All religions carry the seeds of their own destruction. The demise of Islam as a world religion will not come from the West but from within. Islam is roughly at the stage that Christianity was during the medieval Crusades and before the Reformation.
100 years from now, the internal contradictions of a prophet born into a 7th century pre-technological society will fail as 22nd century life, with unimaginable cyberspace reality, global climate distortion, the implosion of middle East countries and regimes after the oil reserves run out or no longer needed. The rise in the power and influence of China as a world power and the establishment Buddist/Confucian world view and proof of life outside our small insignificant solar system.
Islam is not just a religion but a way of life, unfortunately it excludes all others by its ethos of exclusiveness, a non believer is a kaffir etc.
Thats not going to work. Its as simply as that. Humanity is diverse and has never fallen for a total world domination.
There will be no world wide caphilate of muslims. The more that Islam is proclaimed as spreading the more exposed and fragmented it will become. Islam was supposedly given from God, but now evangelical zeal has given it over to men. Mankind is weak and not to good with Devine prophesies
And all men and women will give their own interpretation to this Islamic message as the years roll by. If the Devil exists, its always in the detail. The hearts of men are not ruled by their faith but by their emotions.
Its a shame, really. It could have been so much better, as religions go.
Why do those who profess their Faith want to believe there was guiding hand behind the creation of the human race when everyday and everywhere they see that there is obviously a singularly lack of Devine intervention in their daily life?
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