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England may become a muslim state!

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Postby Southerner » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:05 pm

Smiler Brian wrote:

Just a shame the politicians (of all major parties) did not think to ask the indigenous population if THEY wanted to be part of this same experiment in multiculturalism. White flight is not just imagined, as the Cypriot people can testify.[/quote]
That is what I said in this or another thread, I don't know of anyone who was asked if they wanted a multicultural state.
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:17 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:What most of you are failing to see is this: Those people who kill in the name of religion are misguided souls who are brainwashed by others to carry out their evil intends....These people are terrorists first and foremost...Their number totals in thousands ONLY in the world,yet people are talking as if the whole world is about to be sunk into the middle ages...:( :( :(

You are probably correct, it is not fair to say all muslims are terrorists, but, it is fair to say that these days just about all terrorsts are muslims.
You never saw any muslim clerics on UK tv condeming 911, what we got was a lump of female muslim scum on BBC Question Time justyfying the twin towers attrocity ( the BBC were severly reprimanded by the outcry and upset that this piece of scums' remarks caused).
In the Firvale area of Sheffield Asians were out in the streets chanting and dancing with glee at the exact time of the 911 attrocity, can you tell me what muslim religious or cultural festivities were taking place at the time?. In a recent survey 40% of UK muslims agreed in general with terrorists continuing actions.
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Postby Simon » Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:22 pm

Only thousands around the world Bir? Are you sure you know what you are talking about? The fact of the matter is the MAJORITY of Muslims are far, far too sensitive with regards to their religion; to the extent that they try to impose on others their beliefs by attempting to restrict the very freedoms our ancestors have died for, i.e. freedom of expression. In Pakistan, apostacy carries the death penalty. This follows Islamic teachings, it is not the views of individuals, but in Islamic texts. There was almost WW111 in Islamic dominated countries because of a cartoon for heavens sake. I do not know another religion who behaves in the same way. Thirty-six percent of young Muslims in Britain recently voted that they wished to see Sharia Law in Britain. That is more than thousands in Britain alone! Britain is constantly treading on egg-shells with the Muslims, and it is inevitable that the situation will eventually implode.

If you consider the foundation of Islam itself: Muhammad killed, raped, owned slaves, condoned husbands beating wives, said there are more women in hell than men, took a wife of six years old, breaking his own instructions by having too many wives etc. The list goes on.
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:45 am

Religious Leaders (Muslims) have organised a day of riots/demonstrations across Pakistan regarding the birthday honour to Salman Rushdie, osama bin laden (may his pox increase) has been given an award by muslim leaders in retaliation.
They are also considering a law to make it punishable by death for anyone who leaves the muslim faith.
God help us if these moronic fantics ever gain power in the UK.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:43 pm

The fact of the matter is that Turkey would not tolerate the brand of Islam as practised in Pakistan , Bangladesh , Afghanistan and many other Islamic countries , this is a result of K.A modernisation of Turkey .

When you look at the T/C Muslims and even the Turkish mainland Muslims you can see the vast difference from those in the above mentioned nations. The literacy rate of Turkey is much much higher than that of the above countries, could this have any effect on tthe ability to interpret a religion ?
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Postby steverundle » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:40 pm

Adding to the comment about condoning the beating of wifes, the question of if and how hard should a man beat his wife was asked of a Saudi NATIONAL paper as part of the Questions on Islam weekly article. The reply came back

"it is permissible to beat your wife if you feel it necessary, as to how hard - it should be harder than you would beat a goat, but not as hard as you would beat a dog"

Now I'd understand it if this article was published 30-40 or 50 years ago, but it was within the last five years, and as I said this was published in the National English speaking daily newspaper
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:06 pm

steverundle wrote:Adding to the comment about condoning the beating of wifes, the question of if and how hard should a man beat his wife was asked of a Saudi NATIONAL paper as part of the Questions on Islam weekly article. The reply came back
"it is permissible to beat your wife if you feel it necessary, as to how hard - it should be harder than you would beat a goat, but not as hard as you would beat a dog"
Now I'd understand it if this article was published 30-40 or 50 years ago, but it was within the last five years, and as I said this was published in the National English speaking daily newspaper

And yet they claim that most of the converts to islam are women.
It would then seem that the muslim religion is full of women into sadomasochism if they accept being beaten.
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Postby steverundle » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:24 pm

I've known a few people that have converted, or as they'd like you to believe "reverted" and they have struck me as pretty much lost soles who are looking for guidance, direction or a structured way of life.

Please know that I have a lot of very good muslim friends who are the nicest calmest people you could want to meet, but there is a very small element who "interpret" the word of the Koran to suit their own needs - these are the people we need to worry about
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:54 pm

With all this talk of women; is it true that the first prayer said by an orthodox Jew when he rises in the morning is "I thank God that I was not born a woman". Can anybody shed any light on this?
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:58 pm

Steve Rundle; In deference to your very good friends you ought not propagate statements like that. You might be offending them. I hope they do not trip over the CypForum! (for your sake)
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