Western world continues its struggle to discover a cure.
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:20 pm

Cyprus Vending wrote:
karma wrote:
eternal wrote:Great Britain becomes an Islamic state. According to the United Kingdom Office for National Statistics, the name Muhammad has become the second most popular name among male newborns in the country. The name Jack still tops the list of most popular English names, but it may not last for long. Muhammad will leave Jack behind already in 2008. No wonder: the number of newborn Muslims has increased by 12 percent during the recent seven years in Great Britain. Europeans may disappear because of the ongoing Muslim immigration in European countries in about 120 years

Worrying :shock:

Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...I hope white race disappear totally so the rest people may be able to live in a better world in peace...

How can you be a member of the NGO ( )

When YOU come out with Racist remarks (above) ???

Yes Karma , in peace just as they do in Sudan , Somalia , Ethiopia , Siera Leone , the West Bang , Gaza and every where else where the white man has been kicked out. Long may the peacemakers , or is it the piss takers continue murdering each other.
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby marshie » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:21 pm

karma wrote:
Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...I hope white race disappear totally so the rest people may be able to live in a better world in peace...

that is the most racist comment i have ever heard
i think you should be banned from this forum

go put some concrete shoes on, and go for a swim :D
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby karma » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:24 pm

marshie wrote:
karma wrote:
Since half world is still being colonized by European Imperialists (Mostly British and French) , I consider ur comment stupid and racist...I hope white race disappear totally so the rest people may be able to live in a better world in peace...

that is the most racist comment i have ever heard
i think you should be banned from this forum

go put some concrete shoes on, and go for a swim :D

No way :twisted: I am only being it a crime??
Besides I am white too..why do u worry so much for England become muslim instead of worrying Middle East become a hell..
so damn selfishhh
shame on u
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby dinos » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:27 pm

karma wrote:GoodBye my friend :( I am a James Blunt fan too :wink:

James Blunt is amongst the most horrifically annoying voices to have ever managed a record deal. Honestly - no other voice grates my nerves like his. Play James Blunt songs to imprisoned child molesters - they'll be begging for execution in no time.
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Re: England may become a muslim state!

Postby karma » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:30 pm

dinos wrote:
karma wrote:GoodBye my friend :( I am a James Blunt fan too :wink:

James Blunt is amongst the most horrifically annoying voices to have ever managed a record deal. Honestly - no other voice grates my nerves like his. Play James Blunt songs to imprisoned child molesters - they'll be begging for execution in no time.

he is so romantic and handsome....
dare u say a word again against him....

he is beautiful, he is beautiful, he is beautifulllllll
it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :twisted:
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Postby JenLawler » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:45 pm

karma: No way I am only being it a crime??
Besides I am white too..why do u worry so much for England become muslim instead of worrying Middle East become a hell..
so damn selfishhh
shame on u

...HUT HUM...why would anyone give a toss about the middle east....When the middle east, do not give a toss about themselves, or anyone else for that matter..They have made their own hell, and are increasingly turning the rest of the world into hell too..This is not about the colour of skin, it's not about their accent or how they choose to live. It's about how they are trying to enforce their religion and ideas into countries that have their own. And their method of doing that..Is destructive..And guess what...The UK is letting them. And funding them.. And they are racist in the way they don't want to be part of the British society, they want to be secluded they want their children in separate schools. They are building up their own societies. Which are getting larger. So to be honest, it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was to happen in less than 120 years.
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Postby karma » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:49 pm

JenLawler wrote:karma: No way I am only being it a crime??
Besides I am white too..why do u worry so much for England become muslim instead of worrying Middle East become a hell..
so damn selfishhh
shame on u

...HUT HUM...why would anyone give a toss about the middle east....When the middle east, do not give a toss about themselves, or anyone else for that matter..They have made their own hell, and are increasingly turning the rest of the world into hell too..This is not about the colour of skin, it's not about their accent or how they choose to live. It's about how they are trying to enforce their religion and ideas into countries that have their own. And their method of doing that..Is destructive..And guess what...The UK is letting them. And funding them.. And they are racist in the way they don't want to be part of the British society, they want to be secluded they want their children in separate schools. They are building up their own societies. Which are getting larger. So to be honest, it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was to happen in less than 120 years.

I used to believe only Turks and Greeks are brainwashed victims :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:58 pm

JenLawler wrote:karma: No way I am only being it a crime??
Besides I am white too..why do u worry so much for England become muslim instead of worrying Middle East become a hell..
so damn selfishhh
shame on u

...HUT HUM...why would anyone give a toss about the middle east....When the middle east, do not give a toss about themselves, or anyone else for that matter..They have made their own hell, and are increasingly turning the rest of the world into hell too..This is not about the colour of skin, it's not about their accent or how they choose to live. It's about how they are trying to enforce their religion and ideas into countries that have their own. And their method of doing that..Is destructive..And guess what...The UK is letting them. And funding them.. And they are racist in the way they don't want to be part of the British society, they want to be secluded they want their children in separate schools. They are building up their own societies. Which are getting larger. So to be honest, it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was to happen in less than 120 years.

And so right you are , the solution is to cut off their ..........benefits , housing allowance , child allowance , and see how long they will remain in the UK.
They mess their own countries up , their religion is forced down their throats , if it wasnt for the oil they would be still traveling on the back of camels , not in Mercedes Benz and other luxury cars made of course by the West. These medieval people have not yet entered the 21st century but are still struggling to come to terms with the post historic era.
Last week in the UK , a father , and an uncle were found guilty of killing
the daughter age 20 for the crime of falling in love with someone of different breed. These barbarians who did not hesitate to commit such a hideous disgusting crime should put away for ever or better still let the UK taxpayer get rid of them without having to maintain them for the rest of their lives. They belong to the dark ages and there they should sent.
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