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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby Damsi » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:10 pm

Whether it's society that allows the mistreatment of women or whether it's religion is irrelevant. The results are the same, psychologically damaged women and dead women. Yes Islam is a pathetic backward religion, made worse by a patriarchal society, but Christianity supposedly teaches us to know better, which makes those statistics even worse...because as the so-called civilised ones...we are supposed to know better than to beat and kill women, for whatever reason, religious or not.
BTW Just because I criticise some things about the west doesn't mean being a supporter of Islam. That's rather like the Bushism "Either you are with us, or with the terrorists". Baloney.

I'm flattered by your response. Thx but I'm no hero...trying hard for heroine tho ;)
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Postby zan » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:24 pm

Damsi wrote:Whether it's society that allows the mistreatment of women or whether it's religion is irrelevant. The results are the same, psychologically damaged women and dead women. Yes Islam is a pathetic backward religion, made worse by a patriarchal society, but Christianity supposedly teaches us to know better, which makes those statistics even worse...because as the so-called civilised ones...we are supposed to know better than to beat and kill women, for whatever reason, religious or not.
BTW Just because I criticise some things about the west doesn't mean being a supporter of Islam. That's rather like the Bushism "Either you are with us, or with the terrorists". Baloney.

I'm flattered by your response. Thx but I'm no hero...trying hard for heroine tho ;)

In my eyes you can be what ever you want to be with another balanced post.
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Postby QAMERSLAND » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:15 pm

i did not say all mosques in Uk doesnt allow women to go in the mosque,

dont put your wolrd in my mouth, i have heard that there are many mosques in Uk who have facility for women,

if you want to see, come with me and see all the mosques in Cyprus, all has the facility for women to go and pray.

in the Holy Mosque of islam in Makkah also allow women to enter.

Islam allows women to go to mosque but they are alos allowed to say prayer at home because they have the resposbilties to look after the house and kids but if she wants to go to mosque, she can go.

there is equal but seprate facilty for women because if a man women and man will stand shoulder to shoulder as muslims stand shoulder to shoulder say prayer, a man will concentrate on women more than USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Midle East and India, Pakistan.

but still many mosques do not have and inshallah by God's help they will also have in future.

if any of you women wants to go to mosque, you are welcome. go yourself and see if they allow u to enter or not

hope the answer of the question
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:28 pm

Look take your religion and go else where , this is becoming bloody boring .This is the Cyprus forum not the Islamic centre of learning. Not interested boy , get it in your head.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:16 pm

QAMERSLAND wrote:i did not say all mosques in Uk doesnt allow women to go in the mosque,

dont put your wolrd in my mouth, i have heard that there are many mosques in Uk who have facility for women,

if you want to see, come with me and see all the mosques in Cyprus, all has the facility for women to go and pray.

in the Holy Mosque of islam in Makkah also allow women to enter.

Islam allows women to go to mosque but they are alos allowed to say prayer at home because they have the resposbilties to look after the house and kids but if she wants to go to mosque, she can go.

there is equal but seprate facilty for women because if a man women and man will stand shoulder to shoulder as muslims stand shoulder to shoulder say prayer, a man will concentrate on women more than USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Midle East and India, Pakistan.

but still many mosques do not have and inshallah by God's help they will also have in future.

if any of you women wants to go to mosque, you are welcome. go yourself and see if they allow u to enter or not

hope the answer of the question

Yes they have a facility for women but separate from males, so because muslims men can't keep there dirty thoughts to themselves women are penalised, seems a bit arse about face to me, all the filthy minded male muslims should be taken outside and castrated.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:25 pm

The fact that there seems to be a war going on with Christians and Muslims do not tell you that the orders either come from a Christian or a Muslim????? The point is that some of those countries the leaders are in fact Muslim leaders as well :roll:[/quote]

The dispute has nothing to with Christianity, where on earth do you get that from, the last Holy war decrees issued by any Christian church was nearly 800 years ago in the middle during the crusades, exactly the time warp that the muslim church is stuck in.
At least christians no longer burn people at the stake, yet your religion still has stonong to death and executing women for getting an education.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:10 pm

Southerner wrote:Yes they have a facility for women but separate from males, so because muslims men can't keep there dirty thoughts to themselves women are penalised, seems a bit arse about face to me, all the filthy minded male muslims should be taken outside and castrated.

Hey bozo, how do you explain Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?

Are these the pinnacle of the American “civilization” you’re referring to that you're so desperate to teach the Muslim world?
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:42 pm

Get Real! wrote:[Hey bozo, how do you explain Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?Are these the pinnacle of the American “civilization” you’re referring to that you're so desperate to teach the Muslim world?

Listen Get Real the Lecherer from Nicosia, you have linked your comments to my last post, your comments bear no relation to that post, please try and make relevant replies in future; there's a good chappie.

By the way which part of none of this is carried out in the name of Christianity don't you understand?.
England is not a devout Christian country only a minority are practising Christians therfore we don't appreciate when told that we need an evil religion such as islam.
We are free thinking in the UK at the moment, islam would soon put stop to that, we don't riot over a silly drawings or a book that only a tiny minority would have read but for the stupid reaction by the renta-mob, any excuse for a riot crowd, the same plonkers who demanded the death of the British sailors who were kidnapped by ther iranians, who, according to the iranians sea charts were in several different places at the time of the kidnapping.
Last edited by Southerner on Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:43 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:[Hey bozo, how do you explain Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?Are these the pinnacle of the American “civilization” you’re referring to that you're so desperate to teach the Muslim world?

Listen Get Real the Lecherer from Nicosia, which part of none of this is carried out in the name of Christianity don't you understand?.
England is not a devout Christian country only a minority are practising Christians therfore we don't appreciate when told that we need an evil religion such as islam.
We are free thinking in the UK at the moment, islam would soon put stop to that, we don't riot over a silly drawings or a book that only a tiny minority would have read but for the stupid reaction by the renta-mob, any excuse for a riot crowd, the same plonkers who demanded the death of the British sailors who were kidnapped by the iranians, who, according to the iranian's sea charts were in several different places at the time of the kidnapping.
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Postby zan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:08 am

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:[Hey bozo, how do you explain Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?Are these the pinnacle of the American “civilization” you’re referring to that you're so desperate to teach the Muslim world?

Listen Get Real the Lecherer from Nicosia, you have linked your comments to my last post, your comments bear no relation to that post, please try and make relevant replies in future; there's a good chappie.

By the way which part of none of this is carried out in the name of Christianity don't you understand?.
England is not a devout Christian country only a minority are practising Christians therfore we don't appreciate when told that we need an evil religion such as islam.
We are free thinking in the UK at the moment, islam would soon put stop to that, we don't riot over a silly drawings or a book that only a tiny minority would have read but for the stupid reaction by the renta-mob, any excuse for a riot crowd, the same plonkers who demanded the death of the British sailors who were kidnapped by ther iranians, who, according to the iranians sea charts were in several different places at the time of the kidnapping.

So through whose eyes are you looking at this problem. If you were a Muslim then you would say " Silly uncivilised person" to the person that is beating his wife or flying planes into the twin towers. You would not call him a "Silly Muslim bastard" as you are now. I have met many like you in my line of work. People that live next to muslims and have no problem with them but see the rest as terrorists. Its a good thing that when I go next door to the Muslims house they do not behave in the same way. there are any that are fed up with being treated like leapers by people like you and are being driven into cults that they would otherwise not join. The Sun readers of the UK that is what you lot are and thank god that not all are like you. :roll:
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