lalababy wrote:I totally agree,
because our community spirit has been eroded by the policymakers, we do not know who our neighbours are or even who our police officers are now.
Britains Community support officers are expensive faces with little to no powers to deal with community problems. if we had the sense of community that cypriots and greeks have, we would be in a much better position in general to reduce crime and identify criminals like paedos without removing our childrens freedom to be involved in society.
Lalababy , the name Community support officers in the UK is a camouflage name for Traffic bastards . The community officers do sweet fa for the community apart from issuing parking tickets .In case you are wondering I hate traffic wardens I consider them as vermin and would applaud the permanent removal of them from our streets.
As one who runs a tiny fleet of vans , 3 to be precise , and receives on average 3 tickets a week , that's £150 per week , I have every right to detest these mafia extortionists.