Get Real! wrote:[Hey bozo, how do you explain Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?Are these the pinnacle of the American “civilization” you’re referring to that you're so desperate to teach the Muslim world?
Listen Get Real the Lecherer from Nicosia, you have linked your comments to my last post, your comments bear no relation to that post, please try and make relevant replies in future; there's a good chappie.
By the way which part of
none of this is carried out in the name of Christianity don't you understand?.
England is not a devout Christian country only a minority are practising Christians therfore we don't appreciate when told that we need an evil religion such as islam.
We are free thinking in the UK at the moment, islam would soon put stop to that, we don't riot over a silly drawings or a book that only a tiny minority would have read but for the stupid reaction by the renta-mob, any excuse for a riot crowd, the same plonkers who demanded the death of the British sailors who were kidnapped by ther iranians, who, according to the iranians sea charts were in several different places at the time of the kidnapping.