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All Paedophiles should be given a lethal injection......

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Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:07 pm

lalababy wrote:I totally agree,
because our community spirit has been eroded by the policymakers, we do not know who our neighbours are or even who our police officers are now.
Britains Community support officers are expensive faces with little to no powers to deal with community problems. if we had the sense of community that cypriots and greeks have, we would be in a much better position in general to reduce crime and identify criminals like paedos without removing our childrens freedom to be involved in society.

Lalababy , the name Community support officers in the UK is a camouflage name for Traffic bastards . The community officers do sweet fa for the community apart from issuing parking tickets .In case you are wondering I hate traffic wardens I consider them as vermin and would applaud the permanent removal of them from our streets.
As one who runs a tiny fleet of vans , 3 to be precise , and receives on average 3 tickets a week , that's £150 per week , I have every right to detest these mafia extortionists.
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Postby lalababy » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:02 pm

C.S.Os are not traffic related, my first point!
Secondly, traffic wardens who do their job correctly (and are not private funded) are needed for the wallies that can not adhere to the law much the same as police officers deal with the scum who do not get the law either.
Thirdly, C.S.Os were requested by the public in the late nineties because the public requested police presence and visiabilty on the streets, not really for anything else but to reassure the public that they were around.
If the researchers who interviewed all those people got the wrong end of the stick from all those people interviewed then you need to make a formal complaint to the home office and perhaps include a copy of your C.V as they obviously need you to put them straight.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:20 pm

To all the little ladies who like to strutt their stuff, watch out for those perverts/craddle snatchers who dont know how to tie a knot in it!!
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Postby devil » Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:21 am

lalababy wrote:I totally agree,
because our community spirit has been eroded by the policymakers, we do not know who our neighbours are or even who our police officers are now.
Britains Community support officers are expensive faces with little to no powers to deal with community problems. if we had the sense of community that cypriots and greeks have, we would be in a much better position in general to reduce crime and identify criminals like paedos without removing our childrens freedom to be involved in society.

If what you say is true, whose fault is it? It cannot be the policymakers, because, by definition, a community is a self-contained group of people. It must be the community itself that has loosened its own bonds.

And please tell me how a community can identify a sexual offender in its midst before he commits an act that becomes public? Are they branded on the forehead with the words, "I shall become a sexual offender at the age of 50"? Paedophilia is not a new problem: when I was a young teenager, over 60 years ago, I had brushes with three such gentlemen (not serious consequences) but these things were simply not talked about. They have always existed and always will. Why? I don't know, nor does anyone. If a newspaper reported such a case, an adult rape or plain homosexuality, it was simply cited as an "indecent act" without going into details or the identity/ages of the victims. One's next door neighbour could be an offender and no one would ever know unless he ended up in prison and, even then, one never knew the nature of his "indecent act".
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